All this talk of slutty rin

>all this talk of slutty rin
Let's have a thread dedicated to the real star of type moon and GO.

Yeah no, you're not making a thread about my wife.

But she can't be your wife, she's my wife.

your wife is shit

>Star of Type Moon and GO

That will be ARC once she shows up in GO season 2. The only reason she hasn't showed up yet is because she can solve any conflict by herself, hence making any conflict meaningless and superflous. She is just that awesome after all.

This is one fine woman. I'd marry her daughter.

>Posting used goods and washed up vampire

This perfection doesn't deserve to be exploited in that shitty cash grab.

She's best TM but I don't want her to be GO shit

I'm not going to let you marry my wife's daughter.

I want to be dominated by an Archetype.

She needs to show up, if for nothing else than the fact kids are playing on her backyard.

nice tits

>All these washed up waifus in this thread
Oh im laffin

>real star
>when there's these two

Recently watched carnival phantasm. How do I get more kung fu panda loli?

>I don't want her to be GO shit

No one is safe.

By playing Melty Blood.

>Melty is kill

MB HD after Tsukihime remake is out.

Any day now.

>Ruler Arc

Oh Shit

>Archetype Earth

Nobody gives a shit about Tsukihime anymore. When you have no less than 5 fucking Type/Moon projects being flung at the public in a single calendar year in 2017 and all of them are Fate related the writing is kind of on the fucking wall. Anime is super corporatized and in a full on play it safe and milk only what it's production committees think is most popular mode. Anything that happened before around 2014 in the anime scene is kind of just completely irrelevant now. New industry, new approach, all decided by production committees mostly headed by music and mobage conglomerates.

But it's on steam now.

You're not getting much of the story if you're only playing Actress Again. Same with Act Cadenza. You need the original /Re-Act if you want the meat of the MB story, which aren't difficult to find torrents for anyways.