>If the government is involved in the economy in any way, we don't have capitalism.
This is what libertarians and anarcho-capitalists actually believe.
If the government is involved in the economy in any way, we don't have capitalism
Serious question, what is the real reason behind the literally constant dirge of anti-libertarian posts? Curious
Fluoride in the water
That's because it's the polar opposite of socialism and a weird cousin of communism.
The constant display libertarian retardation in every discussion they enter.
No, you just dont have pure capitalism.
You have either Keynsianism, Corporatism, or Merchantilism when the government is involved.
Because if you are white and get to learn actual real history and news and not the jewish lies we are spoon fed from birth you become a nat soc.
as an argument. This should be a fallacy in its own right.
Ok israel
kek, I am taking away your e-economist accreditation for this
again, wrong
Huh, a conversation about economics between a meme flag and a farmer.
A conversation between a 1 year buisness student and a commie farmer.
Capitalism ≠ Free Markets
Capitalism strictly refers to any economic system wherein market actors accumulate and exchange wealth. If the accumulations/exchanges are coerced or somehow micro-managed by the government, then you have a more fascistic, Keynesian type of capitalism, sometimes called "crony capitalism", but it is nonetheless still technically capitalism.
The problem is that "capitalist" rolls off the tongue better than "free-market advocate", so most burgers, especially libertarians, are prone to erroneously equating the two.
You make it sound like government is barely involved while it is very much the opposite.
Whats wrong with Mercantilism?
It gives me trade bonuses and blockade efficiency, How is that a bad thing?
Its protectionism. It produces a trade inefficiency and a missallocation of resources.
Tariffs are plunder
Rofl, i guess i became a farmer while on vacation?
Double rofl "1 year economy student" are you even trying?
Your make believe ideology doesnt even make sense in theory, something even communism manages to do.
I bet you haven't even looked around at what ancaps even view.
>everything bad that happens as a result of government intervention in the economy isn't the fault of leftism or socialism because there are still traces of capitalism left in the system
>Not the full system
Kys retard. Government subsides and regulations have always existed.
Most libertarians would prefer pre ww1 us policies, only few anarcho retards actually
The libertarian party wants to audit the fed and for years now has called for ending foreign aid to israel.
The shilling is nothing new to the sub 10% of the voting population that actually supported the party in the last election
Perception Management google that
the libertarian convention last election was a shitshow. the candidate was a closet liberal. libertarians were tired of the bullshit when Ron Paul got fucked over by the establishment in 2012. When Trump came along and destroyed the GOP primaries, most of us knew he was the one.
The libertarian party isn't even redpilled. Look into the Constitution Party. They're the only party to name UN Agenda 21 and globalism as a threat to America.
No rebuttal?
Hey, this post is actually good. Congratulations.
Natsocs are commies, this board is full of nazi larpers