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Bluepilled political cartoons thread:(((the nib))) edition
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Fuck your bluepilled shit, normie.
Thanks. I love not being able to read comics.
I wish that just once Sup Forums could be wrong
Little generous on the size of those breasts if you ask me.
>cutting off your dick and getting fake tits is the equivalent of natural, biological metamorphosis
Trannies need to be gassed
Fug off fagget take that shit sumwhere else
The redpill is that every woman that gets power in that show is utterly incompetent and has to be puppet-showed into success by males.
Fucking lost
That's because Game of Thrones is based on a book series which is based on actual British historical events (War of the Roses) with dragons and shit added for flavour. The history is that women in power fucked things up, a lot.
>even fucking magic is more realistic than women in power
what are the names of these comics
i remember reading them all but i forgot the name
cyanide and happiness
GOT was good when it had all those things in very small quantities. This cartoon is peak showfag.
>woman thinking more about her own selfish endeavors than the life in her hands that she made the choice to conceive
Yep its a feminist
I have known old women who have not given birth. They have all regretted it. Even I felt bad for them.
>why not apprehend entire cities?
now THAT is an excellent idea.
>meanwhile marvel comic book sales are in a freefall
You sure this isn’t an edit
it's a BLUEpilled cartoons thread, genius
Weak bitch. My niece is having her 2nd child, got a great marriage & a successful law career.
that's not a kike name
Mite B.
>one child is already too much
kek, the weak should sterilise themselves anyway
>Hi, nice to meet you. I'm a snail too. I should be allowed to use the public bathrooms designated for snails, and for someone whose persona is entirely defined by his fetishes being in them shouldn't frighten you or those who care for you
Ummm it kind of is the same. They are both things that happened within the realm of possibility governed by thermodynamics so they are "natural"
That's actually funny though
>it's better to have something that doesn't work well than something that works better as long as the intention of those who run it is to help and not make money
sounds about right
Who the fuck are they quoting? Literally who bitches about women in positions of power in fantasy?
You do know the antonym of "natural" is "artificial", right?
wait? Buzzfeed made this? is this from 2001?
That would imply that their dick falls off and a pussy just pops out of where it used to be. This shit isn't natural at all, it's the opposite. It's a crime against nature.
>everything that is possible in the universe is inherently natural
English teachers should be better at knowing the meaning of English words
> eyes are 2 hard 2 draw after I already traced all these photographs
Fucking tumblr artists
They say that like liberals don’t do the exact same shit all the time
The ones who hate police always come up with the worst fucking strawmen
He's got a point you know.
How cucked is the simpsons?
Isn't obesity and obesity-related diseases one of the largest causes of death in the USA?
They're right though, I don't care about the health of fatasses, I just care that they disgust me. We're all disgusted by them. It's like thinking that shit stinks.
>Play any tabletop game
>Play most RPGs
>Most video games
>Women are powerful and competent
>No one complains
>Someone ignorant of the whole spectrum decides to make a broad sweeping statement that fits their agenda
How do they explain the butterfly-to-caterpillar trans?
>Not rounding up the whole city and sending them to work camps
Someone needs to Photoshop a body falling from that helicopter
Anybody who watches the Kikesons in a non-memey way is retarded.
> M E N T A L G Y M N A S T I C S
These people, jesus christ
>activism work that actually matters
kek, good one
They call it black Friday because the customers make out like thieves
Seems realistic to me
In the black history month episode marge of the past leaves homer and their family for a nigger
Because its actually less believable than dragons and magic.
agreed memeflag but they already have net regulated under t2. We're being offered a false choice, by accepting NN™ meaning staying under t2 vs switching to t1. Which is just as bad.
This false choice is to push us towards Utility status which solves the problem but entrenches big bandwidth
Can you get more blue pilled than this. Lets see in this one comic you have.
>Trump is racist
>Trump is for white people
>Capitalism = Bad
Jeesus Christ Man
The hypocritical part is that conservatives have to just bare with the fact most music and brands push neoliberal globalist bullshit day in and out, but if they boycotted everything they'd be left with antiques, yet, they don't because they understand you don't have to oppose every little thing someone does if they're not perfectly aligned with your politics.
Remember when liberals lost their shit and were burning their shoes? Or when they ran a gigantic hit piece against video games as a whole? Or when NeoGAF collectively called for an outright ban of discussion on A Hat In Time because JonTron had a 3 second speaking role?
>A fan of a right wing speaker shoots a left wing protester
Holy shit! That one is deceptive, it was an Asian woman who’s Asian husband was being mobbed by a crowd of Antifa that shot that guy
It is natural though. Mental illnesses occur naturally. People really are fucked up in their heads. They really do have shit genetics because nature messes up.
It's nature's way of weeding out the weak, when people like this don't have kids. Same thing with gays, trannies and such.
>Not torrenting everything and the kitchen sink now when it's still possible
>Not having backup copies of the most valuable files on both hard drives and optical media
>Not embracing the new age of physical distribution of shady files
It's like the cartoonist doesn't understand how to survive in imminent cyberpunk dystopia.
I actually miss late 2000s early 2010s Marvel, before it was hit by the sjw plague.
>can drink a full glass of milk
what kind of weakling cant drink a fucking glass of milk
But I don't "just bash on obesity"; all degeneracy is bad
So Public Services are supposed to be bad, because if they where to run on a for profit basis, then they would be evil?
Comrad Logic.
When a country has universal healthcare, your paying for all of those things. So it is actually your problem. Now thankfully it is not due to the removal of obama care in the united states.
>Best female armor barely covers body
Breddy accurate.
Kek, i know user. same with gay marriage they hamfisted for so long in the 90s. But trying saying that today. See you can still have hate, it's just that it's on the other foot is all.
didn't know it could be Jewish, but I'm pretty much most people named that are nordic goyim.
And with the exception of obsessive coffee drinkers, I don't see any of the other groups flaunting their flaws and demanding we accommodate them(and that group doesn't do the latter).
It is called 'projecting'
>Smoking in public is discouraged and banned from businesses and within 20 feet of entrances in California, also can't smoke with a minor present
>Public drinking is illegal, public intoxication is illegal, underage drinking is illegal
>Drugs are illegal unless utilized by a doctor that has to jump through plenty of hoops to administer it
>Coffee and bad posture aren't illegal but are degenerate
>Being fat is legal and endorsed as if it's the second coming of fat Christ, some people are disgusted by people who are so willing to let their own body degrade like that
>It's not a crime to make your children fat even though it'll probably fuck them up the rest of their life
Sounds like we gotta criminalize fatties.