Poland and ukraine are 90% white but still are poorer than brazil,explain this Sup Forums

Poland and ukraine are 90% white but still are poorer than brazil,explain this Sup Forums

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communism + slavs arent white

(((you know)))

>what are natural ressources
>what is US support
>what are climate zones
>what are world wars

As someone who's been to both poland and brazil (sao paulo) brazil is objectively in much worse shape.

Only thing brazil has going for it is massive natural resources.

Tfw no polish or Ukrainian girlfriend

> poorer
Poland: GDP PPP - 12,372.42 USD
Brazil: GDP PPP - 8,649.95 USD

The real question is: why Brazil that never endured real communism is poorer?


>real communism
But it wasn't real gommunism, user :^)

Brazil is not an EU-member.

no drugs to export

If we were poorer than the two who would suffer from years of communism I would pick up a gun and kill everyone I saw

Both those countries aren't 90% truly European white

Sissy porn dump or Resident Evil thread hijack!!?

Poland is not poorer than Brazil, you monkey.
And Ukraine just got uberkiked and went full retard.

You are poorer than Poland what are you talking about

Oh sorry, please understand we don't have the biggest fucking rainforest in the world in our borders and we can't profit from selling wood supllies endlessly.

I would rather live in Poland than Brazil. It's not even close.

>poland is receiving tribute from germany
>ha-ha they're taking money not give it away
>pooland is such a buch of pooheads
swede-tier logic

>why is a country with perfect weather conditions, no real military threats and ocean access as poor as countries where half of the year is winter, whose neighbors want to annex them or start a coup and whose access to ocean is controlled by other countries
That's a good question

they draw more debt without able to back it if there economie crashes will hit hard

Slavs aren’t white white

I'll get the gun Ivan, tomorrow you'll know my name

Brazil sucks and Poland to.

Now I'm going to take a shit, bye.


recovering from communism

Brazil has killed millions of blacks.

Brazil is a crime infested country


Implying Poland is poorer than your nigger shithole.You should visit my ancestral city which is called Danzig/Gdansk but you couldnt propably afford it.

What are you doing in Czechia? You're obviously not Czech.


bc they got cucked by communism

We are not white.


Hey Ukraine, explain your whole situation from Sup Forums perspective. I'm not too familiar with it.

>explain this Sup Forums
Slavs are not white and I mean it. The majority of Slavs have a light yellowish to light brown hue, while we are pink to white.


>The majority of Slavs have a light yellowish to light brown hue
Are you legitimately retarded?
That's especially rich coming from Anglo, when you are known for not being white white, the best example being pic rel, your typical countryman.

Shut up, yellowtooth is right.

Honestly, I didn't bait. Sure, a lot of Slavs have light eyes and hair, maybe even more than some parts of this country, but your skin tone is on average darker than that of Northwestern Euros.

Want me to cap this? Any last words? How we know you deliver'd?

Your logic is non-existent, are you actually retarded?
This is actually the true reason but let's let these racists try and keep their "muhhhh white people are better" charade

>but your skin tone is on average darker than that of Northwestern Euros.
This. We are half brown half yellow.

Hey, why the fuck is Luxembourg a net recipient? Don't they have the highest per capita income in Europe (or at least top 5)?

That's just nonsense. Slavs are whiter on average than Anglos, because you have more Celtic admixture and Celts were more swarthy. The best example of a Celt I've seen is the guy I've linked. There are many people like that in Britain, whereas no one would take this guy for a native Pole. People here would think he's some Greek or Italian, I was genuinely surprised when I found out the guy is British.

We can still take natural resources out of Brazil and pay them pennies per tonne while Poland is pretty dry for things the worlds looking for now.

You're not richer, you're a bigger bitch.


>t. 56%

80% of their palament ruled by jews. Do you need more explanations bro?

Poland is not poorer than Brazil and Ukraine i
s in war.
Fuck off.
That's because you haven't visited the other states... They are worse.

I'm sure the standard of living is far better for the average person in Poland than in Brazil. It's also far cleaner and safer for the average person walking down the street.

Mongol genes and Communism being the final nail in the coffin

t. shitskin

Money won't make you happy.

starting with 2016, poland is a net giver to the eu you fucking niggers

the rich protect their own


Brazil population 207 M
Poland population 38 M
Ukraine population 45 M

Brazil has a population more than double those two nations combined. YA THINK that might be important?

Do YA THINK having 4, 5 times the population as a income producing resource might have something to do with it?

What about the ravages of Communism most of the last 100 years?

What about being treated as a political football by EU and Russia?

What about Communism unravelling too fast, leading to Oligarchs and gangsters swooping in to take over former state industries and national resources?

What about Brazil having 2nd largest oil reserves in S America, rainforest for paper / wood, massive natural resources for metals, minerals etc might help?

Where would you rather live?

Nothing against Brazil - but its 7th in the world crime index. Ukraine is 33rd and its virtually in civil war (started by the West), Poland is 83rd (lower than the USA at 44th).

Lack of economic freedom.

Communism destroyed their countries.



>It's because of all those japs keeping you niggers afloat
This is to all the japas keeping the darkness at bay in brazil

Probably you aren't even Brazilian and if you are I'm sure that you are a ignorant brown Brazilian from the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil has more whites then Poland and Ukraine

Alot of 150 iq nazi and ss men fled to south america when the juden started hunting them. So certain countries like brazil argentina and chile have alot of high iq german blood in them which has built their economy and industry.



So I can retire early there and chill with the hottest women on the planet? Sweet.

Slavic subhumans aren't white.


Pokaż swoją flagę pedale.

we aren't white
we are sarmatians


Well that is an interesting thought..


read on R1b (western europe) vs R1a (slavs, iranians and shitting streets inventors)