Being gay is not a disea...
Being gay is not a disea
Nature is self-correcting.
This is why AIDS used to be called as GRID.
isn't it? HIV is pretty based, hopefully the cure is only found after homosexuality is gone.
Shut up chutiye
>AIDS is not a gay disease
duplicate thread? didn't get enough replies the first time?
Aids isn't that lethal anymore
i get +poz'd in commiefornia
Story or greentext
don't tempt murphy, man, if that shit becomes airborne we're practically doomed as a species
So someone was like "hey lets get about 100 gay guys infected with aids and put them in a church choir"? Why?
Nah, they only asked for 100 gay guys. Turns out 93 of them had aids. It's almost as if there's a moral to this somehow, but I can't seem to grasp it.
do the ones in white probably have aids too??
>Being gay is healthy and normal
>95% die of AIDS
why do fags blame everyone else that they can't stop sodomizing each other???
Howard Ashman was the man behind the Disney Renaissance. He was responsible for Mermaid, Beast and Aladdin. He died of AIDS before Aladdin -- the one he really dreamed of doing -- was finished. So you watch your shit mouth.
his perversion literally killed him before getting to experience the fruits of his life's work, based self-correcting GRIDS
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?
discord gg/AHyweF
It killed him long before his life's work was done. He was brilliant. His loss was not a correction.
And now it isn't illegal in California for these faggots to infect each other. So fucking excited for rates of HIV death to fucking skyrocket.
You're right, it is also a black and coal burner disease as well.
It's worse actually. They won't die. Instead they will just bankrupt our healthcare system via Obama care. Hiv drugs are not cheap and some one has to pay for them.
Don’t forget it fucks up the hardcore drug users as well. Junkies sharing needles, meth heads sharing pipes.
>Being gay is not a disea...
Let them do it, encourage them.
They'll die without breeding.
Only people that we actually need to get rid of are bisexuals.
We know your childhood of watching everyone around you shit on your street instilled a deep love of men's asses into you, Pajeet. You don't have to remind us.
>AIDS is not a gay disease
Right. It's a disease that affects people who like to get assfucked by literally hundreds of strangers. That's totally not gay. They just want to get married and be in love just like us!
the real story is that they first agreed that everyone should wear white shirts, but at the last second they were told to wear jackets. seven of them didn't get the memo. then they took this joke picture to make fun of them.
>b...but he made cartoons!
Grow the fuck up. Stop watching cartoons. Stop worshiping butt pirates.
lol methheads sharing pipes... where the fuck did you hear that garbage...
HIV is a fluid to fluid transfer only. No one is going around sharing anything other than a cock or a needle.
You have to keep in mind when these dipshits come up positive they ask them "how did it happen"
They completely forget about the methed up raw cum sex they had after or before that moment. Or the needles they were sharing.
>sn't it? HIV is pretty based, hopefully the cure is only found after homosexuality is gone.
Nobody is dying from HIV anymore, I fucked over 200 trans escorts, including bareback and I am still STD free.
Just take PrEP
>95% die of AIDS
Nobody dies of AIDS these days.
not so brilliant so as to put a condom on it AMIRIGHT?
It was divine justice.
>fucking a guy?
>prepare to die
No no no it's simple.
In 1978 the fags of San Francisco founded a chorus.
The men in white are the sole surviving members from that era, everyone else died of AIDS and is replaced by the men in black.
That’s fucking hilarious
Dont really get how they can enjoy it desu, I dont think I even want to do anal with a girl
He could have tried not getting fucked in the ass by different men. Did he try that? It would have probably been 100% effective.
Bi-sexuals are the real threat.
The majority of mothers used to die during or shortly after childbirth. I suppose having children is a disease too.
ignore sodomite orders
only bisexual men though, all the bi women ive met are fine and quite a few are married with kids
In many cases that number is in the thousands, not hundreds. Gay people are totally depraved.
meme flag
meme post
this isn't site for weak stomach faggots.
ether start onion juicing or piss off weak wanker
Because they are mentally ill and sex the only thing they care about. I knew a faggot who pay the local hobo with a bottle of rum or few beers to fuck his ass. And this degenerate even brag about it in the pub later.
Just wait for faggot killer, antibiotic resistant STDs.
>bragging about gay sex
considering faggots will fuck just about anyone that will let them its never impressive
are you the same butthurt Native American from another thread? I bet you are.
>AIDS epidemic
>"Ok in order to not get aids, just don't have unprotected gay sex, don't inject drugs and try not to need a blood transfusion"
>Has unprotected anonymous gay sex 20+ times a week
>Injects meth to party and play
>Gets injured and requireds blood transfusion
>Gets AIDS
>"How could this have happened????"
>The majority of mothers used to die during or shortly after childbirth.
Bullshit. The majority of women used to have over 5 children and still lived. It's true that they were much more likely to die than today, though.
AIDS is literally the judgement of God.
Based God wiping faggots off the face of the earth
neck yourself faggot.
AIDS is much more fitting