>loathes collectivism
>complains that governments don't have in-group preferences
why are individualists such retards?
>loathes collectivism
>complains that governments don't have in-group preferences
why are individualists such retards?
Other urls found in this thread:
its stephan molyneux dude, you cant watch a monkey and then be surprised it chimps out.
I think the more important thing to remember here is he has it out for the nuclear family because he had a bad mommy.
In case you haven't noticed due to your autism Molyneux is more than likely a white nationalist and just doesn't/hasn't come out about it.
he just realized that his libertard paradise can only be achieved in a homogeneous society.
Prove it.
Plus he's a Jew.
> Tells blacks to their face that they have lower average IQs
> Is completely redpilled on race differences
> Has even called out Jews on having a double standard for nationalism and is aware that they have a disproportionate influence in academia
He pretty much checks all of the boxes for white nationalism. He's just a very libertarian white nationalist.
He's still not a white nationalist. He is redpilled and aware of these problems, but literally the only thing he cares about is money and profit. He is 'running a business' after all.
He's a fucking Jew.
user, governments betray their own people because of the preference they have for the (((collectivists))) that run them, this is the root of the problem
Only nuclear families with a bad mommy and/or daddy
Which is why he wants all of his cult followers to DEFOO their parents. He's not all there.
I'm a donator and I haven't defoo'd at all.
He says defoo if they're unrepentant abusers since the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior.
If they won't even admit their mistakes, assuming there were any, then why continue a relationship of no reciprocity with someone who's in it just to get you to look after them when they're old.
It's the idea of setting the standard of gaining one's respect the same for everyone one knows.
It's true.
Free market white nationalism is literally best.
>but literally the only thing he cares about is money and profit.
No, he does care about that though.
>He is 'running a business' after all.
That's a good thing.
individualist capitalistic ethnostate = god tier
And child abuse to him is as simple as the belief that believing the government has a right to tax your income is dangerous and a violation of the NAP.
He has argued this.
I didn't come from a nuclear family dipshit. His father left him
>>complains that governments don't have in-group preferences
No he doesn't.
Oh cool, might as well tear down the entire system because daddy ran off.
You're right, collectivists are the greatest minds on this planet, just check this winner out.
>150980497 (OP)
>1 post by this id
Post some evidence he's a jew there Trudeau.
> Individualist
> Ethnostate
top kek m8
> Inb4 Sweden and countries were until recently
No they were just countries which happened to be almost all white/one ethnicity.
An ethnostate is by default built around an ethnicity and inherently extremely Right-Wing, anti-immigration, etc. It's necessarily collectivist to a degree.
Your desperation is showing, leaffriend.
Yeah, keep following the words of a Jew with a cult hive surrounding him.
>americuck IQ
> Collectivist societies are shit full of retards
He knows you need a high iq morally decent population for ancap to work. It just so happens that blacks, arabs and hispanics are worse than whites and east asians in that regard. He's not a white nationalist but essentially wants the same thing for different reasons.
Also he's not a jew he's protestant/atheist.
Japan is a capitalist country with a homogeneous population.
I hope you get well soon.
>he's not a jew
How pathetic do you have to be to spread complete lies?
>Also he's not a jew
Yes he is.
I hope you realize your utopia is only slightly less shitty than a communism utopia.
It's also a de facto ethnostate.
There's more to collectivism than an economic system.
To that all I would say is that the welfare nation debt bubble is looming partly because of that and that he's not exactly wrong.
But the kicker is that you can set the standard of child abuse yourself, after all he can't really make you do anything, and then make the choice to defoo if the parent child relationship is dysfunctional in a non-reciprocal way.
It's the free market in relationships, if you're a shitty parent, why not give the kid the choice to cut contact so you'll research parenting and therefore being able to actually say that you "did the best you could"
I'll pray for you.
Lmao, thanks Trudeau, fuck off burger
>But the kicker is that you can set the standard of child abuse yourself
No you can't. This isn't subjective, there are objective parameters to what is abuse and what isn't.
ANCAPs are godless-heathens. I'm not praying for you, your soul is too far gone.
>It's also a de facto ethnostate.
I want to live in a free market ethnostate.
So do the Mischling.
you would need to get rid of Jews first
Have you recently switched brands of glue?
Molyneux, like Alex Jones and PJW is just another charlatan trying to get rich
so he goes to the synagogue every week and eats kosher etc?
Are you going to start arguing?
When I think collectivist, intelligence is the first thing that comes to mind.
Oh please. Don't display your ignorance for the world to see.
I agree that there are objective parameters.
Doesn't mean everyone's gonna follow them. That's all I meant by the last post.
But the risk of defoo incentivizes the parent to go and look for those objective standards.
Sure did for me.
Hes just another *sceptical individualist* (tips fedora) watched by libertarian children until they grow out of individualism
Why does he se that whte background always it looks retarded after a while.
Kids leaving doesn't incentivize anything for immoral parents.
All society is collectivism, humans have evolved to work as a group. Free markets are collectivist in that they promote the forming of groups to exploit resources efficiently over individuals (what is a corporation). Collectivism is ebil retards don't know what the fuck they're on about, they see that a state run economy works out shit and they try to apply that to everything with predictably idiotic results
>he thinks jew is not a race
pls gtfo back to /r/the_donald maga pede
its literally just a country with specific immigration policies. it can be anything, my mutt friend
This one isn't just an individualist, this one is a psychopath
>glue sniffing
>forming arguments
The superior leafmind at work.
Yes, yes! Good goy... anyone you disagree with is an insane GLUE SNIFFER! You can't argue with glue sniffers so you already have won. Congratulations.
Everyone has a choice to do the right thing a la action axiom.
If the parent didn't make that choice despite their better knowledge, then why keep in contact with them after finding out they're immoral/evil?
Doesn't make evil people disappear.
But it does help moral people to orient themselves correctly when it comes to child rearing.
I humbly acknowledge your public concession. Many thanks.
OP, listen up. You need to consider that there will always be a lot of nuance to any intelligent person's perspective on such a complicated thing as... the world. One can be anti-statist, relatively speaking, and still acknowledge certain things the state should take care of (maybe even let people decide whether they will pay taxes and get governmental rewards or not) and certain responsibilities the state has. It's quite clear that a full-on statist collectivist degenerate perspective is garbage and makes you end up with a house full of condiments and no food. It's a false dichotomy to say that you have to go all in or go completely against it in every way. You must accept a bit of nuance and examine the details of stuff that seems hypocritical on the surface because most of the time it's not actually hypocritical, it's just pragmatic and logical.
I'm not saying it isn't right to "defoo" shit parents, but I'm 100% convinced given by a few of his livestream discussions with subscribers that he finds the idea of the nuclear family destructive.
Probably views it as some immoral collectivism union that doesn't even ask the child as a party if they want involvement. He believes the individual reigns supreme over the family and the group.
he thinks all parent have done a shitjob so far and he and his wife are the first persons to raise a child the correct way
Fuck give me a source on this because I was reading that exact quote not too long ago.
Oh no, you've misunderstood.
He's definitely an advocate of the nuclear family as an institution. He generally talks against feminism with the family in mind, for instance.
He just really hates bad parents since in his view the standards of behavior we should have towards children should be infinitely higher than in our adult relationships.
Definitely partly due to bad mommy as you said, but it's not an insane view about parenting in my mind.
He hates all parents. I'm trying to find his exact quotes on the subject but the guy has a messiah-complex the size of the Sloan Great-Wall.
He also thinks his "philosophy" is as important as Christianity ever was.
This is a good one.
You'll definitely find a lot of character assassination aimed towards him.
He had a specifically high hate-on towards Christianity some years back for instance.
But he later accepted its value due to it promoting the three main things to get to the middle class AND the family unit.
Reminder that Cultured Thug debated him on fascism, and Molyneux sperged out"muh free market, you're to authoritarian, reee"
More like character suicide. That's why you shouldn't spend hours doing live calls and broadcasting them to the internet if you are a narcissist with no filter.
Fascism is fucking retarded.
>ban usury
How do you expect banks to lend money out to anyone?
>hurrr the government will lend out
That's the fucking same problem we're dealing with right now.
The government is going to print money and lend it to whoever it wants?
what a pile of shit.
There's nothing wrong with charging interest on loans.
You faggots get btfo by this all of the time.
It helps to have currency be backed by something that isn't a bunch of numbers on a computer.
Molyneux has held some really shit-tier opinions, especially a few years back, however he's also brought race-realism, racial crime disparities, Jewish involvement in communism and a host of great interviews and deep dives into data to a pretty massive audience so I think it's unfair to discount him.
>It helps to have currency be backed by something that isn't a bunch of numbers on a computer.
yes, like gold
"I'm a free thinker!!!"
"I'm a centralist!!!"
This fucking guy needs to end himself.
A government is capable of having a gold standard.
Then that means it cannot print money.
which is a good thing.
Banning usury may or may not be a bad idea, however isn't the point to stop banks loaning money out? How is that a criticism, surely that means it's working as intended.
Ok, I watched it.
I'm not a fan of character assassination videos like those which add comments in the background.
As I've said, he can't make anyone do anything, and his videos aren't necessarily the most important thing in the world.
He can make the case for his views and thats it.
What matters is that his goal is to make the best podcast product possible and see if people find it valuable enough to throw some donations his way.
You clearly don't and no one will hold it against you if you don't want to pay.
It's the general entrepreneurial mindset, which is applied to parenting for example, through the risk of defoo.
You can print money based on gold.
>however isn't the point to stop banks loaning money out?
How is that a good idea?
Then economic production is severely limited and everyone is worse off.
>How do you expect banks to lend money out to anyone?
Hitler banned usury. worked well.
You ancaps and lolberterians just want to sit on your fatasses, eating doritos and smoking weed, thinking you're free from jewish tactics.
You're no different than the degenerate left.
The more I read into fascism and natsoc the more I realize they are the EXACT SAME as modern progressives in america(government healthcare, government banks, muh welfare REEEEEEEEEEEEE) but they are racialists.
They aren't right wing.
You can listen to this video in the background and not even read the comments. I don't. This isn't character assassination, they're snippets of idiotic things he's said.
I believe he's a narcissistic person who wants to live on donations so he doesn't have to do any real work, and probably foolishly believes if his utopia came to fruition that the masses would line up to give him a dollar.
I don't care if it's a good idea or not I just thought it was a bizarre criticism
>Hitler banned usury. worked well.
Hitler didn't actually ban usury dummy.
and his country was one of the most FREE MARKET in the world
that's why they were successful
>You ancaps and lolberterians just want to sit on your fatasses, eating doritos and smoking weed,
No, we want massive economic production.
>You're no different than the degenerate left.
Your economics are extreme left.
"Treat everyone as individuals."
"Women owe men reparations."
There is nothing wrong with helping members of your own in-group when they need it. I'd really like to see what side you'd pick given a Weimar tier catastrophe in the making.
No, he's a civnat cuck with his buddies cernovich and Alex jones.
Fascism is still right wing. Not all humans are equal, even in a white ethno state . Just because we also reject capitalism, doesn't mean we're like the left.
He has made progress. Mid 2016 he started shifting away from pure libtardian. He could keep going down the enlightened Hans-Hermann Hoppe road and realize certain people should be removed from civilized places.
>implying there is no difference between a strong in-group preference and redistribution of wealth
seriously, kill yourself retard
>There is nothing wrong with helping members of your own in-group when they need it.
I agree.
That's why I support free markets.
Governments just destroy wealth, they HURT my ingroup.
>I'd really like to see what side you'd pick given a Weimar tier catastrophe in the making.
I would pick hitler over Weimar because hitler was more free market than Weimar.
>Fascism is still right wing.
Not really.
It's only right wing on racial issues.
On everything else it's Bernie Sanders tier economic illiterate retardation.
you faggots want socialized healthcare for fuck sakes.
>He could keep going down the enlightened Hans-Hermann Hoppe road and realize certain people should be removed from civilized places.