Yuri!!! on Ice

Fucking playboy

No pigfats allowed in this thread

Twitter is at it again.


What is your definition of a pigfat? Anyone who doesn't think that Yuuri is literally Hitler?

Yuuri's a selfish sack of shit pretending he's a victim. He's a complete fuck up that thinks blaming himself and acting like he's terrible will make up for all his mistakes, instead of actually fixing them. He's content to wallow in despair since it's easier than actually taking agency in his life. Any time he starts getting closer to independence and acting like an adult something challenges him and he immediately regresses. He's a talented coward, full of fire but so afraid of getting burned he'll toss aside anyone near him if they stoke that fire.

Fuck Yuuri. FUCK YUURI.

At least there's always work waiting for JJ back in Canada.


Which one has the biggest dick?

I might be the only one, but my vote goes to Phichito-kun

>all this Piggyhate just means more Pig for me

Spoiler is correct.


I don't know why you all worry about BaldFat so much, honestly, they'll be fine. I don't know they're gonna solve this, but I'll let Kubo and Yamamoto surprise me.
Honestly, it's Kotomine we all should be worrying about.

This. They'll come back crawling anyway when Pig has an epiphany and makes everything right again.

I wish I could fuck Yuuri.

I'm glad that this ep is finally bringing us megane eros fanart

JJ or Otabek

This episode was my favorite but thats because JJ has always been the best and I dont understand why you fags dont understand that. He has the Charisma, the wife, and the attitude to win. Are you tumblrinas that blind to not want the STRAIGHT man to win? Seriously? Phichit-kun is second best btw

Victor will make everything right again. Best boy at it again.

The whole truth and only but the truth.

I think Kotomine is gonna fuck Chris over in some way and not in the way he wants.

What was up with the hamsters?

I kind of feel like, from the point of narrative, Piggy has to do it otherwise it would be meaningless. Viktor can give him a nudge.

I did some quick Nutcracker themed baldfat because Christmas.

Viktor will cry and Pig will make everything right cause he loves his Vitya. But this means things will get right because of Viktor, not piggy.

Thanks and you are welcome for the template.

Wow, they look so good.

Chris or JJ

I love Viktor's coat in this, thank you user.

I can kind of see Viktor just accepting Yuuri's choice quietly because ignoring his emotion for Piggy's sake is his modus operandi. If he cries openly, I bet it will happen because Yuuri's skating will be extra emotional and flawless.

THREADLY reminder that Baldfat will get BTFO by Chris and his boyfriend

How could a taken man be so attractive? I honestly wouldn't mind sharing him with pig.

Nice trips and nice picture, user. Good job

Yeah, he does that all the time but he has to show his feelings to piggy clearly otherwise we won't be getting anywhere.

Nice strong quads

>not even hiding you are from tumblr

Dubs and quads confirm happy fairytale-like christmas miracle baldfat ending

Thank you Georgi, you truly are best boy and best witch, bitch

I need pics of JJ having a panic attack, for no particular reason.

This ep kept him as top tier husbando, Otabek almost passed him.

*trips whoop

So, what's /yoi/'s consensus at this point: did BaldFat fuck yet or is Victor still waiting for their first night as a lawfully married couple? And how do you think it did/will go? Will Victor gently but passionately penetrate Pig after worshipping his body and teaching him the joys of sex, or will he teach Pig how to take charge and give him the dicking he's been waiting for for a year?

Yuri thinks they are friends and colleagues

He'll quietly accept it and then cry himself to sleep. It won't be resolved til after Yuri's FS.

Does this count?

No way they fucked, they were in this weird grey zone where they didn't even know if they were together or not. Yuuri would have a heart attack.

I expect this and I hope I'm wrong. I don't want to see them suffer anymore but their faces in the preview weren't looking too good.

Has any fujo found the jewelry store Yuuri and Viktor went to in Barcelona and bought to exact same rings to offer at their Baldfat altars?

Yeah, he has to, but I think that only his skating can get it out of him. His self-control is really solid, but Yuuri's performances make him very emotional.

Why do people suspect Kotomine of evil?

They are the perfect candidates for pathetic tiny dicks, user.

Baldfat confirmed for nodicks

On one hand, I want Chris to be happily married to Kotomine, on the other there is just so much that suggests he still has a thing for Victor that if they were really together I'd have to feel bad not just for Chris but Kotomine as well.

I would like to believe, but they act in a way that screams unresolved sexual tension, and Victor wouldn't really want to push Piggy so as not to possibly screw things up, and Piggy is a bit too insecure to have initiated anything this far

They haven't fucked yet.

Yuuri's Eros would be unleashed and he'd be more aware that Viktor might have reasons other than professional and being "inspired by his skating" for wanting to be around him if they'd have fucked. Also I think Viktor would have gotten romantic with his heart overflowing with affection after the deed and would have pillow talked something about how happy he is to AT LAST get to be this intimate and how wonderful it is and how he's been WAITING SO LONG, SO FUCKING LONG for this moment my darling, which would have clued even our dense piggy into him having feelings of romance and tenderness towards him.

Honestly I wonder if they even kiss regularly. They're much more intimate and hug easily etc, but I wonder if they're at the point of casual sweet kissing, even. The ring kiss is a pretty strong signal, but still.



They didn't fuck user. Poor Victor is so hungry for that dick but he's a gentleman and Yuuri is too dense sadly.

They'll marry in the end. Then it'll start with Victor worshipping Yuuri's body, he's a romantic and he'll try to make love to piggy. But then Yuuri will take over cause Victor is too mushy and he will make it up to our pure Russian maiden.

Everyone talks about Kubo too much. Yamamoto directed Michiko to Hatchin which had a fantastic ending, so I have faith she wouldn't let this fall on its face.

I want Kotominefags to leave

Definitely haven't fucked. They would have a different coach/student relationship
If they did

Not evil, but I personally think they had him appear for a reason and it will affect Chris' skating next episode somehow.

I agree, although Yuuri's radiant expression when Victor kisses his skate in public made me feel otherwise. It was just a sexual thing, I don't know how to explain it, and that he was so comfortable with it made me think oh, so they did it in the end.

>Michiko to Hatchin
>fantastic ending

>Yuuri's Eros would be unleashed
After what happened in his last skate, I don't believe this anymore. The more he gets from Viktor romantically, the less he worries about seducing him.

Not that user, but it did. If anything, it's Fujiko Mine I have some complaints about.

I don't even think they have kissed again. I think Victor believes their in a relationship but wants to wait for Yuri to make the moves and Yuri's move were the rings because autist.

Yes. Terrified JJ is also good.

It was excellent, I honestly can't believe that people don't think that.

>yfw Kotomine is Chris' brother

I use to think they fucked offscreen. I changed my mind.

Because he looks like Kotomine

I want a nightmare sequence doujin of Chris and Yuuri corrupting JJ with their evil homolust ways.

Yeah, episode 8 almost screamed that they fucked. Yuuri was too comfortable with being sexual.


Isn't being Kotomine enough?

I still want to fuck Piggy's ass

That's because Yamamoto hasn't said anything about the series whereas Kubo is far too vocal.

Same. Before this episode I believed they fucked after 7th episode cause 8th episode really looks like they did. But then after this episode, Yuuri still thinks Victor is only there to coach him so I guess they didn't.

Is it possible they've "fooled around" but still not gone all the way yet?

Viktor should cry like a Disney princess.

I don't think the ending will be sad, just fucking rushed unless they cut some sequences. I hope they made JJ flop so they could cut by half his program, a shame because Partizan Hope is cool but we're lacking time.

And you still have to get in line.

In Line Get

That ass virginity belongs to Victor.

Doesn't mean he can't still be his boyfriend

Having an anime mullet doesn't make you evil.

Incestfag please go. You have Sara and Mickey.

Sayo doesn't use social media

But it's true like 9 times out of 10.

But I'm not a hetfag user

I don't think so user. Unfortunately. Otherwise Yuuri would think Victor is at least interested in him a little as something other than a skater.

Yeah, it seemed sexual to me to, but in the light of newer episodes... Definitely not. I guess that it was just meant to highlight that they got more comfortable with each other, but didn't sleep together yet.

>still posting the low-res version even though the high-res was spoonfed to you last thread
You don't deserve Piggy's ass.

No truer words have ever been written on this board.


At this point Yurio scoring as high as he did and potentially winning is not unreasonable. He has the same coach as prodigy Victor did and a primary ballerina coaching and guvung advice. Yuri has a skater who hasn't made the transition to coach well and his success is too tied up in his relationship with Victor.

>yfw Victor loves him so much he will happily marry Piggy even though they barely kissed at all so far
I've been a weeb for most of my life and somehow I'm only now realizing how destructive this whole nipponese emotional retardedness can be and just how far it can go.

It does if you're Kotomine

>No more Eros or Agape

It was.

They act like newlyweds all thorugh 8 and 9th episodes. Fuck.

Yeah, exactly.

Looking forward to uninterrupted version of Yuri on Ice, without all those shots at audience/Viktor. We are going to get it, r-right?

Shit taste

Please MAPPA