>The USA claims to be a free and independent country
>Still uses the imperial system of measurement that was given to them by the crown
>The USA claims to be a free and independent country
>Still uses the imperial system of measurement that was given to them by the crown
it's almost like different measurements are used for different things.whoa!
thats the first thing I noticed as well, very similar to the sephirot
Yea if you made anything in a line bubble retardigram it would look like that Jew symbol
>Hello, Josh! What can i get you today?
>I will have 2 vials of beer, 3 bowls of flower, 3 jugs of rice, half a cauldron of olive oil and cradle of butter, please!
>No problem! That will be 24.99$, plus tip.
>the eastern roman empire claims to be a free and independent country
>still uses the name "roman empire" that was given to them by the senate
European 1: What's the temperature outside.
European 2: It's like 19 or 20.
European 1: Is that hot or cold?
European 2: I don't know.
American 1: What's the temperature out there?
American 2: 65.
American 1: I know exactly what temperature you're describing.
American 2: I know, it's like some genius decided to make a 0-100 scale for all normal temperatures, and anything outside those ranges are extremes.
American 1: It's like we spent so little time wondering what temperature it is that we could devote ourselves to more useful pursuits.
American 2: It's fucking awesome to rule the world.
[High Five]
>Oi landlord, gimme a 0.473176473 liter.
0° Celcius water freeze
100° Celcius water boils
1 liter of water = 1 Kilogramme
we dont give a fuck
A pint in France is 50cl or 0.5L, so you get more u fat ass.
i hate metric.... only because everything here is in standard with metric sizes tossed in and its infuriating
>European 1: Is that hot or cold?
>European 2: I don't know.
a m e r i c a n
e d u c a t i o n
I work in the medical field and we use metric. It's not hard to use both, metric is easy to figure out, even for a european. Imperial has an aesthetic quality and a beauty that I would miss if we all stopped using it.
56% braindead
19° is comfy
>leafs and bongistanies too poor to count in anything but tens
never change you dumb niggers
You guys boil a lot of water over there? I mean, on a day to day basis, do you even use the top half of your scale?
You know how we figure out water is boiling? We look for fucking bubbles. That way we can reserve the top half of our scale for something useful.
my English friends use Celsius for cold weather
>its -2 out there
and Fahrenheit for hot weather
>holy fuck its 105
Oy vey!
Jews use Metric, you don't want to be a goy do you?
American 1: Pass me that two by four so I can build this house
American 2: What are the dimensions of the two by four?
American 1: I don't know, nobody knows
>mfw google the actual dimensions
>more useful pursuits
>country primarily known for overweight people on electric scooters and losing wars against rice farmers, with it's only major invention being the aeroplane - which was invented by a first generation immigrant.
Sincerely, somebody from a country known for engineering and never losing a war unless all remaining countries ally against us.
epic ass wreckage of all europeans
Canadians are just awful. Really, the worst people. Sad.
>Implying that by saying "Oi landlord" I was talking about France.
Although, to be honest, I suppose I should have said 0.56826125 liter.
>still not using planck's units
fucking barbarians
>metric is more practical on paper
>imperial is more practical on practice
t. works a hotel kitchen
Mr President?
>European 1: What's the temperature outside.
>European 2: It's like 19 or 20.
>European 1: Is that hot or cold?
>European 2: I don't know.
Yes we boil a lot of water, especially if you work in the automotive sector. The coolant gauge says it's 102C so it's likely overheating right now.
Oh the temperature outside is 2C, if it gets a little colder it might start snowing and the roads will be icy. Oh shit it's -1C I'll be careful when I step out of my car so I don't slip.
So, in France, you still use the Imperial system, but you use it incorrectly? So this is the power of European superiority
American 1: What's the time?
American 2: Three o'clock
American 1: Is it day or night?
American 2: I don't know
these are the dumbest threads.
Stop shilling on our board CTR shill. keep to the real topics like jews and race realism.
noice number there faggit, looks like the percentage of your whiteness
We make it complicated to keep you fuckers out.
Where is my demitasse though?
They start out as 2x4's before the drying and planing process. However, it seems to be more of a colloquialism now.
t. Carpenter and Framer
Imperial looks a e s t h e t i c as fuck. Why did we stop using that?
I'm more pure-blooded German than you are, Achmed.
>not using natural units when doing physics
Ultra-rare german bantz spotted, he killed you my dude
Because we can look out the window, you retarded scallop
>You guys boil a lot of water over there?
How do you cook you pasta, raviolies and eggs?
We also do a lot of bain-marie here for scrambled eggs, to melt chocolate or to prepare some sauces.
We used to have our own kind of"imperial" system before the revolution which we inherited from the Romans. A pint in France was about a liter of liquid.
It's 2x4 when cut.
It's then dried in a kiln and it shrinks.
>implying anyone besides codemonkeys even bother writing constants out
Shit becomes way too cumbersome beyond unit examination
>0° Celcius water freeze
>100° Celcius water boils
>he can't remember 32 and 212
American's have been taught metric in grade school since the early 70s. Boomers are the reason why it's not official.
I like metric for everything except for measuring people's height and weight. metric is just objectively better, I can visualize 100 meters away, but not 100 feet
>hey gimme 1 stone of those potatoes
>is that a big stone or more smaller one?
>dunno, take your foot and measure the stone
>but my feet are big
>ok I take a burger
holy shit
that was actually good hans
why not visualize 100 yards? were you a pussy that never played football?
>plus tip
Fuckin REKT
Canada is gay.
We burgers don’t use stones though. That’s all polywogglebong gobbledygook weights.
I know how far 100 yards is. However, no military on Earth measures in yards, let that be some wisdom for you
get out
Oh god, fucking this. I swear to god everyone is retarded.
t. Mexican intellectual
They even do that to modern things like camera sensor.
A so-called "1 inch sensor" is 0.6244 inch diagonal.
>US uses imperial system based on a king they despised.
Best thing is: The US military uses metric, i.e. kilometers, liters, and 24-hour time keeping.
And in case anyone wonders:
The "1 inch" is the diameter of a theoretical CRT necessary to make an analogue camera with the same scan area.
>>The "1 inch" is the diameter of a theoretical CRT necessary to make an analogue camera with the same scan area.
what the fuck
So how tall is a stack of three two-by-fours? Six inches? Some mysterious number?
Would you like it if we gave you the measurements of other things before they were shrunk by a process? Oh you wanted a half inch thick piece of metal flat bar? Well it was half in when we put it into the roller machine and now it's an eighth of an inch think. Here you go
best one is when american post that nasa pic, claiming the imperial system brought them to the moon
Three two by fours is 4.5*3.5 inches
Metal sheets are measured in gauges not actual dimensions
It’s just like LED lightbulbs being sold by Incandescent Watt Equivalents. Everyone knows how bright a 100W bulb is, but how about a 15W LED? Who the fuck knows.
Imagine being an American who doesn't know how to use the metric system
>why does water boil at 100 degrees huuuurrr
Imagine being a Eurofag who's too stupid to use the imperial system
>omg what the hell is a hundredweight and why is it 112 pounds
>what even is a pound
Thank God I'm from a country that uses both methods
>It's not hard to use both, metric is easy to figure out, even for a european. Imperial has an aesthetic quality and a beauty that I would miss if we all stopped using it.
Not at all. I've seen folks convert from one to the other in their head when figuring out weights and measures (along with breaking down prices).
This is why you'll lose net neutrality.
American 1: What's the temperature out there?
American 2: *gets shot*
Soros dumps almost 200 millions USD into pro net neutrality groups. Netherbro thinks net neutrality is good.
Oy vey, not socialism, anything but that.
Hurr durr, without net neutrality they could just kill this place you realize that right?
metric system is a judaic globalist indoctrination tool
Metric-style system in base 12 would be the best system. Prove me wrong.
rekt by achmed, how will he ever recover
Sure what unique characters do we use for 10 and 11?
then you have to know the atmospheric pressure... in square inches or in square cm2?
Which one will bring the easiest maths?
what the fuck are you on about burger? 19°C is pretty okay temperature.
The one place where metric is completely inferior is in temperature
>americans actually think like this
You're country is changing for the worse at a much faster rate, how many white children do you have again?
>I don't knwo whether or not 19 or 20 is hot or cold
Amerimutt education
Here, maybe this will civilize a few beasts. A quick chart:
-20 or under: fucked up freezing
0 or under: there's probably snow, ice outside, or at least your car window is going to get frozen
10 or under: cold
17 or under: still uncomfortably cold, but can stay in it long periods in light clothing
18 - 20: perfect kind of chilly
20 - 24: perfect kind of warm
25 to 30: uncomfortably warm
30 or above: hot
100 or above: steam
You've got to be an amerimutt to think it's an impediment to process temperatures in Celsius; I mean I guess with sub 80 IQ you're going to end up having to use 100% of your brain, but that's your problem
Nice bait though.
>All these muh 56% yuropoors
B-Britainnia r-rules waves...
>Trying to shill metric
>Using litres
Those aren't even a real unit.
big if true
-20 isn't cold dude
All these triggered eurocucks fucking lel
t. Fibland
>I'm more pure blooded German than you are
Says every amerimutt, ever
stop being so insecure, it hurts