Should polygamy be legal Sup Forums? Why or why not?
Should polygamy be legal Sup Forums? Why or why not?
Incorrect. Not fully illegal in Australia. Our High Court ruled exceptions can be made on 'muh consenting adults' grounds. No shit
We're fucked.
I don’t see a problem with it being legal. It would end the whole roastie phenomenon.
What's polygamy
It's probably not fully legal but it would be eugenic.
It's hard to argue against Chad billionaire white guys having 10+ kids improving the genepool.
A fuckin leaf
Polygamy is the antithesis to a healthy society. One of the promises of a functioning society is the resources to build a family, and polygamy is the most blatant denial of that.
Marriage with multiple people. Look at the map, all the Muhammads have 7 wives
Oh yes, it's certainly has nothing to do with constant unrest, infighting and rape on these territories and their overall state of being utterly fucked by stronger powers. There is few ways to wreck society harder than implement polygamy.
many wives
Polygamy is for animals, that's why africans and arabs love it
Only the best genes must be passed donw (ie Chads), you're just butthurt you're a beta faggot and in a society that allows polygamy you wouldn't get laid at all.
If women are allowed to fuck hundreds of men with no repercussions why can't I have a few wives?
How are you supposed to get even 1 gf
Isn't polygamy basically admitting that heavy regulation/socialism works though, at least within certain markets?
I love my wife but she is 40 and I'm not risking having a down syndrome baby but I need more white children.
Currently looking for a 2nd wife.
The only countries where polygamy is legal are countries where the women are dog ugly. I guess Malaysia has some cuties of Chinese descent, but I'm sure the polygamy laws only apply to the muslim population.
Only chads would get more wifes when it would be legal and that means only the best genes get past down. Had no problem if it would be legal.
Wont work in a western world.
Women are jealous as FUCK. The second you give more attention to one wife the other(s) will get pissy at you and that other woman. I couldnt imagine trying to manage all those hormones.
In nigger land they arent wives so much as they are slaves. They are all beaten and have their vaginas chopped up.
You're a good man
In order to save the white race, it probably should.
It seems there is an association between polygamy and shitty countries.
Chads are leaders , why support a shitty chad who hoards all the women when the chad next door is handing out his extras alongside plots of land and $20 bills? Polygamy gets you shitholes like africa and the middle east.
>polygamy illegal in Europe
And then society would collapse. Wew
That's why it's banned. Polygamous societies need constant high casualty warfare to cull the male population and prevent beta uprisings.
No, polygamy should be illegal because it's misogynistic. Polyandry is where it's at!
I personally feel that this is fine, as long as it doesn't personally harm anyone what's the point in it being illegal? However a good counter to this would just be to make getting and settling divorces easier I suppose
no wonder white women hate white men, you think of us as chattel. I am celibate because of idiots like you. kys.
4 wives is the max in Islam, user.
Also, what's with Burma?
> Chads are leaders
Eh, not really, at least not in politically important positions moreso than non-Chads.
Was Obama a Chad? No.
Merkel isn't a Chad.
McConnel, Paul Ryan?
And who could forget arguably one of the most charismatic, effective leaders of all time (pic related), pretty much the furthest thing from a Chad.
I'm busy helping our race, making white children, and being a respectable business owner while you do nothing.
Let this be a lesson lads. Never let your domesticated beasts go wild.
Also tits or gtfo
I have a wife and a live in girfriend of 6 years. Yes polygamy should be legal. If two dudes an get married then I should be able to have two wives. Because that makes far more biological and historical sense. Two dudes has no value to the planet. And yes we are white, educated, very well off financially, and conservative. True story.
just bang multiple women. who needs a legal freaking piece of paper? It just means the court system will force you to support them after they turn into nagging, frigid bitches.
The fuck? Where do you psychotics come up with that bullshit!
You need to be some ultra eunuch to just accept order like that (which may be the case judging by flag). Most men arent ones. By universal natural order any male who has no available females left has no choice but to kill rival male and take his bitches by force. As there are roughly equal number of males and females in population, if some polygamy will be allowed, conditioning with "law", "morals" and other shit will break very fast as most men will see that morals is now cucking them and there will be outright fight for resource that is woman. You can be as chad as you want, but physical strength doesnt matter much since humans invented spear and bow, and in age of easily accessible firearms you're as frail and transient as anyone else. Man who is completely denied females has nothing to lose, and will hardly mind killing and raping. Chaos will be glorious, although it'll be cut short as society in question will be subjugated by one ruled by effective monogamous system that harnesses potential of most men to its benefit, just like monogamous European civilization colonized whole world of polygamous niggers.
no because it leads to loads of children the taxpayer has to feed if husband doesn't.
also leads to lack of females.
but maybe will be the future because of sexbots or conomic crisis.
It's really not that complicated.
> Marriage as a market must be strictly regulated for the good of society
> We must have relatively equal outcomes
> Monogamy must be put forth as common regulated practice
Enforced monogamy is basically socialism in the marriage market.
>I have a wife and a live in girfriend of 6 years.
That's just greedy, m8
>Two dudes has no value
Gay couples are typically well off, meaning they buy products and pay taxes
You're polygamists. You're no more social conservatives than our hypothetical gay couple.
The map is outdated.
In sweden, they can have multiple wives. Probably other countries too by now.
Polygamy isn't illegal in the US you twat
Yes it is you twat.
TIts then roastie.
Cuz pussy iz good.
yes that's the problem. That's why I'm against it. Morally I wouldn't mind if it's kept in check. I can't see the problem in consentual polygamous relationships.
This "poor" palestene man has three fat wifes and 34 children and no job. This is a kind of polygamy I find hard to accept though.
No Leaf it's not.
Not even in Utah is it actually legal.
>you think of us as chattel
the other men DEFINITELY won't :^)
There are millions of us who are essentially practicing polygamy without being legally married. We've been in a relationship with our girlfriend for six years. We know other poly couples too. Most in our circle are very professional normal people, not the fat nasty comicon looking goth people you usually see. Those people are weird. We whites have to compete with the Muslims and niggers. They breed like rabbits. The girfriend and I are fixed so we can’t gave any more kids, but we all talked and wish we could have. But i have 4 kids with my wife the girlfriend has 1. So we wish we could have more to keep the intelligent white genes going. Have a wife? See if she’s down, get a girlfriend. Frankly nothing is hotter than watching your wife suck your cum from her hot girlfriends pussy.
>Not even in Utah is it actually legal.
That's what I'm saying, burger
How do you stop one of them from being all needy and dragging the other one down, anyway?
Fuck off faggot.
Go back to your meme country.
From an old, outdated, article:
Several countries, such as the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and France, nevertheless recognize Muslim polygamous marriages if they were contracted abroad under certain circumstances, such as if polygamy is legal in the country where the marriage took place. It is estimated that as many as 20,000 polygamous Muslim marriages exist in Britain. In France, as polygamy was legal until 1993, the minimum estimate as early as 2006 was around 20,000 polygamous marriages. In Germany, it was estimated in 2012 that, in Berlin alone, 30% of all Arab men were married to more than one wife.
You can't. He's either larping or the shit hasn't hit the fan yet.
Even an Ecchi obsessed autist knows this.
>there are men deluded enough to think that they want multiple females in their lives in this fashion
there's a lot of overlap regarding polygamy and spousal abuse laws for a reason
um, back the fuck off!?!?
Why on Earth would anyone want more than one wife? It's like hell times two. Do you even imagine the costs?
You want polygamy? Stay single. Get ass for "free" every night of the week, there, you done it.
>Implying Muslims get legally married anyway.
>Implying you don't just get married at the mosque after paying her father the dowry
>Implying you as a man can't just divorce her by saying your divorcing her.
>Shariah court does not recognize alimony or child support
I think it's possible, but selfless women are unicorns these days.
To get two is even more of an aberration
They work for the man.
Even here in Norway, I've seen muslim women working, and their husband who's on welfare, just follows them around at their job, making sure they have their niqab on, and are not "watched" by us, "impure", infidel men.
I could give a fuck what you think. I’m talking about biological contributions. Gays offer nothing to the gene pool. Obviously, wife likes pussy. Luckily she is bisexual, so she has produced children. Several of my good friends are gay. Means nothing. They are great people and yes, wealthy (so are we). Don’t get me wrong. And as for your conservative comment. I don’t give a fuck what you deem conservative. I don’t care about religion or your bible. I care about the constitution and my freedom. And assuming you DO mean religious conservatism, you might wanna read that book and realize how many men in there had multiple wives. MANY.
Ploygamist societies tend to become more violent as the competition for females increases. If one man can have 4 wives then there are fewer women to go around, and men start violently competing for the chance to reproduce.
Stay mad kuffar.
>He can't even marry four women in his "religion".
> muh women rights
>don't see the problem
Nigger it somehow manages to be worse then the tinder hookup culture we have now every single time it is tried.
>community starts, many richer men with 9 wives a piece or something
>children are born
>girl children made into wife #15 for one of the communities upper class men at age 11
>any boy born that isn't needed to slave away supporting the upper class men is immediately discarded
>disenfranchised young men turn to life of crime
>society turns to shit after a few generations
Read Mein Kampf nigger. Men and women should pair up with similar aged individuals around the age of 18. That is how you build a healthy society.
I can see how that could be if EVERYONE had multiple wives. But if your references to that are about modern times, then you’re talking about Muslims and Africa. In that case, it’s more likely just being violent, uncivilized low IQ niggers that are the problem and not really polygamy. Polygamy may just be one more reason to be a violent primate.
If one man has 4 wives, 3 other men fuck goats (or go explode because book of desert tales promised them virgins in the next world for that). I doubt you belong to first group.
This motherfukcer just said read Mein Kampf and wants to be taken seriously. Lol
>chad not wearing his kufi
you fucked up kid
>Only chads would get more wifes
Chads want no wives.
If you want to marry multiple women be prepared to have power to defend yourself because the other men will try to murder you to get access to pussy.
Fuck off yid
How it actually works.
>Women all ready outnumber men
>Men die earlier anyway from warfare and hard work
>A surplus of women are left over which will not be married in a strictly monogamous society
Thankfully no one has ever actually practiced monogamy and even in Christian "monogamous" societies men would typically have a couple of women they impregnated.
The shariah permits these other women to become wives that have legal rights and the right over children and the right to food, clothing, shelter, etc... All of this assumes that the shariah is implemented properly, which it almost never is in the modern world in any country.
Even from a biological standpoint it is obvious humans were made for the patriarchal polygamous family unit system.
Yes let alphas spread their seed
I am so fucking sick of sluts, man. So fucking sick of them. I tried to stay chill about it but god damnit, I'm so sick of them. And I fucked a bunch as well, that's what's making me more and more bitter.
This thread is cancer. The rapefugees are sons of polygamous fathers who have no wife's because the wealthiest men have married their peer women. So they go to Europe for some rape. Polygamy does not pass on Chad genetics. It makes wild animals.
>Women all ready outnumber men
Women of fertile age significantly outnumber men only in case of all-out war, recent or ongoing. There is no such war at the most territories most of the time, and yet polygamy is practiced, resulting in aforementioned problems such as severe social unrest. Significant amount of frustrated men it creates (who cant even jerk off properly because of mutilated dicks) is actually main reason of many moslem nations being so devastatingly fucked by western and israeli psy ops.
Yes, because your country has more women than men and a lot of faggots, meaning a lot of women wouldn’t get to be married.
Can you fuck in a mosque? Asking for a friend.
>Thankfully no one has ever actually practiced monogamy
I do, but I'm the most loyal man on the the planet. More of a curse than a gift.
Map is wrong af
No user you can’t have sex in a mosque
>Female Population Has Always Outnumbered Males Historically, According To Our Genes
>Muh Middle East social unrest maymay
kek of course the middle east is under severe social unrest but perhaps it can be related to another source... There have been polygamous societies that have managed to function like the Mormons in Utah and such. Polygamy has nothing to do with social unrest. Just studies the previous Islamic caliphates and you will that this issue of polygamy never resulted in the negative effects that you think it will,
But none of this really matters, Muslims are going to continue practicing polygamy and I guess the non Muslims will continue not getting married, and if they do get married they will just get a couple of dogs. Let's see which system works better.
I mean at a societal level. If a particular society had no polygamy or men screwing their secretary the race would have gone extinct. Just look at Europe after the plague, they would have ceased to exist if they actually only married and had sex with one woman.
No, unless you want terrorism, mass amounts of extremism, etc.
If you end up taking the mates of males, what else do they really have to do? Their life is inconsequential, someone is going to give them a reason to live and die.
>tfw not Degenerate
>Women all ready outnumber men
But that's wrong.
>What's polygamy
Something the jew outlawed because they were tired of mormons having multiple wives and dozens of white children with each each.
Chad doesn't have the best genes though, he has the most attractive genes.