>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>This Week @State 11/24/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #41 (Thanksgiving Message) 11/23/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania feed the Coast Guard 11/23/17
>Pres Trump speaking to the troops for Thanksgiving 11/23/17
>VP Pence @Walter Reed Mil Hospital 11/22/17
>VP Pence motorcade 11/22/17
>IntSec Zinke Thanksgiving Message 11/22/17
>AG Sessions Thanksgiving Message 11/22/17
>NATO Resolute Support Cmdr Gen nicholson Press on Afghan 11/21/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump Pardons Natl Thanksgiving Turkey 11/21/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in West Palm Beach FL 11/21/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron depart DC 11/21/17
>Pres Trump remarks before Marine 1 departure 11/21/17
>Pres Trump pardons Drumstick w/Barron&Tiffany 11/21/17
>Ivanka &kids arrive @Turkey Pardon Ceremony 11/21/17
>SoS T-Rex meets Peruvian FM 11/21/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/21/17
>Introducing Wishbone & Drumstick, official TotUS 11/20/17
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Bring It On Edition
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I love Kellyanne.
What is the relevance of Putin to this news?
Did Putin create electoral collage or something?
We like Roy! We like Roy!
soyboy homos
Be nice.
Are people going to start roleplaying as oblivious newfags now? I wanted to RARP (Robot Action Role Play) as a bot...
Xi and Putin are probably relevant to the "threats to democracy" article. It's a preview pic of the WSJ link.
>yfw the NFA made it hard to get one of these beauties because some faggot failed to kill FDR
The 50s will rise again in the 2020s
Make America white and on top again
Not really. Senators are the representatives of their state legislatures in the federal government, no more, no less. The United States are just that, states that are mostly independent and sovereign except they pool resources for mutual defense, interstate commerce and foreign trade.
Each state has equal representation in the senate: two senators. That’s it.
I didnt come here legally
This senate race is really fucking interesting, when is the vote?
This is a nice bread.
ivana a cute
Pakistan houses terrorists all day, glorifies them even. Heck, Osama was killed right beside a Pakistani military base
>lol What wrong with race mixing with QT 3.14 chinks
For some reason they all turn out to be turbo-sjws hoping that the chimps and beaners don't find out that they aren't the same kind of disadvantaged that they are (i.e. chinks are retard savages, just savage barbarians) and thus chinks are not privy to the unearned resources of White male straight Christians.
soyboy isn't my preferred pronoun, guess you will have to answer to the police, user
Yes. Once you embrace the true Russian reality it all makes sense.
Go 50 years before that and you have me sold.
Because rural retards fall for Putin's propaganda.
Soyboy brigade posting their gaynime
I identify sexually as an Apache attack helicopter.
My screenshot is still going around? kek.
No Awoo is illegal.
Literally, they can't be.
Roy is a good boy he dindu nuffin.
analyze, compare, see resemble with our current world
Stop right there ya fucking leaf!
>forgot to mention common currency
Blue check twitter can't leave either.
This and checked.
Putin is personally responsible for everything that happens, dont'cha know?
>Did Putin create electoral collage or something?
Do I make an alumni joke or an art joke?
That goes under interstate commerce. In state you can do whatever you want. New Hampshire allowed paying state taxes in Bitcoin at one point.
>Trump executing leftists during the great culling of 2023 (colorized)
Just a FYI, unlike the emergency OP last thread, I am available for a bit, so unless I say otherwise, it should just be noted I will bake the next one. Simple stuff, but avoids a lot of confusion if I put that out there
The numerals confirm it
It actually hurts, I can see america from my house, I live on a border town
One of these days he's going to shoot someone on 5th Avenue. Hope he shoots Joe.
And his VP would've let it stay legal?
The 50's were already jew'd you retard.
The NFA has always been fucking stupid because nearly the entire point was pretty much banning handguns. When they realized they weren't going to have the votes if they included handguns in the NFA, they dropped it. But the whole point of the SBR and AOW classifications was in tandem with the handgun ban so people couldn't skirt it. Without it SBR and AOW classifications don't make much sense.
Shitposting IRL
hurr hurr I love dat anime and posting dat anime
Excited for US/UM as well, I see
Nip numbers never nullify!
You you you you
I want to go to a Moore rally
Wow! More numerals!
Hurr hurr I spend my time leaf posting
OP last thread wasn't an emergency, but a hijacker. No reason given though.
Yeah, but it was the most aesthetically pleasing decade of the century 2bh
Why not just get a passport and come visit!?
At least there would be one less Commie.
>The NFA has always been fucking stupid because nearly the entire point was pretty much banning handguns.
That would have gotten a revolt.
>you will never be crushed by those thighs
Just tau magic my shit up pham
Also suppressors, artillery, and every 12 gauge shotgun that doesn't have a "sporting purpose." It really was a terrible bill.
>Did Putin create electoral collage or something?
Yes, The electoral collage didn't exist before 2016
>implying any decade wasn't jew'd
>implying Hitler wasn't jew'd
The good thing for us is we won't even need to build a northern wall. As Canada goes full communist they'll have to build a wall themselves, to keep their people from fleeing.
And it only got away with FDR stacking the courts.
OP before him waited till the last minute to bake, and thankfully, took over when needed. Not my fault he doesn't know what he's doing, just stating the obvious
So you're saying Canada will pay for it.
She mad
The 13 years before Wilson was our high point.
I really don't see anything inappropriate here. He's not Frankening his kid or anything.
Checkmate Flurmpfkins
>Trump has a loving relationship with his daughter
The last straw. Impeach.
I wanted to nostalgia
>scripture is only relevant when I want it used for revenge
lol leftists just stick with atheism
Mommyanne has done nothing wrong.
Why do people still believe these people?
Teddy was only good because he had time to go full nationalist but not enough time to go full socialist
>last minute
>on weekend
The fuck are you on about?
Is "special place in hell" the hip new lingo? Thanks Ivanka.
>wtf we believe in heaven and hell now
So, what do we think of the based cbts general?
I pretty much exclusively spend all my money in america because I cannot fucking stand paying taxes in Canada knowing where they go.
I think of myself as an american, my Truck has MPH instead of those commie units they use here.
Im working my way through the Visa process right now, I am almost at a PR card, but its just so hard to find contract jobs the length of my visa's and so little jobs in my field in Michigan.
They always project.
Aside from his socialist tendencies Teddy was great despite being a toothpaste person.
Probably not since Trudeau wasted our taxes on himself
Don't these idiots realize Trump wants a government shutdown?
Say that to KAC's face with no SS around now and see what happen
I wish they would fuck off to cripplechan like they claimed they would.
I'm not going to get involved with another autistic slap fight with some faggot defending a trip faggot, just drop it. He should have done it earlier, and there would be no problem
Kek is amongst us.