>sorry not sorry
>oh wow
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally shaking
Wow just wow
Literally just won the internet today
Diversity is strength
Can't believe how many people use this fucking buzzword these days.
it's a good word sweetie
it was invented by some kike psychologist. typically, if you ask five different "experts" what it means you get five different answers, all of which amount to "things jews don't like."
good thread. I thank you, kind pula
Don't worry, I brought my own lube.
'lel' is not that old Sup Forums.
tfw niggers and SJW's ruined 'y'all'
shut up borat
I have heard liberals say they work their ass off and are not crybabies while complaining and not working and living off the government or their parents. The thing I hate most in this world is people ironically giving me a lecture on how to live my life when they have not got their own shit together. Just because someone thinks their smarter then me because their anti-racist and pro immigrant while not lifting a finger to better their life should fuck off and actually do something with themselves. They then spout words like bigot, somethingphobe, racist, disgusting, mean, bully, problematic, baby, living in the past etc... when you win the argument and point out obvious flaws. And some of these Conservatives do the same, You can be nationalistic and work did you know that?
>faced with facts
>"I meannn..."
You can just feel the moment they are looking the librart of bullshit doctrine they have in their brain for a rebutal or what to acuse you of being
>so i literally start statements and paragraphs with "so" because it's one letter from "soy"
>uptalking is a thing now?
>anything spoken with vocal fry
>folk or folks (as in trans folk)
>this is not ok
>racist much?
Hey its Mike Rowe and The G.O.Y.I.M Pledge.
like ugh
>kind pula
That another one I see pop up all over
>i be
those are phrases not words
>folk or folks (as in trans folk)
I noticed this, why?
read a book
Lel y'all sweeties are just literally so incredibly fascist and racist, like oh wow! racist much?
So what if I enjoy soy? Like ughhh, when faced with facts, it doesn't make me any less manly than you are! By using those buzzwords you folks only show your own insecurity!
And you now what? Even if im less manly than you, it only makes me more prouder. You are a prime example of toxic masculinity Buzzfeed and my professor warned me about. If being manly means being literal fascist like you, then hmmm... let me think about it... then i don't want to be more manly!
G'night. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Wait! I'm actually not sorry at all, because you have no emotions.
Needs some refinement but breddy guud
It's not exclusive to soyboys but they do use it extensively in their high-pitched squeaky soyvoice
>so, that just happened.
9/10, reminds me of some little shits I knew in University. Creepily familiar.
When did starting every statement with "so" start?
Don't you wonder what made something as trivial as that so catchy?
My dad was a maintenance man in a steel mill for all his life. I make more now in my "Soft" job. than he did at retirement,
They think it makes them sound smart and sophisticated, highly educated, urban-oriented, and upwardly mobile. If you listen to NPR, everyone they interview under the age of 40 does it, so it probably started in the last 10-15 years. Like vocal fry it's pure cancer.
Am I a "soyboy", Sup Forums?
That's me on the right.
ya'll a bunch of literally toxic niggas
Fucking tumblr and soyboy word if there ever was one
Does any one feel like a soy boy for listening to Animal Collective and other stuff like that?, I despised a lot of their albums for a long as time and then they just clicked, I was pretty young at the time so a lot of it resonated with me, I still listen to their albums every once and a while and I really don't want to let it go, is it really that bad too indulge with your emotions as a man?. Am I supposed to be like the projection that everyone else uses to describe themselves to the world?. A boring shell of a human being?
do you suck dick?
y'all toxic niggas win the internet for : "soyim"
Yes, it also looks like you had a drink of some funny Kool Aid. Are you by chance at some meeting where everyone agrees the leader will return at some point?
Help us learn to stop talking like obvious shills goys! Please contribute!
you look good, nice facial hair and nice shirt too
soy vey!
Dude on the left has probably cucked you and you know it inside.
bugman tbqh
I only hear the word "bud" from boys with a "fuckin buddy" B-Rich drawl, I can't imagine a nu-male/ soyboy caling someone "bro" and especially not "bud," even ironically
Only ever see faggots say that shit.
>I can't imagine a nu-male/ soyboy caling someone "bro" and especially not "bud," even ironically
that's a woman
okay that one hurt
that poster is a cuck mentality
Fuck off soyboy
Just do what you want who gives a fuck.
Inadequacy and anxiety is a "you problem".
Listen to the Deakin solo album it's very good.
unironically pretty SOY'D desu
>unpack (as in post-modernist deconstruction)
I like Mike, but he's such a Boomer with that wageslave pledge
>i cannot even
>wow, just wow
>going viral
>could you not