Remember this racist bitch? She's a nurse. Probably neglecting white babies

Remember this racist bitch? She's a nurse. Probably neglecting white babies.

You should leave her employer a review to let them know what you think about her actions.

Other urls found in this thread:

whats her employers name

where does she work I will send them a terse letter

here's the page:

facebook com/pg/RileyChildrensHealth/reviews/

She's just sour grapes after not being able to score a white chad.

Already have 500 1 star reviews.

Taiyesha Baker is her name. She should be fired

>imagine being this asspained about being a nigger

Indiana university of health
Fuck this bitch

Bump for justice.
Don't let this thread die

How does she not know that blacks are literally statistically much more likely to be all of those things, with the exception perhaps of "terrorist" or "racist" depending on definition. But rapist, killer, and domestic violence it isn't even close.

Google "Indiana university of health + accidental deaths".

Burn it down.

Someone remind her that Obama's mother was white. I dont have the Twitter

Why does she look like paul mccartney


some hospital at purdue. you can find info online. i know gateway pundit has something on this. it's gaining traction currently.

Dumb bitch probably isn't even a nurse she's probably one of those people who thinks being a PSW is a "nurse"


>An IU Health spokesman confirmed to FOX59 that Baker is a registered nurse, but declined to reveal the hospital where she is currently employed.

>“IU Health is aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from a recently hired IU Health employee," the hospital said in a statement. "Our HR department continues to investigate the situation and the authenticity of the posts. During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children) will have no access to patient care.”

That's why this "only whites can be racist" thing is dangerous. They will use it as an excuse for all sorts of crimes against our people.


Wow stupid Dindu didn't even have a job there.

nigs niggin

>she changed her twitter account into a fucking nu/pol/ twitter account
She needs to be shot.

Bump for justice

I'd just reply back saying something actually racist then when they lose their shit say they are showing "white fragility"

>Davon Harris
Self-Employed, what a shock..

Drudge is running this story now.



Fox and Friends in the morning then, and Trump tweet at 7AM.

Looking forward to it.

She didn't.

She changed her @ and some retard from Sup Forums took the old one. The idiot didnt realize he's giving her an excuse.

Thread here, third post in.

That post right there, just made me look at niggers as an enemy. Before they were a nuisance a bother a blight. Now they are my enemy...

Apparently it was close Mexico. But niggers won my ire

I seriously believe this whole shit of "only whites can be racist and all need to kill yourselves" shit is going to end up backfiring in a terrible (for them) way.

You can only call people monsters so long before they stop getting hurt by it and instead embrace the shit.

Early signs its already starting to backfire is all the liberals/blacks calling for new segregation because blacks aren't safe around whites and whites are more and more going FUCK YEAR to the idea while the liberals/blacks are going wait what they like the idea....but but but thats racist (FUCK YEARING INTENSIFIES)

She looks more Jewish than white

All niggers are like this, their jealousy of their betters is murderous.

What do you mean by "looks like"?

Yes, but if all the niggers are dead, the problem largely dissapears

If some retarded bitch ever said this shit to me about my son, I would literally beat a fucking brain into her.

She doesn't work there

She fucking 4d chessed us by using that hospitals name in a post. Literally duped by a dumb nigger


> “white children should be thrown to the wolves”
> disagreeing with this is “fragility”
> “I like your hair”
> microaggression, [triggering intensifies]

posting in doxing threads is a banable offense guys. lets go back to the nigger dick and le 56% threads



Race war... Nau? I'm ready, phampies. I think the answer to this is to give it the good ol' American false flag

Having white children contributes to white supremacy. This is a fact.

I suppose I should begin having many illegitimate white babies with any white woman I can. Statistically speaking, they'd certainly do better off than their negroid counterparts. Even blacks with a good family have trouble not getting into a gang by 16 and in prison or dead by 18

every woman who says this crazy shit has a sexual fetish for whites

just put a half-white baby in her belly and she will shut up

Let me see if I have this correct:

Whites, especially men, are evil. They’ve committed genocide and enslaved millions. They’re still an immediate threat. They currently control everything and are actively oppressing everyone else.

How the fuck is provoking a group like that a good idea?

Yahoo News has now picked up the FoxNews report.


That's what I've been saying for a while, user. I'm done being hurt by it. While I'd love to see black communities happy, peaceful and prosperous, if the left continues to pick the fight along racial lines and paints me out to be evil because I'm a white male, guess what? I'm going to look out for my own interests. That's what it really boils down to. They want minority communities to be enriched at the expense of our interests so that they can preen and tell everybody how righteous they are. They're fucking traitors.

Just as a reminder, the last time white males chimped out, and I mean really chimped out, we burned down half a goddamned continent and irradiated the Pacific. We're nice. Until we're not.

That sounds all fine and dandy except for the fact that it's going to be half nigger

I guess they want us to give them a reason to say these things. They aren't intelligent enough to have the foresight to realize how it will end for them. They have too high a degree of time preference to care about how this will affect their people in the future.

It's been on Foxs main page all day...

Seriously. I’ve been living in Europe for several years now. Even when I got here, it was pretty obvious that Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary had a whole different viewpoint. They still remember being behind the Iron Curtain so they dig being free. When you rock up and say “oh, you can’t say that” they tell you to get fucked. There’s also a sort of “friendly racism”. If you assimilate and don’t act like a dick, you’re fine. If you come up all SJW, they’ll just smile, laugh, and think about how to make sure you never do well.

The thing is, it’s bet slowly, but steadily getting more tense. I’d guess the whole place is ramping up to hand out the Black Uniforms. What these folks don’t seem to understand is that white folks, for the most part, are pretty easy going. But if you push enough, you’ll be getting marched into a mass grave wondering why screaming “racist!” isn’t helping.

You're not wrong. I've never treated someone differently because of their skin color. However, continuously hearing that I'm somehow innately racist and owe something to blacks, after serving my country, and that somehow I've got this "privilege" which decent black folks have disproven many times recently has made me extremely cautious around blacks. I've also noticed that pretty much every culture and race besides American whites have long avoided blacks whenever possible. And it's obviously for good reason.

^ this

the will of the people is as of yet untapped, barbarian hordes signal an end to our slumber and bloodless night

>I've never treated someone differently because of their skin color.
You probably have, user, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a part of town in my area that everybody calls the warzone. If I have to go in there at night, you're damned right that I stereotype like a motherfucker. But on an individual basis, I will treat people like individuals. Stereotyping can be a survival mechanism, user.

I suppose that's exactly what I was getting at, just didn't convey as intended. I wouldn't treat someone diffently simply because of their race or ethnicity, however, when I am around urban folks, especially more than 1 of them in a group, I keep my guard up. As they say, you can't relax around blacks.

Holy shit they actually did something. They didn’t fire her yet though.

Also I should note that 99% of altercations I saw between servicemembers while in the military were between, caused, or antagonized by blacks. You can take the nigger out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.

Sadly, this is what we’ve come to. Like you, I really don’t give a fuck about color. Nor do I give too much of a shit about being called names by idiots. But it seems to me we’ve crossed a line. No longer satifisfied with just screaming, it seems that now calls for white men and women’s eradication is acceptable. Violence against political opponents seems to now be acceptable. This isn’t a situation I asked for, nor wanted. But if those are the rules, it’s on. There’s no way I’d take that kind of shit, sit by while someone like me takes that kind of shit, or tolerate that kind of shit.

The part they seem to be too stupid to expect is that SJW style hasn’t prepared them for a backlash. They think they can rock up nastier and nastier, get more and more violent, and escalate everything with impunity.

It’s going to be a bad day when they find out that’s incorrect.

You’re right. It’s seems that even Germany is starting to get it. Once they go...

Good...Good... Your all playing right into soros' hands.

I'm sure the day of the rope is nearly at hand. I couldn't afford to let shit slip from the locals in another country, I'm damned sure not going to let it slip in my own country. They are asking for a war they cannot win. And you can guarantee if it is on our own clay, we will not have a second thought as to what constitutes a "war crime".

If soros is behind this, then he needs to hurry up and let the damn chips fall. I'm getting tired of the foreplay.

Why are black people, especially educated ones, in the US becoming so violently aggressive towards whites?
From all I know, the actual discrimination based on skin colour by white people and actual racism is the least popular it's ever been
Why are they acting this way now? I could've seen like an actual slave talking or thinking this way, but why is it in our times that this extreme, radical hatred is perpatuated by so many blacks?

shes gone. i work in healthcare. its serious business. banter between employees is one thing, everyone needs to decompress with dark humor bc some of the stuff you see is intense. but going public with it is basically suicide. shes done for, toast, this goes on her record big time, she expressed a desire to harm potential patients, nobody will ever hire her again unless she can hide this, but she cant, disciplinary board actions are public domain.

I have to disagree, it's not the educated blacks. Most with at least a high school diploma are decent human beings. It's mostly the ones who get sucked into urban black culture and drop out of school to join a gang, because "education isn't cool"

Like I say, we're nice, until we're not. We can choose whether or not to be monsters, and thus far, we have chosen not to be, because civil and rational discourse is preferable to the alternative.

The last big game that I took, I whacked at 550 yards while it was running. What are the SJWs going to do when people like me are pushed to the point where we feel it is in our best interests to choose to be monsters?

nurses aren't that well educated m8

They don’t lead with the “feed them to the wolves bitch” part.

We might have different limits, but that’s their fuckup. Even if you suggested something I wouldn’t endorse, at this point, I wouldn’t interfere either.

They have no idea what they’re starting.

Holy shit you guys are such hypocrites. You all feel the same way about black people yet you have a problem with her thinking... Jesus Christ I hate white people

They, the blacks, see the "tipping point" time is coming.

A bus with exactly 50 people on it :

- If only 1 of those 50 people is black, that black person will keep their mouth shut as they realize they are so outnumbered.

- If only 2 of those 50 people is black, the two blacks will keep to themselves.

- At about the point there are 5 blacks on the bus, those 5 blacks will start to feel more comfortable as they see folks who look like themselves, and they might put up a big of a tiny fight. (the 1960's era)

- HOWEVER, once there are about 15 blacks on the bus (and 35 whites), the blacks will start to wonder why they don't have more of an impact on where the bus is going, what music the bus is playing, and who is driving the bus, they will cause more unrest and protest more. (the current era)

For years, people thought that if blacks and browns grew in numbers and played a bigger role in society, that things would get more peaceful and "equal." That entire theory is wrong, as blacks and browns get closer to making up 50% of society, and the whole "tipping point" comes, there is going to be a lot more unrest, at one point in time they will wake up and realize they are the majority of society, however, the folks in the US Senate and the CEOs on Wall Street don't look like them, and it is at that point they will simply use democracy and vote the whites out of power and take all the riches for themselves. (that point is estimated to be about the year 2055)

>until we’re not
And that’s one motherfuck of a line to cross.

Holy shit! What calibre? Which optics?

260 Remington AR-10. I put a $300 Athlon Talos on there and I was going to eventually replace it with a Nightforce, but thus far, I actually like the Talos. It boxes and the glass is clearer than my buddy's $900 Vortex.

The leaf sees the irony in others, yet fails to recognize it in himself and his own statement...
Nice bait, here's a (((you)))

I'd guess it will make it seem as if the things Muslims do to Americans they capture are child play by comparison

I'm actually a Muslim trans-woman, please respect me and my pronouns.

>Checks out

good idea user. i'm on it

>have some cocaine

Damn. I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t realize the AR-10 platform was still being developed. Looks like a great round for a great platform. Sounds like you’re set for come what may.

Suffice to say: it won’t end well for them.

Oh, certainly! My apologies, m'lady. Could I offer you a ride home from the mosque on my vespa?

The AR-10 has multiple variants. It's actually kind of a PITA if you're building them because they're not standardized like the AR-15. While the designs are all fundamentally the same, there are DPMS pattern firearms, Armalite pattern firearms, high profile, low profile, etc... It basically boils down to which pin diameter/lengths fit into which lower/upper and which mags you can use.

But, I have a semi-bull barrel on it, and I've pulled 3/4MOA groups out of it. I'm going to swap to a different projectile that should get even better.


I had no idea. I just though it was Stoner’s 308 platform that predated the 556. The round seems to have great ballistics.

semi bull on that sort of upper, that performance, i’m guessing you’re using match grade ammo as well? What other round are you considering?

>inb4 loads his own rounds
Calling it now.

bump out of interest. 1488


>my thoughts exactly

Are white women raising niggers or something?

Name: Baker, Taiyesha F.
License: 28239994A

IU Health Physicians Primary Care - Artistry Suite A, 404 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

(317) 963-2610

To file an official complaint


Call them niggers.