What books has Sup Forums been reading?
I just got back into reading and am starting with some classics and modern classics.
Read American Psycho, Catcher in the Rye, and now The Great Gatsby.
Sup Forums book club
The Northwest books by Harold Covington. Just finished Freedom Son's for the second time.
"The good old days."
Thank me later.
That's a replica uniform.
What happened by that cunt
The Kalevala.
This one is for your children.
This one is for you.
I finished O'Reilly's Killing England which was alright. Working on that new Brian Kilmeade history on Jackson's defense of New Orleans. Not really a page turner yet but it's okay.
I have 1984 sitting there for a rainy day but I'm more into non fiction.
This is a pretty good book.
Just read generals die in bed. Wasn't bad. Finished atlas shrugged last month. Debating whether or not I want to tackle war and peace.
I'm reading Dostoyevsky's 'The Devil.'
Ask me about Varkhovensky. Russian novels are tough, man.
bhagavad gita, very good for personal development
That's what I'm worried about.
Not sure if it will be worth it
1984 isn't fiction anymore, user.
Just finished Clockwork Rocket
Read half way through 'Crime and Punishment' and had to put it down. I'm not sure why I'm returning to Dostoyevsky. He's reactionary, and I believe he understood the conditions in revolutionary Russia better than anyone else. Discipline is required.
Pic related is my collection, any recommendations for further redpilled books? No shills please
Guys, do any of you know the name of the book that talks about the effeminization/degeneration of men? It's buy some woman with a last name starting with "C", I'm sure, but I just can't find it anywhere. It used to be popular a few months back. Does anyone know what it is?
All those video games.. what a fucking loser lmao end your life
Ohh god the blue pilled shill books... utterly pathetic please go back to plebbit
I respect gamers more than people who waste their time on Lauren Southern and Cernovich books.
Epic of Gilgamesh, Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche, C. G. Jungs The red book. Those are the recent ones.
he has those too
The Judaization of Christianity and the ruin of civilization by Federico Rivanera Carlés.
I do not know if there is an English version but this book is a real black pill for the cuckthians.
Reading The Egyptian Book of The Dead rn
Great so far
Oh wow, it's like you didn't read or pay attention to those things in highschool.
Is it true most grown ass men are less educated than the one wierd kid that decided to pay attention in class?
u r a basic bitch
Here's some serious Geo-Political reading for you.
>The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order(1997)
>The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997)
I've read Leviathan but why the fuck is that in teir 1? Same for Wealth of Nations, though that is lower on the wanting to kill self while reading scale.
Mills on Liberty, and Paine's Common Sense should take those teir 1 spots.
why can none of these alt-lite retards write a book over 200 pages?
What would you recommend, Hans?
I'm sure that some of them could, but they are being mindful of their audience.
>Wrestling games
>Console FPSs
Pleb tier "gaymer"
Brevity is the soul of wit.
this is the most cucked book i've read. If you think there is anything this book has to offer besides liberal faggotry and white guilt, just go ahead and off yourself.
Need part 2 of this please
I got you, brochacho.
Sure, these books are not witty though
Obligatory pic related for Sup Forums:
Currently reading:
>Gulag Archipelago
>A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World
>Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities
>Inside the Third Reich
>Men Among Ruins
>Ironmarch - Next Leap
newfags falling for this pic...
gotta start somewhere, friendos.
Time to get Jew-wise, user.
The Culture of Critique is a red pill recipe your cuckbooks will never include.
Would love to browse through that book, very interesting from an historical perspective
Halfway through this book.
Yeah, start with The Prince.
>Not one classical philosophy book
Almost done reading Rousseau's Emile. Bit of a pain to read half way through, but the first two chapters are very interesting. About to read his last chapter, "The Education of Woman".
Where should I go from this point? Is Wollsonecraft's "Vindication on the Rights of Women" even worth a read?
top lel, what did you start reading when trump started running? pathetic collection user
Just read "What Happened" by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Was really good.
Also The 48 laws of power and the Art Of war
My nibba. Are you a Finn?
where can I find more natzee cosplay?
Rand was a loser and a shit writer. Tolstoy was an intellectual giant. His fiction is decent. His not fiction is top shelf.
yes youre currently reading six books, the first being 6 gorillion pages.
youre a liar burger and a pretentious one at that.
Lol, Fox News reading list. You're retarded and your thought process was developed in a lab by underachievers.
Yesterday I picked up american radical. Saw the interview tucker did and it seemed interesting. Also grabbed a copy of clinton cash, and the art of war.
I'm not even a burger, using a proxy for torrenting. But yes, what's the problem with reading 6 books? It's not like I open every single one every day and read 40 pages in each of them. Are you clinicly retarded? How have you gone through school without working with several books in the span of a week. Are you from Africa?
>reading more than one book is already seen as amazing.
Wrong link.
Just finished Brave New World and I’ve started the LOTR by Tolkien. Anyone else cry at the end of Brave New World or am I just a faggot? I seemed to empathise entirely with the Savage as he tries to come to terms with ‘civilisation’ and ultimately rejects it entirely. It hit very close to home..
Kek. Are you black or a convict? No one else falls for that meme book.
She looks kinda swarthy, part-nigger?
Habnt touched bnw in like 15 years but I don't recall weeping at any point while reading it. Why are you reading LOTR? Are you a child?
If your scared say your scared.
Taleb's stuff is pretty nice and redpilled and he is too
Kek. Looks like you anwered without answering because only a darkie would spew that sort of nonsense.
How is LOTR childish? I admire Tolkien and I never got around to reading it before.
I recommend starting over.
Savitri Devi: the Impeachment of Man
Otto Weininger: Sex and Character
Julius Evola: the Metaphysics of Sex
Admit it people who use tactics such as those outlined in Mr. Green's book have the ability to manipulate you and it makes you feel cuckold.
Huxley intentionally created the Savage for the reader to project themselves onto. Even though the book is technically a satire, empathizing with the Savage's alienation is understandable since we've all been victims of the mobile vulgus at some point (especially the people here).
Not the only one
I identify more with Bernard marx these days. Something IS wrong here, and I guess me searching in our roots for answers only make us all the more similar to him.
bump. for all the lurkers
>we've all been victims of the mobile vulgus at some point (especially the people here)
How very true this is. The version of the book I have has a foreword from him that he wrote in 1946 and it's eery how he can see some of the conditions which are described in the book start to become reality like here
>"Nor does the sexual promiscuity of Brave New World seem so very distant. There are already certain American cities in which the number of divorces is equal to the number of marriages. In a few years, no doubt, marriage licences will be sold like dog licences, good for a period of twelve months, with no law against changing dogs or keeping more than one animal at a time."
But this is by far the most hard hitting bit
>"As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase."
Good to know
>"As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase."
E Michael Jones has spoken quite a bit on this. If this subject interests you I'd advise checking him out youtu.be
It appears they were both right.
Thanks user
It’s as though we are living in a sick version of their dual nightmare
Über book
>Animal Farm
>Sun Tzu's Art of War
>Dictator's Handbook
And bible
Caesar by Adrian Goldsworthy
What are people's take on The Foundation for Exploration?
reading putin's interviews with oliver stone
If one wants to grasp a reality:
> Republic by Plato
> The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
> The Revolt of the Masses
> Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
> The Unabomber Manifesto
This is what I'm reading right now.
It's also signed by him.