Libyan arabs are forcing africans who came from sub saharan africa to become slaves. How fucking based do you want it to get? We can insult the arabfags as much as we want but we have to say that they atleast know how to deal with niggers. Based libyan arabs are my ally in this problem if they keep africans out of europe and if they ( arabfags ) dont come to europe too.
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This picture is from a week ago in Libya where based arabs are using and selling these niggers as slaves.
Can they do this to US niggers please
Now tell me, how hard are those libyan arabs? lmao
Why cant we do this to niggers in europe too?
Good stuff. I just can't understand why anyone would buy a nigger, they're fucking worthless.
t. beurette in Holland
Post more slave pics i'm really enjoying this.
Yeah, my only advise to them would be to look at the US and just consider that maybe... in the long run enslaving them may not be the best long term decision.
Blacks are meant to be slaves
Yeah send u.s. niggers a free trip to Libya resorts have Arabs grab em and sell em.