Lets seriously talk about Fakku

Lets seriously talk about Fakku.

They created a market for hentai in the west despite other publishers trying and failing horribly. They have been operating for 2+ years as a legit publisher and I assume are doing well. They are doing monthly magazines like pic related. I signed up for a sub earlier today and have already fapped a good 3 or 4 times.

Ignoring the sadpanda fags, what do you think of Fakku making a market for hentai outside of japan?

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I like them, I get uncensored hentai.

>I like them, I get uncensored hentai.
My thoughts exactly. If you're a pirate you get to enjoy their releases, if you want to support it you can do that too. Win/win

Try harder, Jacob

I seriously doubt that they'll make a significant impact on the actual mangaka. It's a deal with Wani, they probably won't face a notable change. I asked ShindoL about it and he said he didn't know it existed and that it probably wouldn't change anything.

That said, uncensored h-manga is always appreciated.

Fuck off.

I always that that Fakku didn't have a lot of content with or without subing, but then again I have visited the website for months.

Too poor to afford luxuries like manga and doujin. Have to pirate everything and can't support what I want...

>I asked ShindoL about it
Well that's a lie.
ShindoL even comments on his Fakku book release
he knows all about it

Their selection is very poor.

Come on, Jacob, you can do better than this, surely.

I have a few of their books...

You have to be either fucking retarded or a complete lunatic to pay for porn in this day and age.

It was back when it first was announced in 2014. He said that only his Wani stuff would be published, and that already has to go by him, so he has exclusive rights anyway.

I like that they're going to publish Shintaro Kago. They should do more shit like that.

Makes sense. There is no reason he would have known when the first announced it since he didn't even have a wani book then


Keep buying those books goyim, you surely going support the artist.

>Shintaro Kago
Wait really? The guro artist? That Shintaro Kago?


>supporting the artists is bad

>They are doing monthly magazines like pic related
Just using japanese stuff or they have exclusive content?
Link me one of them to see what the fuck is about
And yeah, I love publishers that support the chink porns/vns and give us uncensored hentai

The one and only. And to call him a guro artist is offensive. He does scat as well.

Buy the fucking book from japan.

They get jackshit from fakku.

Not to mention what's the point in physical copies, you can risk getting jizz over.

And don't give me that support the artist, you want to do that go by their original tanks, were they will get their full 10% and not a cut of a cut that publishers give them with this deal.

Fuck off shill


>Aren't I
I always thought it was I am and You are. Now I are confused.

>Not buying the books directly from Japan
>Giving your money to a Jew that will give peanuts to the artists
Jacob please.

All you do is supporting the middleman, artists get next to nothing.

>Am't I

>Am I not

I like anime, but hentai is terrible, too rapey for me. Western erotic comics is better and more consensual.

You do not support the artist at all by paying Fakku user

>Am In't?

>even pretending to be this stupid


I joined Fakku in 2009 but quickly left ship the moment they went all in for pay2fap.
It's nice for people who actually like spending money and collect physical prints but I'd rather support artists directly and torrent the hell out of uncensored content like usual.

Fuck off Jewcob.

Threadly reminder that by purchasing from Fakku instead of buying it directly you actually force the mangaka into a spot where he is forced to sell through more middlemen, effectively diminishing his livelihood. This is the opposite of supporting the artist.

>fakku books
>supporting the artist
Pick 1.

Problem is that some of them are super fetishy as well and with Patreon and stuff, there's a bit less of an incentive to try to work hard at improving and standing out.

They translated sengoku rance

They redeemed themselves of fucking everything

Not even a cut of a cut of sales. He gets a tiny cut of the sale of the licencing fee. How many people in the foreign market buy it after that is irrelevant.

Yeah, but I can't get it uncensored if buy it from Japan.

>doesn't translate everything they have the rights to
>tagging system is blatantly inferior to amateur examples so you can't find fucking anything
Awful. They just coast on their licenses like every other shitty western licensee.

They actually get more money for each FAKKU book sold compared to a Japanese version.

For doujin content the artists get a 70% cut.

Magazines I can't say any details about but they obviously get compensated for that too.

Claiming that it wouldn't actually support the artists with nothing to back that up is just a poor justification for piracy. If you're going to be a pirate, at least be man enough to admit that you don't give a fuck about the artists and just want shit for free.

oh man

Where can I find such magazines?


Fuck off you fucking shill.

>doesn't translate everything they have the rights to

What exactly are you referring to? For magazines FAKKU doesn't skip anything by default. For books, it's quite obviously a matter of limited resources.

>calls people out on not having a source
>posts no source
Can't get any more retarded than this tripfag.

>Western erotic
Too bad most of them have garbage-tier art, less detailed plots and less diversity in terms of fetishes.

Middlemen can be useful for opening new avenues for sales but Jewcob and wani are horrible fags the way they go about it.

It's not like all their books are ripped and uploaded anyway.

Worse then I thought it would be.

You can't have everything, you know.
You either spend money on the product you want or spend money to support the artist.
As for me, I just go the lazy middle way for now - supporting the artist whose artstyle i like and be dependent on decensoring groups and fakku colls.



Interesting how a fakku shill thread ends up with Daiz playing police.

Oo hiljaa Taneli

I work for FAKKU. I am the source.

>For doujin content the artists get a 70% cut.
Why lie senpai?

>I signed up for a sub earlier today and have already fapped a good 3 or 4 times.
Totally not a shill

You are much reliable as Todd Howard.

An utterly useless service that will inevitably expose personal information from users and ruin their lives. You never, ever give your personal information to a porn company.

Having actual physical, translated, uncensored copies is the good part.

>Daiz summoning ritual successfully completed
Good job OP

Fuck off Daiz
>bitch about a service (licensed subs) being inferior in quality to amatuer work (fansubs) for years
>get job a Fakku where the same exact thing is true
>completely change your tune
>try to deflect with "supporting the artists" whenever this is called out
You're a sellout and a hypocrite and you should really fuck right off. There's no way you weasel out of what was your own justification for fansubbing for years we've all seen it.

Thanks for reminding me to go download the books.

>implying Daiz wasn't the OP


>just take my word for it
Then fuck off, of course you would say they get a good cut, saying otherwise would make FAKKU look bad. Post evidence or you are just bullshitting like everyone else and being a hypocrite about it.

Nice shilling.

I don't like them. They make normalfags pay for easily accessible porn

Fakku is actually spending all their money on nigga babies in africa, you can trust me, it's true.

>no Loli tag

I see Jewcob and Daiz are still busy samefagging and shilling their shit here.

You must be pretty desperate.