Did Obama end the Great Recession? I think he did

Conservatives can't understand basic economics lmao


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I agree OP! Socialistic policies are the way forward. By increasing taxes the government will be able to assist pooer families and improve they're quality of life!

>he thinks obongo ended the great recession

Top zozzle, at most he slowed it, but it was the worst economic recovery since the Depression



thx nordbro

Finally, a *sensible* user. Most Sup Forumstards won't even recognize that Obama saved America with his stimulus packages and the ACA.

>bailing out the plutocrats ended the recession
What the fuck happened to leftists? This is just embarrassing. Even the GOP can't compete with this level of bourgeois hyper capitalism.


Did you not read? The recession ended in July 2009 when the GDP growth turned positive. This was after Obama gave the economy 787 billion dollars in February 2009. You're going to have to do better than that.

>the recession ended in July 2009

Nice source faggot, You're going to have to do better than that.

Its cringeworth to think that Obama saved the country economically. If sensible people believed that, then the house and Senate and the white house would be held by democrats .

>the recession ended.
Did it.. though?

>obama is a socialist
how does it feel to be retarded and not know about it?
Tax increases are targeted towards people who can pay for them and that money is redistributed to the poorer families to allow them to live. You're a fucking cretin if you think poor people are the main victims of taxes, the victims are the wealthy Jewish CEOs.

fuckin hell libs are fucking stupid


Never underestimate the power of stupid rural and suburban hillbillies in large numbers.
Oh, but I can do better than you. Try the Bureau of Economic Analysis, a primary source of data rather than your biased secondary sources.


Real GDP increased by 3.5% in Q3 2009, 0.5% faster than Trump's Q3 this year.


He kept interest rates at near zero percent and let massive asset bubbles form in order to prop everything up. The whole basis of him improving the economy was muh 4.1% unemployment and muh 20,000 dow jones.

His approval rating in 2014 was 40% and that was five years after the recession "ended"

lmfao, how about a pseudo intellectual shit-lib explain to us how you multiply by division? pls real examples, not kike media appeal to emotion examples

Got a primary source for that, or are you just going to repeat the nonsensical bullshit that's popular on this forum?

Did Obama make a pact with Talmud jews to drive the world into chaos and bankrupt America?

I think he did.

Seems legit that no one can respond with primary data. Is this the power of Sup Forums? I've seen better from boomers.

Zero real growth.

this commie

>can't distinguish between real and annual

quantitative easing. kys if you don't even know what that means

>alcoholic is dying from withdraw
>Obanga give alcoholic more alcohol
>alcoholic lives for another day

Obingo was a real problem solver

Conservatives are just another umbrella for legitmate retards to hide under (only in America though)

Okay, and how does that fit in? Do I need to walk you through the English language, or did your sister fuck you too many times today?

If you're too stupid to understand, you should ask more politely.

This nigger caused it.

>first nigger president
>economy goes to shit immediately afterward

It's not just a coincidence.

Obama hasn't done anything other than defer taxation to the future, because he's been allowed to spent an extra trillion dollars per year of his 8 years.

Any American can simply type in BING these words " obamas GDP growth rate" and receive this as its first response....


nice Potato shop.

At best Obama stopped the Great Recession from becoming the Great Depression 2.0; he stopped the bleeding and saved the leg but the patient is now permanently crippled regardless.

Obama continued the Bush bail-outs of Wall Street but continued to fuck over main street. Part of this was GOP obstruction related (they would have gladly let the Recession turn into a full-on Depression if they thought it would turn Obama into a Hoover) but also, him being beholden to his Wall Street masters and refusing to hang them to appease the base who needed to know that Wall Street would pay for what they did blowing up the economy.

It's to his credit that Obama had the mass media shilling his half-assed recovery efforts as feverishly as they did. This helped with creating the illusion that he fixed everything as opposed to keeping the upper class from self-destructing to the point that they killed off the entire Middle Class/Lower Class, resulting in the Upper Class surviving and the Middle/Lower Class getting fucked and abandoned to the wolves

Obama and the Dems caused the great recession. As a senator, that nigger faggot voted to expand the CRA law which is exactly what crashed the housing market in 2007.

Its funny, because canada had a conservative leader during the same period, who arguably did better with canada then obama did with the US.

Yet somehow liberals always tout he ruined the economy, ect ect.

Basically reality just does not matter... liberals will always claim to be "good" and always paint conservatives as "bad"

meanwhile conservatives look at each individual case and use their judgment, meaning sometimes they see their side as "bad" and in need of correction, which is exploited (to the detriment of society as a whole) by the left for their own advantage.

Obama raked up so much debt that its laughable to think that much money got spent on, what exactly? trillions and trillions, for what? no infrastructure, just trillions to kick the can down the road.

Any economic growth that ever occurs does so in spite of leftist policy.

Obama has been bought, paid for & groomed since the mid-80’s. He did nothing, on his own. If there ever was a puppet, he is the epitome & true definition of one.

Or it reversed itself like all economic downturns do and history will show that the hamfisted efforts of government to stop it only acted to exacerbate it, like always.

He wasn't bought and paid for. At least not at first.

Obama was a black swan event, something that fucked everything up for the elites but was quickly co-opted by the elites, once they realized the potential Obama had to allow them to escalate their schemes.

The plan always was for Hillary to win in 2008. Hillary was so dead set on it, she even openly implied she would kill Obama to keep him from screwing up with the elites plans. But the masses wanted Obama and the elites basically forced Hillary to back down (in exchange for concessions that allowed her to rig the 2016 primary).

Wrong. He threw money at the problem praying it went away. Banks weren't lending money everyone's credit was shit. It was just dumb.

According to liberals today, anything that happens to the economy within the first year of presidency is the fault of the previous president....

That means george bush is actually responsible for turning the recession around.

He wasn't groomed. He was the product of an opportunistic Democrat elite who saw their opportunity for "social upheavel" at the weakest point in the GOP's existence since the days of FDR.

They saw that the country was weak, the GOP was weak, the economy was weak, and they could get a dog elected president of the USA because of how bad GW Bush and the GOP fucked up the country right before the real estate bubble popped.

Hillary was supposed to be president in 2008. She won the primaries. The billionaire oligarchs of the DNC overruled her and installed Obongo.

This was their opportunity, their only one, to install a black by force... so they did. And it was a disaster. Totally illogical and done for the "feels" alone.

If you think that it’s because you’re a fucking retarded uneducated moron of the highest order. Math don’t lie nigger.

ov vey

Inb4 obama leaf shows up. DId he end it no? But was he a total failure, nope he was just mediocre at best, but that's not saying much, we still continued to sell out our industry to offshore. Economy chugged along. Either way bundled together with foreign policy, economy and just all of it still a total failure in that regard.

Recessions by definition always end. You could have put a monkey in the Presidency (actually we did) and it would have ended eventually. It's about how long it took, and it took way too god damn long. Things didn't start to pick up again for about 4-5 years, which severely damaged a generation of young people looking to enter the work force. With lower taxes it could have ended a few years earlier.

OP is obviously Obamaleaf on a proxy.

>Math don’t lie nigger.
Yes it does, nigger. In math, two negatives make a positive and we all know that isn't true in the slightest. Because we are a Christian nation.

kek you're right. Didn't think obama leaf was a proxy faggot, just a same leaf faggot.

The bank funding stopped it. Everything Obama’s did or threatened to do slowed recovery. Hiring slowed to a crawl despite many companies having the money to hire but we did not know what he was going to do next.
Businesses(mine) decided to figure out how to do more with less like most recessions but he kept talking about new programs. After 2plus years of doing more with less we determined we did not actually need those positions. We did not expand until about early 2014.

the faggot has a subreddit, discord and jewtube channel where he and other fellow traveler faggots coordinate to invade Sup Forums periodically

He made it worse. Bailed out banks. Bailed out GM. Forced citizens to have their own health insurance or be mandated to be taxed even more if not to pay for the fat and lazy citizens health care. Parlayed with the Clinton's.

It is not the Federal government's job to bail companies failing, out. Or mandate citizens of the USA in a pyramid scheme that forces them to pay even more for something they do not need.

I know you, your the same retarded shill that calls people hillbillies and rural retards in all your threads. This guy is completely unable to have an actual conversation, he'll just keep calling names and giving shit sources, honestly I think he's just an autistic person trying to convince people :( it's sorta sad.

Recession is still here. Every American young person is still washed in college debt or working in retail and addicted to smack. If you actually believe a halfbreed nog saved America you are a dumb dumb

This, but not to mentioned he damaged long term economic growth with his environmental legislation and his continuing of nafta and tpp. Bush was a retarded and so is the gop but obomo and the Dems were equally retarded then and moreso now.

Pretty much the only people in America who have money are bureaucrats and cryptobureaucrats. Bureaucrats being anyone that works for the state making an insane amount of money off the tax payer sitting on their ass doing a shit job like being a teacher, politician, or some shithead social worker. The cryptobureaucrats are basically skilled people like engineers, computer scientists, or some union men that are all making their wages on government contracts. The private sector in America is annhiliated. America produces nothing of value to the world. Even the ones that work and make substantial wages are feeding off the tax payer. America needs to collapse.