What if I told you that he is just an old man with a heart of gold?
What if I told you that he is just an old man with a heart of gold?
Other urls found in this thread:
heart of jewish gold
I'd like to give him a brain of lead. The most destructive creature ever to walk the Earth is what he is.
How much suffering is enough for a man who killed a continent with the best people on the planet in it? I don't know the answer to that question but I'd sure like to find out.
Watch this interview youtube.com
Yea, helping Germany send fellow Jews to camps, GOLD!
Heart of Goldberg
What is his actual motives?
wtf i love soros now
I would do this:
>What if I told you that he is just an old man with a heart of gold?
Who did he steal it from?
Is that why he funds communist agitators to destabilize nations so he can short their currencies?
I'd tell you that you were full of shit.
That's probably the only good thing he did.
I honestly don't understand why he persists
If he dies while Trump is in office, it will be amazing.
Stem cells in freshly severed infant goyim penises sustain them long after their natural life. They're modern-day vampires.
remove heart and show me
>2 minutes into jew world order n chill and he gives you that look
Wut do?
old man with heart of gold that actively crashes national economies for personal gain.
what if I told you that several people, including NippLagate got mails to talk about "Soros the boogeyman" ?
>worked for national socialist party
>said it was the best time of his life
Dare I say it, /ourguy/?!
>heart of gold
Is that euphemism for greed?