If you know the Vegas Shooting was a hoax press 'I know someone who was shot there', or an emotional variation of it.
Code words to show you know that won't get you fired or FISA'd.
Nobody Was Shot In Vegas - Just Sandy Hook with an Induced Panic
Other urls found in this thread:
Video is made by a very young boy just learning to internet. Discarded, even if he may have a point.
This is a mafia fugazzi scheme just to get the insurance money.
No bunny was hurt in the incident.
>Doesn't even know how to use the word 'internet'
>Uses as verb
nobody noticing this one dude sucking another one off?
no? welp
yeah i noticed, but then i thought maybe he is just tending to some wounds
i was there, it happened
Still haven't heard how many of those deaths were trampling / panic related vs big scary guns.
that face after driving bullet ridden bodies to the hospital 'so quickly' in your car.
at 4:22
Hey ! I remember this gay blowjob !
My cousin's brother was shot there
>W-We tried so hard to keep everything under wraps but the goyim still know
>God damn our spooky spooky mason secrets aren't working anymore
>Boohoooo what are we gonna do when the goyim pick up the pitchforks???
Who the fuck paid you?
Goddamn, crisis actors and liars are everywhere with this bullshit.
>My cousins brothers hamster got shot at Mandalay and I can assure you it really happened!
The shooting aspect of this false flag at the concert was indeed a psy op.
There were shooters all over the strip at hotels though.
Blackwater BTFO of Mossad kikes.
>People weren't shot
>People were shot
No evidence
Just bullshit
fuck off JIDF
actually you're not wrong,
I want the evidence somebody was actually shot.
Hey, I recognize that gay blowjob...
on the left side, q1 there is a pile of bodies....
How does one get a pile if not moved by those who wish to proclaim it is a pile....
This is the only image I have seen circulating and by that alone I smell bullshit...
All those young people with cell phones and not 1 snap , not one video close up...
Ive seen the 4k video and could never find a muzzle flash....
My wife's son died in vegas
my brothers sons nephew of a rabbi was kill 6 million times....
You obviously don't know how to internet.
i know everyone who was shot at las vegas you asshole, its not a hoax!
I know Sandy Hook happened, because I saw the pictures and evidence the government and media released after the shooting.
Oh wait.
I was a teacher at sandy hook and miraculously survived hiding in a closet, after so many conspiracy theorists constantly knocking at my door asking questions, I relocated to orlando and changed my identity to a gay man, I was then lucky enough to escape pulse nightclub, I feel there was divine intervention so I started attending church regularly until dylan roof shot the place up one day, I survived by hiding behind a Jesus statue, I felt helpless so I got my license to carry, trained and completed firearm safety course and began listening to country music so i went to las vegas to celebrate my new outlook on life, the festival was cancelled, nobody was there, the entire facility was tarped off, got refund and went home
>could never find a muzzle flash
They fucked up here because in the official story the gun was on a bipod on the floor of the hotel room.
This would have placed it very close to the window in order to point down while being on the floor.
Probably some machine gun sounding gas powered rig on the roof of the MGM since they are obviously complicit in the hoax with no video of Paddock but screenshots of some Saudi for a bullshit assassination bullshit disinfo plot.
and we can just visit the scene and take some...
aaaaaaaaaaaand its gone
The shills must have Sundays off.
They usually swarm these threads.
Maybe Sundays can be evidence compiling days?
I suspect some pic related fags and a few (((tech billionaire))) fags and Jews are putting on these anti gun hoaxes
They are not salty, they are actually laughing at us, they know that no matter how much we know about the hoaxes, it doesn't matter, because the normies will never believe us, and the truth will never get to any mainstream media outlet.
That closet blond crisis actor whore and vamp was extremely hot bro, she should have gone to modelling or porn immediately. If "sweet boy" can become a phoney politician in virginia why can't closet blonde become a porn star??
Something I could fap to for hours, something for all my tax dollars these crisis actors get, for once.
Sandy Hook and Orlando were largely victimless hoaxes.
This was traumatizing to 22,000 people who were unwitting participants in an induced panic.
They couldn't resist terrorizing people for being white patriots.
This makes for some explose fuel to drive an investigation.
That school was empty. You can tell by all the boxes and shit in the windows. Sandy Hook was bullshit false flag and Vegas was too.
Notice that the only thing which changed from the Obongo/Clinton presidency to the Trump??
Under Obongo, the mock victims were all super-Libtards (Sandy Hoax Democrat kids, Pulse nightclub super tranny faggot liberals)
Now under Trump-- The mock victims are all conservative Trump supporting whites (Country fans in Vegas, White Churchgoing Repuplicans in Texas)
>Unarmed white republicans in Texas
>of which there are fucking zero in the world
MGM owns the concert grounds as well as the hotel.
I assume the grounds will be bulldozed ASAP.
MGM CEO is said to have some ties to the Department of Homeland Security.
Will digging into MGM expose these people?
What would a smoking gun if there was one?
One thing I noticed that is different this time, I think the normies aren't really buying these latest fake shootings. They had this supposed "worst mass shooting of all time: in a Texas Church.
In the old days, this would have set the nation into absolute hysterics and grief. My normie family and friends don't even give a single fuck this time, they just aren't buying it this time, (and these are bluepill normies)
They can just sense this is all fake,and they ignore it. The media is going to have to stage the shootings, and fake the fear and hysteria of the sheeple too, because this time the sheeple just aren't buying it.
I wonder if Trump and the anti-establishment republicans know about and are allowing these hoaxes.
Breitbart is pretty Jewy at its roots.
I suspect they might be controlled opposition and a Jewy 2.0 version of the war against Islam from the George W terms. (Not that I want Muslims on my continent or anything).
Taking guns from Americans would be in line with a Jewish one world government run from Jerusalem.
Maybe they're just rocking the right left polarity to further their agendas.
>i was there
really? where were you when it started? at what point did you realize the cops are completely useless?
why are you samefagging OP? we can see your ID moron.... i bet you're the same guy from yesterday that will just post memes that have nothing to do with the topic while shouting "NO EVIDENCE NO EVIDENCE".
The mods should give you a 1-3 day timeout at this point it's simply spam.
>MGM CEO is said to have some ties to the Department of Homeland Security.
He is on the civilian advisory board of the DHS. So he is DHS. The Vegas shooting was done from a DHS facility (MGM) If this was real, the hotel which provided the snipers nest from which hundreds and hundreds were shot, would be sued for hundreds of millions of dollars, for gross negligence at the least, complicity more likely.
This would put MGM completely out of business if any of this were real, but no worries, when you are the DHS you can shoot or not shoot anyone you want, and the media/courts etc will never touch or mention you.
>why are you samefagging OP?
I know. I'm sorry. I just sent that from another computer. Wanted to see if it knew Sup Forums knew I was the OP.
I'll delete it.
Another concert goer has died. This time by a (((hit-and-run driver))), Roy McClellan.
>I wonder if Trump and the anti-establishment republicans know
They know and they are part of it. Watch Alex Jones, how he made a complete 180 on these hoaxes? One time he was the biggest Sandy Hoax truther, now he pretends every shooting is real, like Trump.
Trump goes along with the shootings, because (who knows?) but the anti-Muslim angle can be promoted by Trump and Alex Jones after every fake Muslim car ramming.
>Look at these horrible Muslims!!!
Alex jones and Trump can forward their rhetoric on this and immigration. The gun-grabbers are only playing defense with these hoax shootings, but notice that Vegas "shot down" the upcoming silencers freedom act. Successful hoax event, Mission accomplished we just don't know it. Even the NRA won't tell the truth
>Be me
>Believe everything I hear
>"Don't believe everything you hear," just means "Don't believe in reality!" when I say it,
>Genocide happens
>Deny it
>Waste vote on dumbest president ever
>Oh shit he's stupid
>Don't worry I can deny it too.
>Mass shooting happens
>Thousands of witnesses
>Hundreds of witnesses
>Dozens of dead
>"Oh, shit, what if I'm retarded? Too many people were there to effectively lie about it."
>Deny it
57AY W0k3
OP is busted lol. Hello Alfred Pike.
>DHS you can shoot or not shoot anyone you want, and the media/courts etc will never touch or mention you.
I was thinking the other day about how a court will never give a Holocaust revisionist a fair trial.
I would make sense for the government to be able to override judges if they tried to rule to expose any black ops secrets.
Still. We should meme the proof of this hoax to the people.
The CIA dosing unwitting participants with LSD and MKULTRA abuse led to congressional investigations.
Also, people will know the public CAN be trusted to use guns and won't allow the 2nd to be repealed if they learn the truth.
They're using the same trope as the Holocaust 'human nature is too evil to be trusted'. Remember when brother Paddock said 'If muh brother could do this we're all in trouble'. Fucking mind slavery, 'fear yourself and trust us to control you'. Jewy humanist BULLSHIT.
show any example of Trump supporting the Sandy Hook bullshit narrative.
good luck.
He knows it's total fuckery and didn't donate a cent to them or lend them any support. Sandy Hookers freaked out on Trump for his relationship with Jones.
>Mass shooting happens
>Thousands of witnesses
>Hundreds of witnesses
>Dozens of dead
Has no evidence a bullet hit anyone or anything that day.
>Sandy Hookers freaked out on Trump for his relationship with Jones.
Not sure if THIS,
Or if Alex Jones is controlled op and spilled the beans just to see what the fallout would be and how to manage it in the future.
People are sending their Vegas hoax evidence to Alex Jones instead of each other now.
The (((monopolized))) internet seems to have put up blocks from people sharing the truth about these hoaxes like they used to.
They are also collecting data on people who know. I'm sure it's for sale and has been analyzed. Look at the 'big data' related reddits to see this isn't paranoia.
The Body Language Lady on YouTube is controlled op for sure.
Send her a facebook message about the shooting and she'll tell you a friend of her's was shot there.
Faggot shill Saudi disinfo thread that gets made every day, fuck off with this gay ass shit you brainlet.
It's impossible to fake a mass shooting taking place in an open air venue like Vegas, Sandy Hook could only be faked because it happened inside a building with no cameras.
>Still. We should meme the proof of this hoax to the people.
Nice digits this must be true. we can break the conditioning if the young anons can be redpilled on this. These crisis actors show up at high schools and moan and sob their stories about "Surviving Sandy Hoax" to the assembled school, and fake cry and convince the students we need to "do something" (ban guns).
If we could get enough high school students to yell out "Crisis actor!!!" and laugh openly at their fakery, this would make the news, and shut down the power of these hoaxes, and maybe open the sheeple's eyes.
Get on it you high school sheeples!!
My girlfriend's other boyfriend was shot there, so I gave her special permission to visit him every night.
>being this new
sandy hook is gone, done. Trump is pretending this Vegas nonsense is real. Pretending the Texas church retardation is real. Pretending "Assad gassed his own people"
He is just the next president, what is really different? He won't take our guns during his administration, but the New World Agenda marches on.
My aunt, who lives with my family, was a paramedic for AMR for over twenty-five years in las vegas. She's even been awarded by the city for heroics in saving some dying fatass from a 30 foot deep wash during monsoon season. Anyways, she has a fuck ton of experience that can really only be had in big cities with high crime rates, gang violence, and drinking like Las Vegas. She's a huge conservative, conceal carries, and has two handguns loaded in her bedside table in my house.
A good friend of hers that she's worked with for two decades has been talking to her about his experience at the vegas shooting. He was working as a paramedic for the concert event, not in response to the shooting, and was already on the ground when the slaughter started. He's been having PTSD like problems and said that the raw amount of trauma he dealt with has scarred him. He was one of THE first responders due to him already working the event while it occurred. Now, I never heard gun trauma being explicitly mentioned, but people like my aunt and her buddies who worked in Vegas as paramedics dont get easily bothered by broken arms/trampling type injuries. They see worse almost every week on the job. The nasty stories my aunt has told me herself make me think that anything less than a gunshot wound wouldn't really bother most experienced medics.
Now, I have my conservative, pretty redpilled aunt telling me about her best friends traumatic experiences on the ground at the shooting. And simultaneously I have my Sup Forums false flag senses tingling. I think the best of both worlds is that it was a false flag, but this time nothing was faked. I think (((they))) set this up and shot them dead intentionally.
My brother in-law, a conservative normie, even told me he thought it was a false flag this thanksgiving. I'm so conflicted between personal experiences from people I trust and my own Sup Forums intuition
Ignore hearsay evidence, conspiracy theorist shills
the difference between this and sandy hook is i can actually see the dead people
if Sup Forums cant find pics of dead kids, something is fishy
Alex Jones guest Steve Pzenchenik has openly laughed at and exposed Vegas, and Jones basically said "well you're wrong but we stay friends"
Alex Jones frequent (EX) guest Mr. David Steel has been on every small time youtube channel exposing the Vegas hoaxery, but Alex won't even talk to him now. Alex can't expose anything that Trump does, because Jones is a in-the-bag Trump cheerleader for the duration of Trump's reign.
>Jones basically said "well you're wrong but we stay friends"
If he's just a sellout for respectability and ads or something (as more and more alt media is), then he's still a liar because he's always said he doesn't do what he does for money or status, is on a mission, etc.
OK post the personal videos she took that night showing the piles of corpses (in hi def pls) and the blood-soaked halls of the hospitals and the stacked up corpses, and prove us all wrong.
Anyone on the inside of a hoax, it's their job to pretend it was real to their casual friends etc.
Nice digits
These shills have such dumb arguments they seem more motivated to cock block an autist investigation than they are to convince anyone of anything.
I mean, their arguments are so weak.
>If Alex Jones is just a sellout for respectability and ads or something (as more and more alt media is), then he's still a liar because he's always said he doesn't do what he does for money or status, is on a mission, etc.
Naah you are taking this too seriously. He has just chosen to support Trump, not a bad decision, for this will give him access to Trump, he will be "on the Trump train" and Trump is the first potentially "for the people" conservative president of our lifetimes.
I don't fault AJ for pretending these hoaxes are real, you can't go against your master, and i think it's OK if Jones supports Drumpf.
Listen to Larry David Steel and Pzcheink, these guys are not having any of the BS on Vegas (both are "ex" CIA)
Prove it.
I am starting to lend more credence to this theory. 527 people shot should experience at 27ish percent mortality rate in 48 hours. Nobody died in ICU and death count was accurate within 12 hours is my personal smoking gun. There's just no way. Death toll would rise. Amputations, paralysis, loss of cognitive ability due to sustained blood loss. Getting shot with a .38 special is bad enough. .223 Remington is a whole different story with a much more serious wound channel.
To kind of add to that, we would have perforations of spleens and livers. This is fatal in a minutes sometimes. We'd have *tons* of infection and lots of victims succumb to sepsis. Can't just release the contents of someone's guts into their bloodstream and expect some dude in a F150 to save you an hour later. Doesn't work like that.
> He has just chosen to support Trump
But in an earlier post you said, "Trump is pretending this Vegas nonsense is real."
This isn't computing.
Is Trump aware and for these fake shootings?
Fake shootings obviously made to repeal the 2nd eventually.
We might need to figure out who would be close to Trump that is doing this.
Isn't the CIA head a Tea Party guy?
Is the Tea Party Okay with these hoaxes?
I had been assuming the Tea Party types and Trump were protecting the 2nd amendment before this Vegas hoax happened.
Is ANYONE in power pro the 2nd amendment?
I'll add to that---
We had verbal victims and witness accounts of "Bload-soaked emergency waiting rooms" and people coming in the hospital drenched in blood etc, but then you go to the actual videos of the hospital entrance, and it's people carrying other people (like the Pulse hoax) and not a drop of blood on anyone, they are totally clean, and appear completely undamaged.
Just like pulse where the main crisis actor reported on camera he was "crawling on my hands and knees over the blood-soaked floor" and there was not a single drop of blood on him. Total lies, exposed and proved, obvious to anyone watching.
Here a pic of a real gunshot wound. Compare this to Angel Colon "shot in the hand with Assault rifle" lol
I said Vegas was real you moron. Period.
Hey i recognize that hobo orgy picture
Nothing says legit theory like a bandicam watermark
>> He has just chosen to support Trump
And pretend these hoaxes are real like Trump is doing. Get it? you can't go against your master. Alex Jones cannot expose Trump is carrying out fake hoax events.
>Is Trump aware and for these fake shootings?
Yes of course. He is the pres now, and not the candidate promising us this and that, he is the pres with power.
He also promised to make friends with Russia and quickly betrayed us on that and went right into stabbing Russia in the back with new sanctions etc, lying about Russia etc. (Trump is just the next George Bush sadly crying reverse lol)
>Fake shootings obviously made to repeal the 2nd eventually.
Yes. But Trump won't do it, they will have to do it with President Malia Obama in 2032. Our guns are safe with Trump in office, but the deep state will shut down any pro-gun laws on our favor, like the law they killed that was going to give us silencers, the only casuallty of Vegas
>Gives video evidence
Nah must be fake
>Gives hundreds of witness testimonials
They must be paid
>Talks to people who had people die there
Must have fallen for the Jew
>Creates time travel to go to the scene and experience it first hand
I bet we just jumped to an alternate universe
>nobody was shot there
My family friend literally got shot in the stomach there, and he's a fire fighter to boot a real human bean. Vegas shooting was not a fucking hoax you retard subhuman. We had another couple out there die while they were in Vegas. They were good Christian people who were well known for their charity events. The Padocks are all crooks.
>OP being a massive fag
bullshit you're just here to make us look like utter idiots. Even if that's not your agenda, your still dragging down the overall IQ by being a huge massive idiot.
yeah i genuinely believe a lot of Route 91 "truthers" are just here to make us look like retards.
Of course there are thousands of people who don't trust the government (and after 9/11 rightfully so) and they gonna assume it was a false flag.
But there just isn't any real prove of it being a false flag. There are no additional gunmen, the people got shot and some of them died. The videos look weird as fuck as some folks didn't even react to the shooting (thought it was fireworks or the speakers going apeshit -> see "Ashlay Galaviz" footage).
And the number 1 reason why the cops and the FBI are keeping quite about this incident is because the cops failed hard at stopping the attacker, for over 10 minutes they didn't even think about taking out the gunmen, they just hid behind cover and couldn't do much. After like 12 minutes one cop finally says over radio "We can't care about victims now, we have to take out the shooter first before we have more victims". And shortly after that paddock shot himself. The cops didn't do nothing, they were absolutely useless and they don't want the public to know this.
here we go again, your just posting memes that have nothing to do with the topic while yelling "NO EVIDENCE NO EVIDENCE".
get a life, this thread is a waste of time.
it would be really easy for the government to fake this but i doubt they did. As of now the only thing that's still a secret is paddock's motive. But i'm fairly certain he did it, he wanted to do it and his motive was simply being the guy that "fired into a crowd in las vegas and killed a bunch of people".
>I mean, their arguments are so weak.
sure thing OP. whatever, im out, this thread is a waste of time
>We might need to figure out who would be close to Trump that is doing this.
>Isn't the CIA head a Tea Party guy?
Fuck no don't even think about it, he is just another sellout New World Order shill like Kelly, McMasterbaiter and that UN Ambassador whore, total fucking libtard. Notice Trump has appointed only Neocon New World Order globalists to his cabinet? Just another George Bush, call Trump Donald Bush3.
>Is the Tea Party Okay with these hoaxes?
Is there a tea party anymore? IDK but NRA won't tell the truth. Think about it this way, Trump allowing these hoaxes and "terror events" may end up winning him more votes, so he can scream about "Islamic terror trucks" in 2020. Who cares if the events are real or staged?? He may be more concerned with how the retarded sheeple will vote, than what is real or fake.
Stop trying to make memes
>Posts webm says is of a bullet hitting a wall
>Webm shows no bullet hitting the wall
>Has no evidence a bullet hit anything
I do know someone that was there...
She works at stoneys which is a country bar in Vegas. I used to bartend with her. They had a booth.
Pretty sure it happened fuckhead.
I even told you guys the motive after it happened (with event precedent) but you dumb shits wouldnt believe me.
Dude had money troubles...was already fucking mad at the world. Took it out on vegas by destroying the environment. Now vegas has a stigma and the casino industry is being exposed.
>there are retards out there who don't think the shooting happened
>they think it's a hoax
>their IQ is so low that they couldn't ever comprehend people using crisis actors after the actual shooting has occurred
>that would just be too much for them to handle
>NO the entire shooting is a hoax
>Eric Padock spilling his spaghetti on national television was also a hoax
>the 0.02 cents being deposited in their accounts as they post this shill nonsense
>I had been assuming the Tea Party types and Trump were protecting the 2nd amendment before this Vegas hoax happened.
Trump will protect the 2nd amendment as long as he is thepres, but the deep state will have their hoaxes too. The libtards are playing defense with these "mass shootings" The purpose of Sandy hook was to take our guns. The purpose of these new hoaxes are just to stage negative psyops on gun culture, and make sure we don't win any new gun freedoms while Trump is in office (like getting silencers) these staged events like Vegas, are to keep silencers hard to get/illegal, and to ban bump stocks. They'll ban the guns later, when they get another libtard in the white house down the road. President Donna Brazil 2024?
>Is ANYONE in power pro the 2nd amendment?
Trump will, long as he is in office. 8 years will be better than 4 trust me.
Prove it.
didn't mean to reply to you my bad
>Vamping crisis actor brother
>Shoots 500 people literally in a Paddock
>Not a fucking meme
Did he predict his money troubles in October of 2016 when he accumulated the vast majority of his weapons? Why did he buy a car in cash 2 weeks before the shooting? 100k wired the day before? 8 homes but 0 mortgages. Why didn't he sell a few of his homes which he owned outright? Kys. Your friend, who doesn't exist, was fooled like the rest of the world. Same reason you can't yell 'fire' in a theater. People leave actually believing they barely escaped dying in a fire...
I don't have goybook, and the only way you'd be able to look him up is if you do. Then there's the taking in the factor of whether, or not he has his facebook page setup to be private. Vegas is exactly what happened at Sandy Hook. They make a happening happen, and when the cameras come they throw in crisis actors to further narratives. Also the entire night of the Vegas shooting happening, and that one well known rich fuck boi manlet who literally filmed on instagram a girl in his vicinity getting her head blown apart by gunfire.
tl:dr? They create a happening, and then use people who were "there" to push against what "ruined" their lives to create a narrative
>implying the only way to prove your friend got shot in Vegas is a facebook link.
>Friendless faggot confirmed.
>Is there a tea party anymore?
No Tea Party but the CIA head used to be one.
I was a low information Normie during that time but it seemed like they were some real rootin tootin crackers shutting down the government and blocking Obama.
I guess they were Breidtbart controlled too if we're filing this under the Zionist agenda with Trump.
WHATEVER is happening behind the scenes THESE HOAXES need to be exposed.
There aren't much of us but we have the truth and the moral high ground on our sides.
Also, like I said, we have 22,000 people terrorized for being white patriots too.
If we can get the more media savvy among, or related to this 22,000 we could have something big.
It's all good we can only laugh at this fuckery. All you have to do is look at "Paddocks" laughing smirking meming 'brother' in his many interviews.
IRL if your brother just committed the worst mass-murder in history, and you're about to go to the chair with him, you don't spend your last free days laughing and meming like a complete unconcerned retard. Crisis actors do, because they are getting paid huge money, and they know the whole show is a joke.
how about you travel back in time and tell the girl to walk around the wall, into the line of fire, so she could film the other side of the wall getting hit by bullets.
prove to me the cloud of dust is CGI or a smoke machine first before you open your filthy dumb mouth.
gosh, knowing what retards are browsing this board nowadays makes me wanna quit Sup Forums for good.
but there is at least one positive aspect to the Route 91 incident.
ALL retards outed themselves for being the retards that they are, Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Malnyeux* and all the other pseudo-intellectuals who made a video on day 2 claiming to know it all and that it was all a hoax, showing the entire world that they don't fact check at all just to get that sweet sweet clickbait cash.
dishonest motherfuckers.
I know someone who was shot there. For real.
Code words understood
>Also, like I said, we have 22,000 people terrorized for being white patriots too.
>If we can get the more media savvy among, or related to this 22,000 we could have something big.
IDK maybe that's one way to redpill a large mass of shpeeples. Look at the preacher video who warned the crowd to reject sin as they waited in line to enter the paddock (lol)
Sheeps wait in line like that not men.
They should have listened to the preachers words and heeded him not one did that I saw what I watched.
>He tried to warn them
he was cocain, his brother could have raped his mother he wouldn't have give a shit.
The paddock family are complete psychopaths. One is a mass-murderer, one is a pedophile, the other can't help himself but to do coke before speaking to the entire nation on TV and their father robbed banks and almost killed an FBI agent.
>implying I'm going to search through the internet for a story for someone with an IQ low enough to believe flat earth theories
Blow it up your ass along with the smoke the rest of the retards here are blowing in you
PJ Watson never said it was a hoax did he? I never saw that, would like to see it Swissanon? Post that pls or photos of your many guns?