American 'education'

>american 'education'

Citation, leaf?


>calling soccer "football"
check yourself before you shrek yourself europoor


>Mexican ball
Allah akbar my friend

>soccer is called football in america
>canadian education

Who knew chemistry was really just white guys getting cucked the whole time

>Comic Sans



It's from a British schoolbook, but then the leafcunt already knew that.

Well this is a good metaphor, I didn't understand displacement reactions before this.

had me worried for a minute there desu

Thats not a citation

This, that shit did not come from America.

>soccer ball

fuck this netorare shit!

Malia Obamas brand new car is disgusting

>does not mention that Irene Iron is an easily oxidized roastie
>does not depict her getting gangbanged by Chris Chloride's one or both both other brothers: Charlie and Charkandrick

No, its a football

Thermodynamics is anti-white.