Why do Americans still fight the fact they lost the Vietnam War?
It is ok to admit you lost, but so did the Peoples Republic of China, France, Cambodia , as a matter of fact Vietnam was in a perpetual state of war for almost fifty solid years. We should be proud of these "subhuman rice farmers" as a testament to human struggle. There is simply no refutation to this fact, and that American government at the time even openly admitted the war was a farce and a loss. So why can't burgers accept it?
Why do Americans still fight the fact they lost the Vietnam War?
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indifference mostly
can still park armies on anyones doorstep in under 24 hours
Because we had a k/d ratio of more than 170 to 1. People act like the we were getting BTFO at every turn when we absolutely were crushing them. We lost to Communism back at home and Vietnam still turned into a shithole.
Because we didn't lose.
We signed a peace treaty and left.
Then they fought South Vietnam and won.
South Vietnam lost, not us.
You're right, European, we completely lost. It was an absolute disaster. Our armies were TOTALLY encircled and utterly destroyed, in every single campaign. Those that escaped this grisly fate were routed completely. They had no chance and they were shot in the back fleeing to Saigon. Nobody survived and every single battle was lost. Also, US technology was hopelessly inferior AND the US outnumbered those poor rice farmers in every battle, no exceptions. Man the Europeans were so smart and cultured to stay out the Vietnam War.
Americans got out because morale in America proper was shit because our institutions were slowly being taken over by communist kikes who were implicitly pro-communism.
The Viet Cong were absolutely smashed at the Tet Offensive.
America did a good thing by fighting against the worst ideology and mental cancer to ever come to existence.
Tbh it's not a big deal. Vietnam's landscape made it harder for U.S to fight. It's just like what happened in Afghanistan. Vietnam did nothing miraculous and US should not feel bad.
Also I want to add the standards for winning and losing a war have been so twisted by Euros that haven't participated in a single armed conflict for 70 years, that they basically want to say we lose every war on the basis of "if there's one insurgent left still standing, you lost"
The goalposts are always moving. It's not enough for America to completely annihilate an armed forces like in the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan and such. It's not enough to topple their governments and ensure what's left is basically an insurgency. Now we have to make sure every civilian loves us unconditionally or we lose the war in the Euro perspective.
They didn't used to think like this in WW2 about Germany, I wonder why. They would always say Germany won against France, they wouldn't say dumb shit like "Germany lost because they couldn't eliminate the French resistance"
No need for hyperbole, burger, us Europeans were in Vietnam before burgers even knew it existed and we got our asses kicked in the same way you did. K/D doesn't mean shit, historically speaking, you still failed to prevent the spread of communism and abandoned your South Vietnamese puppet state.
Getting encircled in a dumb fort and sitting there expecting to win a war is in no way the same way the Vietnam war ended for the US. Nice try though.
Check the kill count you dumb nigger
No, we foolishly tried to hunt them down and made no progress until we got so pressured and broken that nobody gave and shit and we left. The difference being we had the ability to say we lost. Dien Bien Phu was in response to failing search and destroy efforts.
Absolutely meaningless. Still didn't prevent the spread of communism as you promised to do 9 years prior.
No surprise that a Europoor is calling Communist spreading a military victory.
An American defeat, A Vietnamese victory. Not really hard to grasp, politics aside.
>muh k/d
It's a troll thread and your getting troll answers.
I think an honest assessment would say a tactical military victory and a political loss.
The tag of my shirt says "made in vietnam". They work for me. Communism my ass.
I bet I could fly to Hanoi right now and get a cheap hooker and a bag of Big Macs with big strong American yankee joe dorrah.
As soon as American boots hit your soil, you've already lost. Our tendrils will creep into your society and you'll be shopping at walmart in a year.
If Vietnam got McDonalds and builds shoes for you anyway, why is freaking out over a loss a problem in the first place? Regardless of the defeat, Vietnam still pulled a "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" trope and started selling you shit. I just fail to see how burgers get so triggered when they "won the culture war."
>BTFO the North so bad you force them to sign peace treaty
>pull troops out
>a few years later
>they chimp out like the slant eyed gook monkeys they are
>invade the South again
More like
>500,000 burgers go fight a war that nobody supports and the Government is getting ready to fall apart unless the war ends, literally the point of the 1968 election and afterward
The USA didn't lose the war, South Vietnam was overrun after we signed a peace treaty and left. Contrary to popular opinion, we mostly fought against the NVA, not the Viet Cong, and did well the whole time. The place that things were messed up was the homefront.
Literally not triggered at all. We got what we wanted.
I do get a little buttmad about the media completely and utterly screwing over the troops and making absolutely sure a generation of baby boomers viewed communism as amazing and hip.
I have a neighbor from California that is a self-described communist and also a millionaire executive of a Fortune 500 company. This nigger lives in a fucking mansion next to my cracker box house.
they didn't have to sign the Paris accords but they did
Because the war was unresolved. Also, we like being undefeated in war.
A better question is, why do you care? It's like asking if the Chinese are still upset about the Boxer Rebellion failing. Time moves forward, and you fucks are living in the past.
Amerilards in this thread massively in denial.
You faggots LOST! Your whole army got sent packing by rice farmers with AK's!
You still got your asses whooped tho. You lost the war Amerifat.
Because I wanted you's and Vietnam is my favorite war, Dixie-user.
get a clue nigger, look at casualties on both sides and try that again bitch
Didnt they just pull out of Vietnam because of the Paris agreements? I heard North Vietnam was almost bombed into submission.
>muh k/d fallacy
Soviets took the most casualties of the Second World War yet got the most shit done, try again sweetie.
The key to a debate is to provide new information. You're making us look bad by spewing K/D repeatedly, like it's the magic number. There's more to war than casualties.
They were home because of kikes in the homeland akmed.
No there isn't
There really is, though.
When the war ended, the subhuman Sovs were still fighting on their own soil, in several regions, EUcommie. Meanwhile, the US went from Normandy to Czechoslovokia in about 8 months, from across the Atlantic, while also fighting and winning a war on the other side of the planet singlehandedly.
fucking euro "education" again.
we didn't lose, we won but the libruls had us pull out, just look at the k/d ratio americans said we had
What are you talking about? Most Americans don't even care. A large percentage can't even find Vietnam on a map.
>America lost the Vietnam War
Then how come my favorite shirts come from Vietnam and are so cheap? Could it possibly be children in sweat shops making them for a capitalist piggu like me?
They do make nice clothes. Better fabric and cheaper than China too.
Because they willingly sold to you again after liberalizing their economy.
An incredibly massive margin of the German Army was expended against the Soviets, who unquestionably carried the most stress of the war. They literally took the infrastructure damage equivalent to everything from New York to Chicago being burned,and recovered from that in two years.
If casualties meant everything, The American Revolution would've failed.
i love how these (you) (((viet-cong farmers))) ignore posts stating what really happened and how we left after gooks got BTFO
It's probably because we, as Americans, are naturally proud. We're born, raised, and die thickheaded. It's just how it is.
I'm guessing you're too busy watching your wife gag on Muhummad's cock to actually read any history about the Paris Peace Accords and how the NVA and VC were harshly butt-fucked by the US military, especially after Operation Pocket Money.
Fact is that the VC was utterly annihilated as a fighting force and literally ceased to exist. Following Nixon's election, the NVA was pounded harder than your daughter in a grooming gang and also ceased to be a cohesive fighting force after the Easter Offensive.
When the US left in 72, we had achieved total tactical and strategic victory in Vietnam. Plus, we'd used the conflict to drive a wedge between China and the USSR (over some LOL worthless piece of shit country) and split the Sino-Rus alliance that threatened to overwhelm NATO.
Afterwards, Congress, led by ass-hurt liberals such as yourself voted to cut off ALL funding and arms shipments to the South Vietnamese military. No aviation fuel, no ordnance, no goddamn bullets, even. So after more than two years of uninterrupted, unchecked rebuilding, the NVA managed to take South Vietnam in a mechanized assault, because the liberals decided to throw a temper tantrum and not supply our satellite state with the basic materials necessary for war. This was purely a political decision, and a spiteful one too, like when you spit in your wife's coffee because she kept you up last night with the noise of her getting gangbanged by goat fuckers till 3 AM.
Pop the cock out of your mouth and read a history book. Not only did the USA savage North Vietnam, the war cracked the USSR / PRC alliance and greatly hastened the ultimate defeat of communist cock suckers like yourself. Stay mad, bitch boy.
Christ, man.
No need to get so assblasted.
You're making a bigger deal out of this than you need to.
>being this mad one has to resort to namecalling and muh k/d
>somehow internal strife in the U.S. Government makes it not count as a defeat just because "WE WEREN'T THERE LOL"
sure thing pal. Go shout more memes.
I'm going to frame this post.
Euroniggers eternally BTFO
I don't think Americans are denying that they lost the Vietnam War unlike Eurofaggots who are still in denial about having been conquered by Muslims.
>5% of Euros are muslim
>20% of Americans are white
makes me think.
Oh, so you don't have a single fact to try and rebut me? Wow, shocker.
According to you, after a treaty is signed, you can still 'lose' the war if, literally years later, anything changes from the exact political state that existed when the treaty was signed.
Did America 'lose' WW1 and WW2 because now Germany defacto controls continental Europe? Obviously fucking not. The idea that you can evaluate a military campaign based on political decisions that happen years later is mental. The objective of the war was to prevent communist takeover of South Vietnam. This objective was achieved, with bonuses like the total brutalization of the NVA, and splitting the two most powerful members of the enemy alliance apart from one another. That was the status at the END of the conflict. What happened years later is irrelevant. According to your limp-dicked logic the Crusades were fucking stunning military victories because now Jerusalem is no longer under Muzzie control regardless of why or when that change occurred.
'muh k/d'-- quote one place I mentioned k/d you mouthbreather
>at least 50% of Americans are white Christian conservatives
>90% of Euroqueers are absolute cum-gargling faggots and queers
I'll take America.
Both demonstrably false, because protestants aren't Christian.
At least they're not fucking Satan-worshipping sand niggers you cum-dumpster.
I'm breaking my own rule here by arguing with a hole.
And now we've come full circle back to namecalling.
I am disappoint, Sup Forums.
We lost a war we inherited from the French. And by lost I mean we got so tired of killing hundreds of thousands of the people in a third world shit hole we decided to pack up and leave a place we never should've went to in the first place.
I know its literally the only negative thing you can say about Europe, being muslims, when we out-do you in Education and standard of living,but it really does get dreadfully old. We have less muslims than you do black people, and despite what you hear on the ((NEWS)) it is nowhere as bad as you think. But please, continue you heretic.
Everybody with a minimum intellect knows the USA lost that war to the watergate. Thinking about it, it was probably the point where the communists turned the game table until nowadays.
what about merkel's guests?
The percentage of actual countable Muslims is irrelevant when your entire political system is cucked by them and they rule the streets while the European "majority" sits at home watching their wives and daughters eating Paki spunk.
Don't you have some anti-American "free Pakestine" rally to attend?
>why can't burgers accept it?
>entire thread is filled with buttupset yanks
w-way to prove him otherwise, guys
Excuse me sir do you have a single fact to back that up or are you just gonna talk like a degenerate with your sexual euphemisms and just project all day?
Because what certainly isn't projection is that over 30% of America is obese.
You know you don't out do us in higher education though, which let's be honest is the only thing that really counts. Also most innovations come from the US these days.
Quiet, or we'll war plan red your ass.
>We out-do you education
The South literally has education comparable to Swaziland as it is mercilessly cucked by corporations teaching kids the bare minimum. American students are some of the most daft in the world, and I would know, because they fucking flood Europe looking for a cheaper way to get shit done, and thats just College. Public School is even scarier over there.
These idiots try to get Americans to answer the wrong question because they're stupid trolls. The question isn't "Did America lose in Vietnam?" The question, regardless of what you believe to have been the outcome of the war, is "Was it worth it?"
>Creates an obvious bait thread
>Flies an obvious bait meme flag
>"Aren't you going to take me seriously?"
>responding to bait thread
>Flies the dreadful leaf
>arguing in a thread despite the aformentioned
do you understand what is happening here burger.
>peace treaty signed
>Americans leave
>gooks invade
>hoo rook we hav a defeted teh Americun devals
One of the best I've seen in some time. Eurofags eternally BTFO.
If you beat a bullies face in then suddenly stop does that mean you lost?
I could just type SAGE in all fields but I wanted to let you know that I think you and your kind are massive faggots and I can see right through your facade of righteous anti-Americanism and see the feckless coward sucking Muslim cock behind the curtain.
you fit the blindly proud, dumb american stereotype perfectly. I bet you're fat, in debt and dream about being a millionaire, too.
>*unsheathes flag*
wow i bet you feel goofy now, leaf
>get a clue nigger, look at casualties on both sides and try that again bitch
War is won when your objectives are met.
North Vietnam succeeded in unifying the whole country under communist rule. US failed to prevent that.
>protestants aren't Christians
Have you paid to be let into heaven today and have you sucked the pope's dick yet?
Bait thread confirmed.
nah dont group us in the same light. the french literally suffered a total military defeat in Vietnam, and seeing the Americans wipe their asses with millions of dead Vietnamese makes them salty beyond belief, causing these threads to pop up every now and then
Pick up a history book.
America never lost in Vietnam, they won every single military engagement they were in until the Paris Peace Accords and their 1973 withdraw.
It was the South Vietnamese ARVN that began losing the war and the eventual fall of Saigon happened in 1975.
Everyone who claims America lost spreads commie propaganda:
I strongly suggest watching this documentary for any Vietnam naysayers:
because they won and then the democrats sold out thier victory.
This should be the standard response to all Euro-made Vietnam threads
The same could be said for my ancestors stomping the shit out of yours
but it pays to be a winner, and the CSA did not win
just as US did not win in Vietnam
Get back to us about public education after you have fixed your problem with moslem " unaccompanied minors" raping your daughters at school.