How does Gintama stay so consistently good for so long?
How does Gintama stay so consistently good for so long?
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After such a bad first episode, the only way to go is up.
God-tier VA casting and good source material.
Also episodic format helps.
> The anime probably has the biggest amount of A list VAs working on one series.
> The filler is often as good are superior to the canon material, meaning that entertainment quality is always high.
What VA's work on it? Can't say I immediately recognize any of the voices.
It have the best OST of the whole history of anime and it always just gets better.
>just a few more weeks for new OP and ED
If anything, it shows how much Sunrise Enjoys making Gintama
Fuusen gum is criminally underrated
Because you're suffering from cognitive dissonance, user.
I wish my standards were as low as yours.
I'd be entertained by Justin Bieber even.
Show us the light novel garbage you read / watch so we can laugh at you or shut up.
actually for me gintama was OK at best for most of what i went trough so far (108 episodes watched). when it's funny its really funny. otherwise it's OK....
Ajin, laugh away you sperglord.
It doesn't.
Pretty dead for the moment though
Surveys, statistics and editorial user; it's not that difficult...
What's stopping you from enjoying both user?
Post the episode that got you fully cemented into the series!
>it get good, just gotta put up with the first 17 eps then it improves
Gintama fags are the worst
>justin Bieber insults
We 2010 now
Kyuubei arc, with Kondo, Gin, and their opponents stuck in a stall.
Gintama is garbage.
>consistently good for so long
You mean it's gone for too long with the same jokes and drama. It was fun even while repeating the same formula maybe a couple of times more but now it's just boring garbage. It's time for it to end.
Kill yourself.
He's right though
By being consistently bad for so long
No one likes everything, user.
Why are you asking on Sup Forums of all places?
Most autists here can't stand anything that's remotely outside of their niche and most of their niche is moe.
Gintama is fun, and we know how everyone here feels about fun.
Can't remember, but the Yoshiwara Burning arc has been my favorite so far. Bear in mind I'm only on episode 190.
for starters, and most importantly Google Search works on it. You probably recognize it and would already know if you weren't being lazy.
I want to hug Nobume.
The new eyes ruined her.
I want to penetrate her
The episode where Kagura got the new umbrella.
Just about to dive into Shogun Assassination arc.
Is my body ready?
the hype killed all the series. just watch it while fanboying
Current arc is fucking shit tho
Legendary episode
This is basically the best episode of anime ever made.
Why is Kagura the only JUMP heroine to not be complete shit
>Have the full song on my playlist I play in my car
>It pops on while driving with my friends
>They all love the song
What episode number is this?
ive wanted to watch this but i dont know where to start
where should i jump in?
Because she can puke
Fuck you nigger
Her you go user;
Tomokazu Sugita- Gintoki
Daisuke Sakaguchi- Shinpachi
Rie Kugimiya- Kagura
The last few serious arcs is basically
>Oh shit something bad happens/enemy has advantage
>comedy in between
>Monologue for a character
>Time for a cool shot/spread/one liner from said character in pose
>Does a 180 against villains
>Yay for comradeship/solidarity
Literally from the beginning faggot.
It's 300+ episodes of greatness.
Atleast every 10 episodes you will find one that's incredibly good so you can't just jump in at a certain point. Also the first 20 episodes sets up a lot of background info for characters so it's probably some of the most hit and miss for people.
Posting some good info that helped me get into the show.
that is a very nice chart. thank you for posting it.
Serious arcs have always been the same
>slice of life introduction to the situation
>villain makes a devious appearance and beats the shit out of people
>gin probably loses a fight
>gin teams together with his nakama to take on the villain again
>villain gets some flashbacks where their sad story is revealed and you see how sympathetic they are
>gin beats the villain while past victim of said villain laments their passing or defeat
Best episodes are the standalone or joke arcs like the race one.
I haven't watch this series in years. can anyone help me pick up where i left off?
last episode i remember was the one where gintoki is stuck in sleep paralysis because the animators needed to save budget
Would you rather listen to Justin Bieber for one minute or kill yourself?
I agree with you 100% but having consecutive serious arcs doing this over and over makes it so in your face compared to once every 50 chapters
Likeable cast and good balance between comedy and action. Which means that the consistency pretty much stopped about two years ago ever since the manga gone full battle shonen.
>Being pretentious over taste in anime/manga
It'd be better if it was 3D
When's the new season? I'm hyped as hell
Even Gintoki himself brings up how bad the start was in Gintama': Enchousen.
Is Oguri Shun too overused for live action anime?
January 8/9!
I can't unsee that 6th fucking finger
>of all things he chooses the few that can't even be consistent
>its a serious arc with gags
>not a gag arc that ends up wrenching your heart more than anything you've ever see before.
I'm not sure what arc they are adapting but it looks like the Benizakura one.
You think they're serious yet they're actually trolling
Bro, if anything Gintama taught us, is that is ALWAYS Benizakura Arc
What the fuck are you ta-
Dude, what the hell, I mean, this seems like a huge mistake to let it pass, does this new Gin have 6 fingers?
I started with the manga, but Nabe Shogun is what got me started on watching the anime