Reminder that only literal man children and retarded people support net neutrality.
Reminder that only literal man children and retarded people support net neutrality.
Other urls found in this thread:
>AnCap calling people retarded
looks like comcast is paying astroturfing shills now...the globalist corporations want to kill net neutrality because it needs to kill off the alt-right...the alt-right threatens mass immigration and so the alt right threatens corporate profits...the government cannot stop the alt right because of the first amendment...which is why the govt and the corporations want to kill net that the corporations can do the job the gov't is not allowed to do because of the first amendment
Somehow you forgot your link etiquette:
Your only butthurt that some people will be able to pay extra for better services.
Sorry but not all data is equal you stupid milky licker.
ancap memes thread now
and Soros shills
>Your only butthurt that some people will be able to pay extra for better services.
Which is hypothetical and won't happen. Didn't happen before net newfaggotry in 2015 and wont happen after
cool trip faggot
Comcast isn't in it with the globalists, this is just kikes kiking kikes. If the ISPs win this there's gonna be two sources of bullshit instead of 1 though, so it's still not in our best interest for NN to be repealed.
Kek. That Tesla post. Yes, everyman! Your Tesla can be affected!
Those fake news must really want us shut down if they're shilling this much.
man children, retard people and, misinformed people, not everybody who's misinformed is retarded
Both sides of the NN argument are fucking tools.
>shareblue is paid to post this diarhea instead of doing it for free
What we care about is :
_Can the ISP slow down your access to internet if you post stuff that they don't like?
_ Can they get block or slow down your access to certain websites where bad-thinking would be present there?
_ Will they charge you more for the same service, so that free communication would become a privilege?
The truth is that there is no real competition among ISPs, much like among social network services. There's just a handful of them and if they decide to do the same orwellian crap, your online freedoms are screwed with no alternative.
So the goverment job is to ensure and enforce your own freedoms, so as a client and a citizen you would not suffer a crappy service as punishment for your ideas. I think we call all agree on that.
Now between net-neutrality and no net neutrality, what would be the worse situation regarding the 3 points I mentioned above?
Censorship is my main worry. I don't know my shit because I'm not reading the fine print, but if we can avoid censorship without the gov then that sounds good to me.
If you're for "net neutrality" you are for the side of social networking services. Remove net neutrality and open up the markets for isp.
>People are still pushing that this is ISPs vs. big domain hosts
And alot has happened in the past 2.75 years. Since then cable has lost most of their influence, streaming is the new cable. Gaming is more popular than ever before.
To think that ISPs would not use the opportunity to get more profits by having people willing pay for priority data speeds is silly.
But one side is objectively right.
Nothing is going to get censored. If people wanted to censor something they would use other means than the ISP which is what we have seen with stormfront. The ISPs typically not want to censor the internet since they would lose some customers and someone woul d likey be pro-free speech and steal said customers. But people are concenered that Sup Forums did get censored years ago back in 2007, but that was over concerns of people posting child pornography, and the ISP was frankly afraid that this was a pedo site. They got a crap ton of backlash from that and now in 2017 it is very hard to find CP on Sup Forums. So those concerns are irrelevant now.
Except it did happen and government regulation was instilled to prevent it from happening again.
>ISPs fussing because they don't have enough power to support streaming
>He thinks he'll get fast lanes and not just the "not slow" lane
I'll explain why removing net neutrality is a bad thing in a way that you retards can understand:
>net neutrality is removed
>as a result ISPs can throttle or entirely block whatever websites they want and get away with it
>hypothetical scenario - 2020 election democrat party candidate is a far left communist because the democrat party is far left in the mind of delusional right wingers
>far left candidate wins election because of mainstream media brainwashing and election rigging from george soros, the (((globalists))) make sure that no one like trump will ever win again
>new communist president immediately orders ISPs to block Sup Forums and any other website that goes against the government narrative, no net neutrality measures to stop them
>internet is censored forever
Im not going to get anything. But I will PAY for better services.
>Thinking the internet is free.
>Not wanting to host a cancerous site is censorship
>Net Neutrality has only been around since 2015
>Competition of companies allows for lower prices
>Soros spent and is spending millions on pro-Net Neutrality shills to shill for Net Neutrality
>Calls for the internet to be regulated like a utility such as water or electricity
>Doesn't acknowledge websites have already been banned just because people got butthurt like Stormfront and right-wing users on social media
>Thinks censorship will happen after NN is removed even though it already happens
There's nothing hypothetical about what ISPs will do when net neutrality is eliminated.
2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.
2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
2007/09 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.
2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except YouTube. They actually sued the FCC over this.
2011/13 - AT&T, Sprint and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.
2012 - AT&T tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money
2013 - Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place
Shills will argue that Net Neutrality is unnecessary because we've never had issues without it. I think this timeline shows just how crucial it really is to a free and open internet.
>Thinking the internet is free.
It effectively is you fucking Mongol.
>Hurrdurr moving Dem 1s and 0s around costs da bug bucks! Especially with subsidized infrastucher!
Your claim that it was mostly the government that paid for the internet infrastructure, do you have some specific numbers?
The most positive answer in your direction says it is only partly true..
I just looked up what google and microsoft had to pay for a cable between USA and Japan that stretches 5.500 miles. 300 million dollars...It's not that much to be honest. Average depth is 17.000 feet...
Why can't the free market solve this?
300 million is not that much money when you really think about it.
>Net Neutrality has only been around since 2015
the actual timeline:
nn was the rule (enforced by the FCC) since the internet started
conservative courts ruled that since internet companies weren't considered utilities common carriers that the FCC couldn't make ISPs follow NN rules
Under the Obama administration (2015) ISPs are classified as common carriers so that the NN rules can be put back in place
now ISPs are again trying to get NN removed, again.
Well cancerous, hate speech, what ever. Even if the stormies are dipshits they still deserve a platform. Point is ISPs provide no additional threats to internet censorship, especially when consumers want to basically access any site regardless of content no questions asked. Whom ever will deliver on that will get the most business.
>5.5 miles
The distance between the US and Japan is greater than that, eurofag.
>2013 - Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place
But the Net Neutrality being discussed is from 2015?
>change the internet as it has always been
yep nothing existed before 2015
>No sources anywhere
You Soros shills better start sourcing your shit otherwise I'm not going to take any of it at face value.
>Blames obama
>Trump appointments the Poo who is trying to destroy NN.
>Trump does nothing to stop him
net neutrality was guaranteed by FCC, when circuit court ruled they had no jurisdiction over that obama did net neutrality in 2015
Using extra credits as source.
Like I said people. Only stupid sezchuwan sauce eating man children support net neutrality.
even a retarded monkey can look into it and find out the NN didn't start in 2015. You have to be a special kind of pinhead to not realize you're a useful idiot for repeating that lie.
>they deserve a platform
It's not the responsibility of webhosting companies or ISP's to provide them with one.
>Whom ever [sic] will deliver on that will get the most business
Right... I'm sure people quit their ISP and gave up internet access just because they couldn't access some site full of spastics.
>Still no sources
no, 90% of the population with any knowledge about net neutrality supports net neutrality. It's only delusional porky enablers who like it
Fair enough, but did you get the point? Laying 5500 miles of cable, 17.000 feet under the sea for 300 million dollars is not that much money.
Suck it ancap niggers
>The Internet was open before Title II, and many economic factors support openness. The Internet thrived for decades under the light-touch regulatory regime in place before the Title II Order, as ISPs built networks and edge services were born. We find that the sparse evidence of harms discussed in the Title II Order—evidence repeated by commenters in this proceeding as the basis for adopting a Title II classification—demonstrates that the incremental benefits of Title II over light-touch regulation are inconsequential, and pale in comparison to the significant costs of public-utility regulation.408
reddit is retarded
no surprise
Just duckduckgo net neutrality. It will take about 10 seconds of research to see how wrong you are.
Net Neutrality is objectively the correct answer, anything otherwise is just a bubbling abortion gasping for life.
gg no re when you start shitposting irl because there is literally no where else to do so.
The only thing holding back natsoc revolution
even if I did, you'd question the sources reliability and continue to believe whatever you want to believe. Retards like you don't really care about sources.
>Right... I'm sure people quit their ISP and gave up internet access just because they couldn't access some site full of spastics.
People demand to access sites full of hateful content, deviant content, repulsive content. Anyone who is smart enough to see what is demanded will deliver so long as it is possible to obtain more profits (In this case it is since who ever will ban these sites could lose some of these customers and get lower profits). Its bascially game theory applied to a non-price factor.
>Citation needed
Clearly a shill or a troll.
You corrected him and explained that net neutrality has always existed and it was only the redefining of broadband services under title nine that occurred in 2015. A change that was simply necessary to enforce the net neutrality we've enjoyed since the internet's inception.
At this point he's either legitiimately retarded and can't be helped, or he's willfully ignorant and trolling. Either way.
ISP wants to become government of the internet. Thanks to CRA repeal of privacy rules, ISP can monitor your internet and can sell the data. If NN is repealed, ISP can choose what sites get fast and slow internet. ISP are already regional monopolies. Have deals with cities and towns to make sure they are the only game in town. Now they can read what you're looking at and if NN is repealed they'll be able to block you from looking at it.
Also the ISPs litterally run Huffpost, CNN, and MSNBC.
NN makes the internet libertarian, getting rid of it makes the ISPs a regional monopoly on control of internet speeds, which makes them the same as a government from an economic perspective.
>look at all these bad things that will happen without NN!
We didn't have NN during ANY of those, and they all got fucked for trying.
I think you just made the anti-NN argument stronger.
> ISP can monitor your internet and can sell the data.
what's alexa doing?
what's facebook doing?
what's google doing?
Paid shill or maybe just dumb? You know nn has been the default state of the internet since it started right?
Do you really think I don't know that, and haven't evaluated that?
I'd rather have several firms run the internet, than the FCC and other government agencies. And no, when you have many firms where the biggest have a 17% market share or so. Its not a fucking monopoly you idiot.
They are Comcast shills, it's impossible to have been on Sup Forums in the last few days and not had this explained to you at some point and it's been the same Ancap flags with the same writing style for most of them.
>Can't even cite his own sources
If it was really that easy you should be able to give me a source, no?
You can always switch to a different search engine or go to myspace or whatever, commie.
Only socialists support destroying the free market by creating a government. The only way to change ISPs would be to move, and the only way to change governments is to move.
I don't fucking care about some ideological basis of the Internet.
How it is now is FINE. It's not ideal, but it's fine. Nobody wants it to change.
I thought you conservatives were about keeping shit the same, maybe you want to fulfil that idea here?
It is a monopoly you commie idiot. Try changing ISPs, you gotta move. Like when you try changing governments you gotta move.
don't the majority of people (intelligent city people, not rural and suburban retards) have more than one choice for internet.
i live in a tiny sister-city of a larger city on the east coast and i have at least three choices for my ISP. there's even a 100% wireless version that some guy started on his own.
I really like the idea that NN would get axed. Simply because it will fuck over americans for even better shitshow that been going since Trump election.
And here and europe we are completely safe from that idiocy.
>Comcast didn't try and throttle before 2015 when they were stopped, since Comcast hadn't come up with that money making scheme, so that means we never needed to stop Comcast with Net Neutrality
I'm sure that when the first laws against murder were put in place, people were not this retarded. Then again, Russian internet shills trying to destabilize the West weren't around back then
>the government is taking over the infrastructure they largely subsidized for a few companies
Ben Garrison is such a fucking cuck it's unbelievable
We want to bring it back to the way it was pre-2015.
Maybe you should get rid of that regional exclusivity laws cable companies have on having cables run through our towns. Most places limit this to just 1 or 2 companies creating monopolies and duopolies. If you get rid of that the start up costs to become a small ISP greatly drop and then competition would flourish.
But know you see. Socialists like your self want to fix a government externalities with more government externalities.
Yeah, some people in cities can choose between the one that owns CNN, the one that owns MSNBC, and the one that owns Huffpost.
Great choices. I'm sure they'll not censor the internet at all.
Are you dumb or something maybe you guys can’t read? NN has always been the default state of the internet under the telecommunications act and only recently did the isps try going against it which lead to the government intervening 2 years ago and turning it into an official regulation!
Why did it need to be a different regulation under the same name as an intangible principle if an act already covered it?
t liberal on a vpn
Then maybe they should repeal those laws first before repealing NN. If they repeal NN now, how we supposed to organize, the new ISP socialist internet governments control all the media.
>basing your opinion on if people you like/dislike like it or not
Stupidity of this level should be shot on the street, for all to see. I don't think you understand how connections, distribution of connections, or even how the internet works.
You're either a shill or a fucking retard.
>free internet is internet not controlled by the government
>when all of the internet infrastructure is owned and controlled by corporations
>they can and will simply intercept and delete your packets if they meet their criteria when the packet goes through their data center
lol man
just loll
>implying there isn't tons of money to be made with "unlimited" internet plans
look at things like T-mobile. unlimited everything, and it sells because the other guys offer data plans.
The rest of the world copies America so if this repeal passes it’ll give other isps an excuse to do the same.
Yea, look at things like T-mobile, a shitty service, offering shitty plans, on shitty devices.
because the court ruled that ISPs needed to be designated as a utility provider common carrier for the FCC to force them to follow NN rules.
Then ISPs were designated as utility providers common carriers so that the FCC could make them follow NN rules again.
Now ISPs are trying to get the NN rules removed, again.
t-mobile is super fast in many places, and is cheaper and has the same major phones as any other carrier.
Considering the isps have huge control in our government I doubt that’d happen.
>Implying cell-phone data plane is competing on a level playing field with broadband.
>Implying competition where none exists
communist shill.
If NN was working, then how come stormfront could get blocked?
"Stormfront has become the second major neo-Nazi website to find itself blocked from its web domain in recent weeks after a-fascist allegedly struck and killed a counter-protester at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Daily Stormer, the most popular neo-Nazi website, has found itself banned by multiple registrars including GoDaddy, Google, Namecheap as well as by the network security service Cloudflare."
Honest question
i can't wait for US Sup Forums users to bitch because their tor / VPN/ proxies are throtled by Big isp.... because Sup Forums is not conssidered "lawfull content" and see all the US user go 20 year back in the past because they have internet "limited data plans" at 200$ /month
big monopoles are exactly why the US are still using copper networks for their internet / phones lines where most of EU is on optical fiber / VOIP
but it suits EU fine because it'll attract tech compagnies even more now
I mean look at this shit, it's explained many many times in the thread that NN existed pre 2015 and they just keep right on trucking.
you are honestly confused about what NN is.
NN means that the ISPs cant slow down sites you want to see.
your link and question is an example of google and other web sites doing things that have nothing to do with NN.
NN isn't about DNS, stormfront needs a DNS and their own computer server and someone who isn't an idiot and knows how to run it, that's different from ISP, learn to internet.
Why do ancaps suck on globalist cock so hard?
It most certainly has!
"No blocking. If a consumer requests access to a website or service, and the content is legal, your ISP should not be permitted to block it. That way, every player — not just those commercially affiliated with an ISP — gets a fair shot at your business."
Because the current NN is not a perfect solution, nor was it supposed to stop something like what you posted.
Your post describes what is functionally- and legally-equivalent to "Wow, Facebook just deleted the child porn I posted, what the fuck Net Neutrality????"