Sup Forums, I'm literally shaking

Is Greece going to be the next Nazi Germany?

This is terrifying and the good people of Judeo-Christian cultures around the world must put a stop to this.

We cannot defeat hate with hate

Other urls found in this thread:

Greece fought on the good side of the Second World War, to protect the Jewish people in the face of fascism. Why do the people of Greece fall for such an evil ideology?

That swastika remake is fucking lame


National Socialism is love of your own, not hate of others. Modern leftists hate their own, that's why these movements are the complete opposite. In protection of their own, opposition has to be crushed.

It is an ancient greek symbol. You ignorant muslim lover.

Greece has a military government. It has the most potential out of all of the west to go fascist by far

nothing wrong with nazis

It's still really gay

this desu