Mike Cernovich just made the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee step down from that post.
Will all of this stuff eventually come back and hurt Trump?
Mike Cernovich just made the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee step down from that post.
Will all of this stuff eventually come back and hurt Trump?
Forgot your link etiquette:
Also fuck you for mentioning an eceleb
He's the one who got the information, isn't he?
Yeah... they think they're slick.
>harm Trump
>Time to step down TrumpAnon...
>after all, YOU said it was
>No need for proof TrumpAnon, just step down you filthy pig
You're a funny person if that's how you think power works
1. That's an old picture.
2. That has nothing to do with Conyers stepping down because of information Cernovich broke.
Cow 'bout this one
Pic relate?
Cernovich relevance and money starts to dwindle mossad throws their agent a bone to keep him relevant.
Wow 'bout this one?
>Wow I'm hungry for some cheese and delicacy walnut topping pizza
Cernovich was speaking cryptically this week about EdRoyce. Where does he tie into this?
Or does OP confuse Royce for Conyers?
Giesh... this looks exactly like zeese
0bama strikes again XxD
I'd like to learn moar about Mike's connection to Epstein.
he used to be fat but now he's not what a fraud
The rabbid whole
lel. This counter-narrative hit jobs are just being picked out of a rolodex.
Stop talking facts. Lol.
You may think this as it can be perceived as punching right but, lots of people actually don't like Mike because he's the "moderate" big brain nibba. Or controlled opposition. Maybe some are paid trolls but, lots are sincere.
Cernovich leaked the Conyers documents.
Betcha think ya shits hot, doncha?
There is a concern that this is a long game to get at Trump.
Of course they're sincere to a degree. Mike obviously got fingered by some powers or other to pop up and be a public operative. So it's entirely reasonable to be suspicious.
But it's become a clear pattern over the past month or so that as soon as a government figure has to step down or whatever else that there's an immediate pre-planted "shoot the messenger" shillpost to accuse the messenger of what the government guy is probably guilty of.
That's pretty good for mid-70's
>Not BuzzFeed
Sure, Mike.
I don't think it's about Trump. I think it's about getting the big mouth or those that are too stupid/old out so they can get their stories straight as the "swamp is drained". Like I said above. I don't think it's a (((coincidence))) that Mike got this story as loomers didn't buy her anymore pull and, Mike is fading into irrelevance.
Of course it's also possible that Trump is playing a role in all these leaks. He loves messing with the press.
Don't forget Dr. P. He said they were going to start cleaning house as needed.
Word from my neck of the woods is Hillary really is still planning on removing Trump. Apparently also Upstate NY (where she lives) is being exempted specifically from the need to use the new biometric ID cards that are planned to be mandatory in the next year or two that you'll need to use at the airport or even to cross state lines. DHS wants to have the whole country locked down in the next year or two. Shit's still set to really start flying in 2018: bitcoin, jacking people into the cloud with G5 and the latest iphones, the pope pulling some kind of massive fuckery, etc. And they're having trouble keeping the stuff about the sun and extra-terrestrial life under wraps.
>I don't think it's about Trump
What the fuck are you smoking, nigger?
Thernovitch is irrelevant (wouldn't be surprised if he's diddled kids in his time as well), but you'd have to be certifiably retarded to think they won't try to turn this on Trump
Mike is a Jew.
He has ties to Epstein.
He is not /ourguy/.
Doesn't matter. He's acting as an operative. Keep your mind on the long game, not whether or not Mike himself is any good.
>“I deny these allegations, many of which were raised by documents reportedly paid for by a partisan alt-right blogger,"
GTFO you fucking criminal.
>1. That's an old picture.
so he looks even worse now
>Doesn't matter
Yes, it certainly does matter that Mike Cernovich is a Zionist Jew with ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Mike the person matters because he has an agenda, and with his message, creates a biased narrative for that agenda.
It's time to reject these people and their message.
Trump has Epstein ties as well. Jews all need to be gassed in my opinion, but don't get caught up in the allegations war. Watch who stands under fire, who steps down, and wait to get proof.
>steps down as ranking member of House Judiciary Committee
>steps down for Committee
Didn't actually resign.
Trump does not have ties to assisting Epstein in his pedophilia case like Cernovich does. And I have not defended Trump at all ITT. You are deflecting. These Jews need to sit down, shut up, and just be grateful genocide is a Jewish meme.
Conyer is not stepping down from the committee, only the highest position of the committee.
This is a feint and typical of Democrats. They're trying to fool you into thinking they're acting responsible when nothing has changed.
You can't double down on just calling people Jews. It didn't work on Sup Forums before and it won't work in the future. It's one of the stupidest tactics somebody who fundamentally doesn't understand us came up with.
But go ahead and try to take down Mike if you want. Somebody else will take his place as necessary.
Has anyone watched his "Preth Conferenth"?
Basic Gestalt?
It's a start
Mike has said himself he's a Jew.
>Somebody else will take his place as necessary.
At least you're willing to admit these ecelebs are disposable pawns played by even bigger Jews. I'd really like to see another Bobby Fischer but greatness for the Jew is elusive. But I think you're wrong in that if I take down Mike he will be replaced. If I take down Mike I'll do it by exposing the inferiority of his ideology and the corrupt/sneaky way which he spread it/ Then whoever replaces him will not matter because I have destroyed their strategy.
Instead of defending these people why not just do the right thing? Even if you are one of them why not just do right?
what's his book called again?
It's not a "start". It is nothing.
Conyers will not be charged for anything and will retire with respect and honor from the Democrats.
I'm not defending anybody. I don't care about what Mike does or what his motives are. I've heard some of his rhetoric and it's alright but you could get that from anywhere else if you want. Mike is irrelevant.
Look at the bigger game here. Going after Mike is not just unimportant and ineffectual. It's a threat to others who might take his place as well as sweeping in closer to do something about Alex Jones, who is guilty by association every time he lends his platform to these literally who ecelebs who winds up being an information dump outlet.
Alex Jones makes the Cernovich, Loomer, etc famous. Ezra Levant makes Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, etc famous. Mike Enoch makes Spencer, Damigo, etc famous. Their platform is transparent and their ideology is weak. Why not destroy both their ideology and platform rendering any future ecelebs impotent from the start? Who would you focus on to ruin instead?
>archived link "etiquette"
>uses unvis.shit
>am powerful naow
You're a nigger.
So a similar shoe is fixing to drop on Royce?
He's a (R), but so be it if that's the case.
I can't stand this bookselling faggot
Because the platform is useful. There are alternates, but the Infowars footprint is yuge. How is that even a question?
^ Manlet (4'4")
The platform is used to spread Zionism and nothing more.
>Laura Loomer/Mike Cernovich promotes hard Zionism
>Lauren Southern/Faith Goldy promotes soft Zionism (sympathy for Jews and Israel)
>Richard Spencer/Nathan Damigo promote reluctant Zionism (I just want the Jews out of muh country!"
So while their patter may change, the message does not. Non-Jews do not benefit from their platform.
id snap that twiggy kike body over my knee nigger
That's short-sighted. First of all you're not going to be able to conduct a scorched earth type offensive. Secondly, you're focused on a battle rather than the war. You're going to be outplayed.
But by all means if you think what you're doing moves us closer to truth then keep at it.
I'm open to correction which is why we're talking about this. I don't see how spreading Zionism, without first exposing the Jewish State, works in our benefit. My actions are based in this. Do you believe Zionism benefits our cause and if so how?
You aren't going to genocide every jew in the world you retard. Best to just ship them off to the middle east where they can rule the desert. I choose Israel for jews 100% of the time if that means they all go over there. Hitler literally came to this same conclusion. How stupid must you be?
No one has promoted genociding the Jews, user.
Our two choices are not:
>genocide the Jews
>do whatever they want because they hold the world hostage
As for Hitler, he planned the Jews to be divided between a small plot of land in Palestine, Madacasgar, and France. Regardless of where the Jews go they would live under an SS police state. This is not "Zionism" so it's a false claim to say Hitler came to the Zionist conclusion.
Ay yo
That sounds like homophobia
Priorities. We need to crush the NWO banking regime. There's no way around that. But that's a nut that's not ready to be cracked just yet, so for now we make use of it for geopolitical leverage. The more immediate concern is to stop the Kalergi plan because that's much more difficult to reverse over the long term.
Watch the Chinese. They're playing the long game. Americans generally don't think more than 5 years ahead or so.
Notice I mentioned bitcoin. That's planned to be a dual currency system at least for the time being to transition out of the existing global currency regime anyway, and the plan is to have it be used to denominate the value of the commoditization of life as part of the transhumanist plan. This is literally life and death compared to pointing out that Alex won't name the Jew and is twice married to a Jewess whore. Obviously Zionism needs to be shut down, but that's just one battle in the larger war. Alex will be dumped when he ceases to be useful, which is already underway.
This one is new
The conclusion was, contain them. Once they are concentrated they can't do any damage to the greater whole of the earth. Zionism is just a mind game for children.
Go have your holy land over there Jew's, its a paradise for Jews, its your calling, its your ancestry, its your birthright. You have no reason to stay here in squalor in such close quarters with the goyim.
The yoooos made a rap about it
So fucking stupid. As if a Jew couldn't be self loathing or recognize the poison his people are spreading and want it to end. Actions speak louder than words. The guy is doing damage. If you can't think past your leaders words you deserve the gas more than any Jew does.
Czernovich is a shitty grifter and if you believe he is useful or even genuine I recommend a nice full bottle of painkillers washed down with Vodka.
They're talking to dummies.
>you and I know there's levels to this shit
But go ahead and try to take down Mike if you want. Somebody else will take his place as necessary.
Why/How is that?
Answer that Senpai
Basically agree with everything in your post.
>is to stop the Kalergi plan
I have no power over this -- only politicians and lawmakers do.
>Watch the Chinese.
I have no power over this -- only politicians and lawmakers do.
>the plan is to have it be used to denominate the value of the commoditization of life as part of the transhumanist plan.
Again: I can't stop or accelerate this in the least.
From my position all I can see in range is exposing the Zionist plot of world dominion and turning the world against Israel. Pic related. Do you disagree?
Mike has defended Israel more than once. I have no reason to think he is self-loathing or not part of the poison.
Don't forget we already tried giving the Jews their own homeland..over there... and we called it their "birthright." What have they done in the decades since? They've used Israel as the base from which they've attacked the whole world, just as Hitler said. Without de-arming the Jewish State entirely and without creating Greater Palestine in which the Jew has no leverage or power, sending all the Jews to Israel is equal to handing them victory over us.
>Send all Jews to Israel
>Borders must expand to accommodate additional millions
>Expansion incites Arab-Israeli friction
>Israel's military must grow stronger to handle the "Palestinian threat"
>But Israel has subverted most ME governments and with Russia + China would have no problem dominating a weakened America and an already invaded Europe
Why the fuck is he so big
Define right.
Without God this cannot be defined.
Say my name!!!!
Is that pic a fucking challenge you fuckface?
Define God.
Even with human reasoning this cannot be defined.
Royce, Royce.
Can't find his senpai geneology.
Any brothers?
Exactly this. Fk party lines. These degenerate assholes are all a problem. Get them the fk out. All of them.
He enjoi
Nuff said
Your sure 'bout that my dear tormented mutt?
>God is existence it self, in it's entirety
>Existence is everthing that there is
>Everything that there is can not exist if it is not perceived, because to be is to acknowledge that being.
>Existence is aware of its self
>Existence is practicing it self as everything that there is
>Awareness of existence is the primordial force to everything. It underlays time space and every incarnation of that being. Of which we are one of.
>We are existence experiencing it self as an version of it self.
>God is all that there is
>God is sum of all minds in the existence; Sum of all minds in Existence is One
>God is one
Man's mind is not comparable to God's mind.
God will sort you out user.
Cerno literally means nigger in Slavic tongue.
And the fag married a Muslim.
And he fucks trannys.
He’s a black kike.
>God is existence and everything that is
What or who is non-existence?
>he doesn't know there has always been wars, famines, and natural disasters
Actually, God is the Alpha and the Omega.
God is the breath in your breast
God is Love.
>Non-existence does not exist
>To not exist is to have lack of any state
>lack of any state is to contradict a state it self
>Any definition of an trait, is to shape something in existence
>Non-existence nulls it self in its inception
>Non-existence does not exist
I appreciate Not you poetry Pleb;
>Love is energy of atraction
>Love is to connect
>Everything in Existence is connected trough the awareness of beingness
>Everything is loved
Mike's hardly the only person in the world with a network of contacts that can feed him the things he makes public. If Mike is discredited or is otherwise marginalized then somebody else will be used.
>Do you disagree? Not entirely. Much of what's going on is an information war, because these plans rely on occultism, i.e. hiding what's going on from the general awareness. So even a venue like Sup Forums becomes a serious threat. If you're part of the puzzle is to get people up to speed on Zionism then go for it. Many hands make light work, and the only solution to occultism is for people to learn for themselves in order to arrive somewhere closer to the truth as a whole.
To wit, NPR once cited Sup Forums by name as a greater threat than Russia's election hacking. I just ducked out for some food and today NPR is rerunning a show about how the world is literally ending because of global warming and we're in the end times. So they're doubling down on that flimsy and obvious lie again to keep their captive audience within the luciferian information bubble. They couldn't figure out any better plan.
They also claimed that selfies are about imagination and art, not about being consumed with our own egos and tricking everybody into the eventual man-machine merger through cell phones. top kek. What morons.
Scripture says God creates both the light and darkness. Can the non-existent be created or do you reject Abrahamic theology?
I get and agree with everything you're saying. The only thing I'm not getting is if Israel/Rothschilds/Judaism is the root of the problem why are we not just attacking that root? Instead the ecelebs "fighting" for us are pro-Israel Jews but we're advised to not attack them because they'll just be replaced. Who is replacing them so we may go after the fount?
I don't think Infowars and Cernovich are going to really help people confront the JQ. Alex has been inching a little closer to it over the years. But their use is to address the issues they without discrediting themselves to their audience. JQ is still kind of a toxic topic so is reasonable to just say "the globalists" and go in to allegory sermons about heading toward the dark or the light.
Other platforms, including but not limited to Sup Forums can go further because they don't face the same dangers of being discredited by doing so. So in parallel this works to shift the narrative further and further until enough people are ready to take a closer look at Zionism, mystery babylon stuff, banking, and so-forth. Just consider how frequently people go on and on in public about Alex being a Jew shill and working for Israel; that alone is actually useful because it brings the very concept into the minds of the many by numbing them through repetition.
i've got no nerves to deal with half washed thesis
>Darkness is appearance of the lack of light
>To be in the dark is to ignore the light that already is there
>Everything exist, existence permeates everything. Every single moment in it. Light is substance of that existence.
>You can hide light in existence, but not outside of it.
>To hide light from your self is to experience primordial evil, isolation, from your self and from the source of all that there is.
>Evil is part of existence, because existence experiences it self as every possible version of it self, as evil as well.
>More you ignore your wholeness, more deep are you drowning in the swamp of evil. more murky the waters become, more hard it becomes to swim back to surface.
>And that is what we are doing.
>We dived so deep into that darkness that we forgot it all.
>And we be swimming up now.
All fair points. Will keep attacking the JQ and the Jews like Mike until they also attack the JQ. Half of Americans already oppose Israel. It's not like were still in the "redpill them slowly" stage. They see all the problems and are now looking for someone to blame. It's time to give them someone to hate. Thanks for the convo m8 was enlightening.
I like your perspective and agree, user. Very Hermetic. Do you think our collective consciousness will ever have its fill of evil and render it obsolete or are we cursed to endure?
BTW, you might have heard about the "selfish gene" in the past. There's a part of the DNA they call SHH (Sonic the Hedge Hog lol - they actually named it that) that they intend to activate in humans through the various methods they're working on for genetic modification. Why is this important? Doing this disconnects humans further from God.
Can you tell me more about this and how it relates to our experience of God?
I think we are in the last days of it. Threshold of transformation is close. Knowledge is being accumulated exponentially with each moment.
Knowledge is to see, to see is to experience light.
We coming home now. But lots of things to confront before that, in and outside of us
I agree. Chaos before Order and all that jive. Have you considered teaching this philosophy to the Alt-Right and replacing the out-dated Abrahamic and reconstructed ideologies?
It takes a single soul on this planet to break out of the shell. All will follow.
Selfishness is a game of darkness. Darkness can never ever spread inside of the light, vice versa is easy. It takes a single candle to destroy the halls worth of darkness.
I'm not clear on the exact technology, and it's not public information so it's a little rough to home in on unless you really want to do some digging and try to connect the dots. If I understand what I was told correctly, enabling this segment of the DNA in sperm causes them to play certain kinds of tricks vs the unaffected sperm such that it is more likely to be the first into the egg, and then that way the resulting human will have the SSH turned on.
How the physical mechanics of our bodies relate to our abilities to enter into spiritual connections or those dimensions of reality that we do not normally perceive is above my pay grade. I halted my journey into that some years back after deciding I was getting in to dangerous territory with my limited knowledge. But it's all about the transhuminist goal: modify us out of being humans so that our souls are basically owned by satan (whatever you take that to mean - I believe Christianity is just one approximation of what's really true) so that only the people on the dark side can ascend into a form that they believe will allow them to become greater than God.
This is where things start getting ancient aliums type strange, as a lot of the going interpretation about ancient civilizations, if I understand correctly, suggests that humans are a product of beings from a different galaxy where they had to escape for some reason because their suns were blowing out in some fashion. I throw up my hands at that point, but pay attention to the pattern of increasing disclosures about secret space projects, stuff NASA hides from us, radio telescopes, and the pyramids found all across the earth. Apparently they just recently found something under one of the Mayan ones to do with iron pipes carrying water that further motivates the hypothesis that the internal structure is some sort of Tesla-style device for focusing energy.
I don't think it matters if one calls him self Alt-right or what not.
This god given site is just sea port Inn, full of those that dared to peek.
Of course we got our self a case of damn clever gypsies coming in our Inn and tryin' to pickpocket our costumers.
Yes, i would love to teach many what i know. But many do not like to hear. They might even hear it, but would they realize it, or would it just be words play for them?
It takes an fertile ground for the seeds to grow out of.
I kinda tend to look at it this way; If they can understand what I am speaking about, they will realize it them self.
I ain't the one to yell at people on the streets "The doom is comin' ", "God's lookin' trough us all"
Spot on. That's why they seek to quench the lights in the false belief that they can find their own light in the dark.