Holy fucking shit did these moeblobs just spend 15 minutes talking about how to eat a fucking chocolate cornetto? lol what the fuck this show is hot garbage am I rite Sup Forums?
It's Sup Forums 2007
>implying you were here in 2007
These threads are fucking retarded kill yourself
That's just like, your opinion man. I think it's cute. It's great that they got Wendee Lee to voice Konota, good continuity with the Japanese dub.
I was.
I remember when a fucking rock was a hot meme because Rossiu from Gurren Lagann got hit on the head with it.
And also when like 1 or 2 guys kept trying to start a war between Sup Forums and Sup Forums over Kamen Rider because western superheroes were "moralfags". Oh and that Akagi tripfag too. Man do I feel old...
The cornetto is a dick or an anus if your into that
>15 minutes
epic lol
Go back to watching attack on titan casual. Lucky star is a masterpiece.
A great source of fap-fodder it is.
Not as good as gurren lagann tho.
>Holy fucking shit did these moeblobs just spend 15 minutes talking about how to eat a fucking chocolate cornetto? lol what the fuck this show is hot garbage am I rite Sup Forums?
But people still say that exact thing in 2016.
It has past the test of time.
Nearly dropped it after that shit!
It wasn't actually 15 mins, more like 3-5, but it sure felt like 30!
How does your mind feel 10x its actual time?
she looks healthy
She keeps me healthy!
>tfw i enjoyed this scene
Damn this is a legit oldfag, starting to feel old too. fug
Boy I was there for Spinzaku.
I was there for 40%.
I was there for the goddamn inception of the goddamn word "forced meme".