
you forgot to continue the list that said japanese and chinese americans make more than german and english americans and norwegian americans

>Japanese American : $70,261[4]
British American : $70,037[2]
Chinese American: $69,586[4]
(including Taiwanese American)
Serbian American : $69,372[2]
Belgian American : $69,342[2]
Scottish American : $69,269[2]
Welsh American : $68,874[2]
Polish American : $68,843[2]
Chinese American: $68,672[4]
(excluding Taiwanese American)
Slovak American : $68,611[2]
Danish American : $68,558[2]
Czechslovakian American : $67,991[2]
Swedish American : $67,908[2]
Vietnamese American : $67,800[5]
(excluding Foreign Born)
Norwegian American : $67,403[2]
Syrian American : $66,965[2]
Czech American : $66,856[2]
Hungarian American : $66,483[2]
Ukrainian American : $66,430[2]
Finnish American : $66,063[2]
German American : $65,570[2]
English American : $65,436[2]
Palestinian American : $65,345[2]
French Canadian American : $64,883[2]

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to see her pancake nipples.

you literally have diabetes and broken feet you mentally ill weeaboo

someone post that tinpic so we can all laugh at this publix munching fuck

Jessica Sooyeon Jung (pic girl) is Korean

Angl*s BTFO!

waiting for that asshole to show up

he thought that "asians" was only poo in loos

actually no japs and chinks and gooks are all smarter and better than you at everything

they're only send their best to your shithole

you've never been to asia you mush brain irl streamshitter

they're morons over there just like you

you just hate whites because you're a semitic nigger lipped runt


>Korean Americans not on the list

Koreans are confirmed for the niggers of East Asia

>Polish American : $68,843[2]
mfw with that amount of money I could literally live for 8 years playing vidya and eating cheetos in Poland

>actually no japs and chinks...
they may have more intelligence, but they are unable to live a normal life outside of their routine.
they would never be able to chop wood and make a fire, if electricity would be out for some days after a storm, or they are unable to repair stuff which broke down themselves, or to adopt to changing situations, they only function in their little artificial world, but once something there goes wrong, they are utter useless.

despite all this, I still wish for a qt chink gf

what are you talking about asians have lived in nature for thousands of years

if the lights went out 99% of white americans wouldnt know what the fuck to do either

were all living in the modern world not an argument

gooks got assfucked by the mongols, you diabetic fuck

fuck you're so stupid tinny

you're defending stupid, low test rice farmers

that's all they're good at you weeaboo niggerlips cunt

I was talking about the ones that come to europe, not the ones still living on the countryside in asia.
those are just my observations, by dealing with them everyday.

alright and how many americans have practical training in outdoors living if they lived in the city their whole life

maybe like some boyscouts or some shit but its not really an argument 99% would fall apart out there

>99% would fall apart out there
no, only the weakest and dumbest of the urban cucks would, the rest would be able to adapt if someone explains it to them, or they will learn the hard way by trial and error.

and asians can do that too theyre actually way better at it

they advance the most in school and being taught things

>they would never be able to chop wood and make a fire, if electricity would be out for some days after a storm, or they are unable to repair stuff which broke down themselves, or to adopt to changing situations, they only function in their little artificial world, but once something there goes wrong, they are utter useless.
Those are all fairly useless skills to have in modern society.

>they advance the most in school and being taught things
as I said they have more intelligence, but europeans have more wisdom

>Those are all fairly useless skills to have in modern society.
just wait until your modern society brakes down.
stay in your city cuckistani and don't dare to ask any farmer for help.

khazars run the world, tinny. yellow niggers are low iq slaves, and good ones, too. they're hard workers but that's about it

wisdom is not a measurable thing i would say asians have more wisdom since theyre teaching their kids to become doctors and shit which has a high percentage chance of succeeding and getting payed a lot

i would say that asians have higher wisdom

but you can often times find whites grasping at unmeasurable forces to say that theyre superior at it

>"heh i watched a zombie apocalypse survival guide on youtube i'm set for when modern society breaks down"
Okay dude if I need some wood chopped I'll be sure to give you a shout.

thanks dude.

it doesn't matter what your little niggerlipped semitic mind is
the truth is right here european jews run the world
yellow nigger simply aren't smart enough for it

just my experience with them, maybe you have others.

youre talking about when someone has a preference for being an indoorsy city person away from the elements and gets accustomed to it

and stays away from nature

i get it

but thats like an upper class mentality it doesnt mean they couldnt if they had to deal with the elements

european jews run the world you diabetic fuck
european jews hold all the money you diabetic fuck
european jews have the highest iqs you diabetic fuck

dumb niggerlipped arab weeaboo

people dont like to suffer so they prefer luxurious life

>Polish American : $68,843[2]
>German American : $65,570[2]

Can you please start throwing in a modicum of punctuation into your posts? I can't really understand what the hell you're trying to say.

no i wont throw in a modicum because ive never heard that word in my entire life

as expected from a sandnigger weebshit

Fucking curries make more than us
Their median wage is $103,821

Are we measuring the per capita income or the family income combined?



But that's not even a good sample since it doesn't account for omitted variables, like age, state and so on.

>sandnigger weebshit
you think so, I assumed he is a korean

americans even count sandniggers such as yourself as white you dumb cunt
yes, tinny is a sandnigger with fat nigger lips

ctrl+f European

Fuck off, buddy.

My cousin works at Amazon's Seattle campus straight out of university for +100k

ctrl f tinny's fat sandnigger lips


not sand nigger but whites can grow beards too

nigger you're a sandnigger
look at your eyes

you would look decent without that beard

They live in extended families

its per capita
they actually make that much

if anything they would be sending money out of the country not into it

Fuuuck oooooffff
You hold yourself in too high regard fuck no self awareness... Vomits. Fucken white ppl ... Sips tea

tinny is a sandnigger

>you would look decent without that beard

why would i conform to societies rules your laying on me

if i want to look like shit with an unkept beard then that shouldnt matter to anyone

but instead you get all kinds of crazy looks and people say youre a terrorist

almost keep it just as a statement

>Vomits. Fucken white ppl ... Sips tea
never actually talked with an asian

>Belgian American : $69,342[2]

The true master race.

literally a sandnigger

>why would i conform to societies rules your laying on me
ok keep larping as an asian dude it is ok.

the face

tinny's just a mentally ill sandnigger weeaboo
you should see him on his home turf

I believe in mandatory racemixing. Whites and asians will be mixed together in the coming world order, effectively creating the master race. Meanwhile, all the miscellaneous races I don't care about will either be genocided or mixed into one giant mulatto slave race.

Anime is the gateway to becoming a Nazi.

>you should see him on his home turf
I am not sure if I want to.

I can’t wait till the RAISE Act makes all of our immigration European. Asians are mostly cancer, even some Japanese could be considered swarthy

hapas are the coming medium in which the holy roman empire manifests.

fuck off, you're just as bad as tinny

weeaboo fucking freaks

im not larping

asians are smarter than whites

its a fact

and commit less crime and make more money etc
and are more creative if you want to debate that


see they're only smarter than your sandnigger niggerlips

but that's not difficult

>im not larping
you are and I alrready explained that they are more intelligent but not able to adapt quickly to changing situations.
which I gathered from my experience with them from everyday work instead of you, just larping as one.

>but not able to adapt quickly to changing situations.

thats called preferring a luxurious life
obviously they do adapt to change since they move to our countries and wreck shit

vancouver barton

you never dealt with asians, especially chinks and japs in your life.
you are also already falling on your knees denying your ancestry by defending them even though I don't even attack them.

>Slovak American : $68,611[2]
>Czechslovakian American : $67,991[2]
Do burgers know that Czechoslovakia does not exist?

thats because you werent in the last thread

you should see the arrogance that comes from the majority of whites theyre the ones who bring it up and call asians ant people with no creativity

the pride and arrogance is insane and they shit on all asian people and have chink hate threads

you have no idea

tinny is a sandnigger and a confirmed pedophile
whites are superior to you sandniggers and yellow niggers

you wish you were a khazar, tin

and you are the same, showing your weakness and beta status, this way no qt chink girl will ever like you, they will just laugh because youhate your own.

tin doesn't hate his own, he's not white

>tinny is a sandnigger
looks more like a left betafag to me

i dont like any people i think were all corrupted by sin and all evil terrible people

but the arrogance of whites when they act like asians are dumber than them when its a scientific fact that asians are more intelligent

that pisses me off when they ignore facts because their huge egos

his dad is a semite and his mama is american mystery meat
fuck you jesus worshipping fuck

well then there goes his change to ever find a qt asian, maybe some muslims from indonesia, but who wants that.
inb4 I don't even want a qt asian girl, yes you do.

he's a christian moron
you should see he rapture conspiracies


I don't know anything about him and I don't care I am just judging him by his comemnts in this thread

you should see his youtube videos
he's a sick in the head christian sandnigger freak


thanks for the promotion i need some subs

no problem christcuck

his voice makes me violently angry.

is he catholic or a protestant?