What should I do Sup Forums? dump her or still go out with her? yes or no
reposting since last one got moved to /bant/ for no reason
Pic unrelated
My girlfriend is Turkish
KYS because you are asking a Taiwanese image board for personal advice. Be your own man, you stupid faggot. Sage.
Fuck off ill ask what I want you prick.
What do you want from us?
>What should I do Sup Forums?
Yes or no
it's simple retard
Mortimer, is that you? I used to post on TA a long time ago? Did you finally get a gf?
Mortimer's not British and is obese
He will never get a gf. It is so sad. He offered to pay me with his welfare bucks to fly out to Austria and just hold his hand. It's pretty sad.
Which user were you? Why did he if you're probably male?
I do not want to say, you could be a whole host of users I had problems with. I posted pics on there a couple times, and no I am not male.
This is an anonymous thread. Tell me who you are I'm curious
send her tits
why what
Dump her.
Fucking idiot I bet you won't and your kids are going to be disgusting turk roaches like her.
>tfw no turk gf
Some are kind of hot in a weird way. And all that hate-fucking, mhhh.
I'm half irish and really pale so if we have kids they'd be pale
It's not that hard bro. Most love Euro men and blue eyes
She literally says she thinks about my eyes everyday kek
No they won't.
They will be half breeds with black hair and brown eyes and turk roach skin.
Here is a half Turkish person.
I already have very dark hair
Why would they? They'd be tanned looking with a more turk face at most
Dump her, you're way too autistic to deserve a girlfriend.
>I met the love of my life but I found out she's Turkish so now she's my enemy boo-hoo.
Manchild, saged.
Why don't you want to have white kids?
She's religious asf and morally conservative and also loves me i never said that but ok
So you don't want to have white kids because she loves you.
That is fucking stupid, you can be in love with many other people just because this turk roach loves you doesn't mean you need to have half breeds with her.
How old are you?
>that pic
apricity much lol
Half Turkish kid.
Is this how you want your kids to look like, nothing like you?
She's also attractive
Idk man is it really that bad?
Yeah it is your kids will look nothing like you.
You're being a race traitor when you're not with white women, at least you haven't married her or had kids yet.
Yes they will look like me at least a bit
She wants us to get married as soon as possible actually
You think I should say no?
Yeah you should, you'd be much happier finding a white GF and eventually a white wife.
If you're having trouble finding a white girl in Britain there are many other white ethnicities.
You're throwing away your genetic line when you have kids with a non white person.
Maybe since I could feel more like them
I won't even lie to you and say she's white looking she's not she has really brown skin and big eyebrows.
Are you sure if we have kids they would look full turk
Yes they will look like
That does not look like a white person to me.
Just stop dating her find a white gf it really isn't that hard to do and you'll be dodging a bullet.
That kid is half white half Turkish and it doesn't look white to me probably not to you either.
I see thanks I'll consider it
It really isn't that hard to just break up with her, I've dated many women and I didn't marry them.
You're not obligated to marry her just because she wants to get married.
What would you do
Break up with and tell her that it's not her it's me.
Try to get over the relationship and look for new girls that I might want to date.
>also loves me
No one can love you truly because deep down you are a piece of shit. It's just temporary infatuation with her. Save her the trouble and KYS. Sage.
Lol ok autist
I see
wouldn't you at least have sex with her though ?
Like afterwards?
so many amerimuts larping as the defender of the white race
No I think it's healthy to just move on after a relationship, that's what I do.
Or before even
Before I was red pilled probably.
but not now.
why not?
I think it's healthy to be with people like myself.
And not people unlike myself of other races.
Well that settles it
You sound like a fucking for ditching your girlfriend over this idiot kill yourself
Implying I did
dump her so you can commit yourself to a 2D waifu