The British Government has kindly asked for our opinion on immigration Sup Forums what did you tell them?
The British Government has kindly asked for our opinion on immigration Sup Forums what did you tell them?
Been there and told them to cut it out.
I just filled it out for you homeboy.
I pretty much put "DEPORT THEM ALL" for everything.
also, i live in london.
nice london ip you got there, thanks though.
Does anyone have any screen caps from the last thread - there were some excellent answers.
>I pretty much put "DEPORT THEM ALL" for everything.
Wtf i did the same, are you me user?
They're gonna think there are russian hackers doing the survey and invalidate them. Sup Forums pls write something else
done, was honest, but stopped short of Sup Forums levels to make it more belivable
I put peaceful repatriations of non-white british
i feel like they dont even read them. I assume they use some sort of aggregation program that just picks up keywords and sorts them in particular categories of subject and positive/negative position.
It's a government survey faggot, they don't carry ads
Pretty much pic related. I wonder how long it will stay up before they take it down because muh Russian bots?
Most western whites can assimilate into most western white countries. It's the non-whites, especially from the middle east and Africa who are the problem.
I think constructive and well articulated explanations would damage the "we need migrants!" argument better than shitposting "DEPORT"
>Observe British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance)
I hate this cucked "British values" they've decided on. For centuries we were rightfully fearful of democracy.
He called me a meme country once. Fuck his teeth.
True. One of the only true "British values" is an abiding dislike of foreigners, like most island peoples.
>English lessons
What the fuck is someone doing coming here if they don't speak English, it's fucking unacceptable.
The crux of my argument is that we should put a bar on all Eastern/Southern European migration. Ban people from non-Western Democracies and that we shouldn't be accepting of migrants. They need to prove themselves to us first.
Uh-oh. Looks like we got ourselves a bigot. Time to get your sausage role confiscated.
Just gone balls to the wall on this survey.
Exactly. Since when were we ever tolerant of anyone? We barely liked other people on this island, let alone anywhere else.
He said something about my teeth, fuck your beer. (desu, Belgian beer is great).
Take away his kitchen knives too, just in case.
Well, fuck your country.
Wait, never mind.
Memes aside, you can carry knives around as long as you've got a reason. If not, it has to be under 3 inches. It's mainly Electricians and Carpenters who are allowed to carry larger knives around.
That guy looks awfully familiar.
are you saying I shouldn't have put "gas the kikes, race war now" in there
I think that he's got a brother? Maybe Migel Tarage?
I did the same thing
None of that implies democracy.
Oh an the tires on his bike.
Oh, so that's where I know him from. Got a huge Bollywood film collection of his work. The resemblance between them is uncanny.
Voted to deport them all
I tell them that UKIP is their only salvation, and that Nigel Farage should be their PM.
Over here you can only carry blades that are less than 5cm long (and even then you can get into trouble), unless you have a reason.
So the packs of amerindian niggers can do as they please, disgusting.
TFW: Have to do about British values in college. All they talk about is "Multi-culturalism" and how "Islam is a Religion of peace" mfw: I only came here to get qualified as an Electrician.
>"Observe British values (democracy"
>None of that implies democracy.
All the Muzzies here carry knives on them, doubt the Police would do anything about it. I sometimes carry a knife over 3 inches on me, but that's for stripping cable. Not for being a nig-nog.
Please take us as a colony and exterminate all these people?
You know giving a thoughtful answer is much more likely to get them to take your advice.
I carry two of these on me at all times. Utility or self-defense, either way the law has me covered.
Luckily, I doubt I'd ever be in the position to use a knife as a weapon. Don't go near the parts of my city with dindus or muzzies. If it ever came to the worst, I could use a screwdriver if I didn't have my knife on me.
Portugal would be a better colonial-master. At least there's more linguistic similarities.
Buy yourself a large screwdriver. It's a great piercing weapon
I've got a few, what would be the ideal head?
I'm glad I could help defend the Empire in one little way.
nice lad - anymore like this?
Considering I have 100% Italian blood, I can probably get a citizenship there and whenever the battle breaks out, I'll join.
Argentina is fucking done for to be honest.
>code Blue. We got a scallywag admitting to carrying a deadly weapon on him
Does Italy have the right to return policy? I know that bother Britain and Germany do, as long as you can prove it.
You leaf bros are all right. Your biggest weakness is simply that you mean well, even if your actions are self-destructive.
The thing about your picture is, not only does it explain the strength of the anglosphere, it explains our weakness for all to see.
United we stand.
Divided we fall.
Everyone has forgotten these words but our enemies...
Shit, gotta scoff this sausage roll before the buzzies get me, innit.
Yeap, you only even need to be able to prove you have one Italian ancestor.
if you are not anglo saxon you should be holocausted, that isn't my opinion it is a fact and non anglos certainly have no mandate telling us what we can and can't do in our own fucking country
Same with Britain, I believe.
Sadly my grandparents renounced their citizenships and my parents never were naturalized. I think it's possible, but much harder than if I was born to Italian parents.
Oh really? Is it that easy? I sure hope so.
Let's keep all of our ANECDOTES in one place.
I don't want us getting confused.
As soon as you posted that dumbass expression you knew this was coming..
Still an anecdote.
Phew, finally. I can get a good nights rest
These all seem to be coming from the same source. I've never witnessed this in person and have only seen out of context screen shots on Sup Forums
Just follow any police force in the UK on twitter. lol
Call them a nigger and go to jail for the lulz.
I've bought plastic knives before without ever being asked, it may be Tesco policy.
Is that because like a good goy you binned that knife?
Same with any European country.
This is all coming from the same source, it has to be satire or one loon PC.
Literally in just in Manchester:
That's weird, seems that Sainsbury's doesn't have this policy.
This one fits your needs well.
The best is to hit stomach, neck and eyes
so what part of this is from the government?
dw guys keep writing in your hate speech and giving your ip to them, i'm sure they care deeply about your point of view
Nice, you hit them with some Oswald Mosley. I dig it.
Its some retarded policy that was done high gang crime shithole
Some idiot desk officer whos job it is to come up with this bullshit, they tell cops to go out on patrol and not return till they find say 6 'weapons'
So it looks like the department is doing something
So the real cops in question pick up any old trash found in bushes and turn them in as potential weapons
I've got a 6"x8mm which should do the job.
It seems a bit like those arrest quotas, they have in America.
These survey questions are disgusting. It looks like all your gov cares about are the migrants. Half of those questions are loaded statements to make migrants look better. Here is a revolutionary idea - how about speak fluent English, or fuck off.
They only have two genders listed in the section requesting information about yourself.
I never thought that the UK was so bigoted.
Guys this is important, do not fall for this survey! Hope Not Hate is a far-left proxy organization associated with Antifa that is known to harass people and do the govt's dirty work.
they know people don't want immigration so thats just a dazzler to get people in. the meat in the questionaire sandwich are:
parts on whether govt. should fund integration/raise taxes,
whether there is an onus on British to make integration work,
whether communities/areas should be integrated- there is talk about them forcing areas to be 'diverse' through quota
make sure to heavily neg all that shit
lol, totally a government organization my friends
Ill just do what a true American does when someone attacks us. lol
I'm glad you called this survey out before it got too many clicks. I ran it through a search engine and it definitely isn't govt associated - probably was created specifically to honeypot nationalist sites.
Memes aside, you can carry a knife if you just don't give a shit. Unless you actively show it to a copper or cut someone's head off, nobody is likely to go rummaging in your trousers and find it, it just sits quietly in your pocket.
>probably was created specifically to honeypot nationalist sites
its created so HNH can go on BBC and say 'we did a survey that supports all Labours talking points'.