When did you lose faith in Kyoani?
When did you lose faith in Kyoani?
when I read this post right now
wtf i hate kyoani now
That was the first anime I watched live. Ahhh the memories.
Chuuni S2
in phantom something
I've never had faith in Kyoani, I only have faith in Yamada.
When they baited me in Hibike!
Titty Limbo
Never. They are by far the best anime studio.
after nichijou
When second season of this had a certain ∞ episode long arc to start with...
Afterthat I knew they were just overtalented bullshitters with too much focus on style over substance.
>liking any Kyoshitty made outside of Nichijou
>not liking Haruhi and Yuriphonium
deviantart profile of a 12-year old girl who just discovered tumblr: the anime
Objectively best studio.
OP didn't say it was Trigger, though, user
>Kyoanus is best
delusional Sup Forumsnons are for keking only
Why would you have faith in them to begin with? They produce either shit or mediocrity.
Tamako Market. Still the only anime I've ever dropped.
>Kyoani only produces trash after Nichijou flops
>Japanese develop stockholm syndrome
>they say Kyoani is the best studio
>Sup Forums unironically believes them
I've never cared much for anything they've done outside of FMP.
Of course you think the most western-pandering studio is the best, normalfag.
I have faith that KyoAni will always find a way to make their shows look good and have lots of visual flair, even if the animation is frequently subpar in order to make up for it.
I also have faith that KyoAni will never make anything interesting on their own, and will frequently take gimme-success adaptations and somehow fuck them up with anime original horseshit, poor characterization, and an incapability to establish a pace whatsoever.
They get a pass for focusing on visuals in a visual medium, even if most of the visuals looking good involve filters, effects, and sacrificing overall animation quality to highlight a specific scene with an over-abundance of movement and frames, ensuring that uncanny valley is going to yank you right out of any immersion you might have had.
The only thing they've got going for them is that they've never made a show that was universally panned and objectively terrible. Unfortunately
Once I realized they do shit shows.
Why would I ever lose faith in the best animation studio in world history? They always find a way and they don't fail.
When Amagi happened.
Kyoukai no kanata
When they dropped Haruhi and Key adaptations
>hiroyuki "i can't sustain the site after adding 7 new useless boards so here's some malicious ads" nishimura
is kyoani saving anime or not?