Please say something nice about my waifu

Please say something nice about my waifu.

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Her ability to steal small sweet fruits is almost negro in its untapped capacity.

holy FUCK! she's ~ADORABLE~

shes a cutie


i want to cum on her eyebrows

She has bushy eyebrows


At first I found her annoying but she ended up being my favorite.

As if I could say anything not nice about Mugi-chan. She's wonderful.

These are nice things!


so do i

This is not very nice!


Why is she so gay?

what in the everloving fuck

Yuri is the purest form of love, and Mugi is a pure girl.

>Japanese soldier prepares to decapitate Chinese POW, 1944.

she's not racist

Mugi is like Yui without the retardation.

Didn't you just say you wanted to fuck Mugi legless?

shes fat and fucks niggers

t. Sheldon

K-ON is shit and I hate everyone who likes it

She's not Yui. That retarded bitch completely ruined her show. K-on would be so much better if her stupid ass dad wore a condom the first time.

She's a lesbian, and in an illicit relationship with Sawa-chan.

9000 hours in ms paint

To be fair, most of Yui's helplessness is the direct fault of her siscon imouto pampering her.

Can I say 3 things?

So that's how she's so rich. She lost her leg in some accident, her parents sued, and now she's loaded and goes to an all-girls school where no one knows her to remember the accident she had.

desu knowing this makes me want her more.

second only to the best girls

Yes! Thank you for complimenting my cute waifu!

She has huge eyebrows



she's great

>she's an amputee
>she's dropped her tea