>bringing back someone alive who's heart stopped beating and brain is out of action is impossible
>however if they're reduced to dust you can
Defend this jojo fags
If you are dust you should 100% be dead
>bringing back someone alive who's heart stopped beating and brain is out of action is impossible
>however if they're reduced to dust you can
Defend this jojo fags
If you are dust you should 100% be dead
We're all just dust in the wind, so obviously if you're dust you're still alive, dipshit.
How many more episodes are they making
Next week is the last episode
Jojo acknowledges the existence of souls, Josuke was able to save Hayato by reconstructing him the very instant he was blowing up, thus his soul didn't have enough time to leave.
Tomorrow is the last one for Part 4.
is there a sexier villain than melon kira
Weren´t they making 39 episodes?
so 2 episodes left
>Jojo acknowledges the existence of souls
Its an asspull
Sea Kira > Part 4 kira
The asspulls are a feature, not a bug
It's a bizarre adventure, not a logical one
>who is heart stopped beating
Does your handler know you're on the Internet?
Nigga where have you been? Can't you remember the clouds in Part 3 that were Avdol, Iggy and Kakyoin? Can't you see the weird steam that people seem to give off when they die? The fact that there are ghosts? Josuke can't return a soul to its body once it leaves.
Fights like these are why JJBA is best as a manga.
When you expose it through animation, it becomes the most baffling shit. If Kira gets hurt if he's near his explosions why did he explode the guy in the apartment at point blank range? Then there's the fact that fate conveniently lets Josuke arrive early at the meeting because of a phone call even though the tea set breaking and everything else couldn't be changed in any way.
>Can't you remember the clouds in Part 3 that were Avdol, Iggy and Kakyoin?
Those were all just to express the sadness of their death.
This never happened to every single character except the mains which proves the point.
That has nothing to do with the souls shit.
You don't want an explanation, you just want to be mad. So I'll leave you to that.
All is dust
He wasn't dust in the manga, the animators went retard in that one.
There are literally souls in the series. They is even a stand in the manga that switches souls between bodies. You are incredibly stupid.
How can one user be so based?
>Being this much in denial
>tfw kira keeps bullshitting his death
>tfw he could have died several episodes ago
>tfw hayato if he wasn't made to be plot retarded he could have had jotaro and co gang rape kira
Kira's deatj better be some satsifying shit
If one pays close attention and looks at pages from the manga, Hayato's entire body wasn't blown up. Only parts of it. As in only his legs and some of his torso, his head had yet to be completely annihilated. He wasn't even complete dust yet and had only started blowing up. This image is the fullest extent we see Hayato exploded. His upper torso and his hands blowing up.
I mean it's probably useless to debate about it but I feel it's worth debating about it when he hadn't even fully exploded when Josuke healed him.
His defeat is but his death is more funny than anything. People call it an asspull but he was already bleeding out and unable to do anything else when it happens.
>if okuyasu explodes i'll be killed too!
>hayato is exploding we're all safe it's fine!
Explain this jojos
Fuck you.
Kira could have killed these fucks but was nerfed for no reason
Josuke can't heal himself so if someone else touches Okuyasu to set off the bomb then Josuke can safely heal Okuyasu and the person who touched him.
The bomb only works once and Josuke can't heal himself.
Kira explitly said that Josuke could heal Okuyasu before he explotes but Josuke would explote instead since he need to touch him.
no, sorry user you need to let go.
...because try as you must,
you just can't fuck dust ..D.:'
>Ghosts have nothing to do with souls
There's an explosion coming through his skull. His brain is a smoothie by now
There's asspulls in every JoJo part user, it's okay to admit Araki can make mistakes. He's only human, after all. I think.
Josuke started repairing him as he started exploding. The anime is fucking it all up and honestly they've been doing a horrible job with the final arc altogether.
>final arc
More like all of it
Dude, here is the picture Hayato is exploding but Josuke isn't fixing him yet. It seems like your soul need some time to passs to the other realm, Josuke's grandpa probably passed earlier because he wanted.
>nothing to do with souls
What the fuck is a ghost if not a soul that remains in the world after its body has died?
I really liked the two Bites the dust episodes desu, but this final fight feels dragged as hell. Hopefully they fix with the next episode.
But Jotaro sure can :^)
>If Kira gets hurt if he's near his explosions why did he explode the guy in the apartment at point blank range?
How did the manga make this make more sense?
>Souls don't exist in Jojo's
>Despite the Clouds in Part III
>The stuff with Okayasu's near death in Part IV
>And the fucking stand that pulls them out and stabs them (unless they have a stand) with an arrow in Part V
>Use to really like Part 4
>Now watching the anime it's not nearly as good
Duwang Translations really were half the charm.
Jotaro can't but Joseph can return to his body even after minutes of being dead.
>it's another jotaro needs to be irrelevant for the plot episode
>it's another asinine reason for him not stopping time and cutting the bad guy's head off
is the weakness of time stop users that they have to be rendered completely useless?
>Osiris pulled out souls and made them into chips
>Atum put souls into dolls instead
>Black Sabbath pulled out the souls of poor fucks and stabbed them in the face
>Chariot Requiem's power is literally switching souls across the entirety of Rome
>lol souls don't exist guiz
>is the weakness of time stop users that they have to be rendered completely useless?
Yes. They even have to remove him entirely so that he doesn't solve everything in one chapter during the whole part 6.
>not separating the manga and the anime
this is josuke's part not jotaro's
Even Joseph attempted to do things in SC more than Jotaro did in DU
And we know how that turned out most of the time.
Different kind of explosion.
Killer Queen's first bomb is a removal type, only destroying the thing that is exploding. Not even sound escapes from it (Hence why nobody ever hears screams or the explosion at full volume).
The Killer Queen/Stray Cat bomb is more of an AoE bomb. It's not being put on anything, so it's just going to take everything in the area out. He also can't see the bomb, which is why he needs to be more careful.
Jotaro beat the shit out of Kira, that's a lot more than Joseph did in SC
B-but Joseph told Jotaro DIO could stop time!
When Gyro dies he tells Johnny his real name before floating away
Checkmate atheists
Didn't he tell him that when they were one the horses about to fight Valentine?
He says it before, and mentions it again here.
>get spoiled of part 4
>read it through
>feel sad because I know what's coming
>literally no one dies
feels good man
Are you my brother, user?
Everybody dies is best spoiler ever and goes well with parts IV-VI
Jojotards are so dumb
Ghosts and the soul exist in JoJo. Someone who turned to dust a second before didn't lose his soul. Someone whose heart stopped minutes ago did.
Fate can be changed though. It's not set in stone even though Kira assumes that's the case.
now that I'm watching the anime, it really strikes me as strange that Hayato didn't just run over to where Rohan, Jotaro, and Koichi are to tell them that Kira is there, even though he now knows that killer queen isn't inside him any more
he doesn't even have to run all the way up to them, he could have just leaned his head around the wall and screamed "YOSHIKAGE KIRA!" and they would have come running
Jojo is dumb, nothing to defend
The D'arby brothers literally gambled for souls.
You are right OP. It's almost like some kind of bizarre adventure
Only asspull was jotaro reviving Joseph but I guess since it's fucking vampire blood it works in a differents or it's just a stupid shonen and we're overthinking it.
There's a time limit.
It's "Ashes to Ashes, Funk to funky", faggot
>stands can't bring people back from death
>give villain time powers so that he can bring back people he killed
I can't believe how bad this is. Why is it an anime?
Then how can anyone die then if you don't see their soul go?
This completely devalues any tense situation
Josuke only says that Crazy D can't revive people. How do you seriously not expect stands of all things to have the most insane powers?
Because it's adaptation made to appreciate the manga more, not an anime you fucking retard.
Jotaro says that people can't be brought back no matter the stand.
>I'll just take Jotaro's word for it because he's totally seen every single possible stand in the world
>Jotaro this jotaro that
Jotaro is autistic in case you didn't know.
Crazy Diamond, Made In Heaven (?), Limp Bizkit are few stands that can bring back people.
That's not it. It's one of the only things so far that HAS made sense the entire arc. But it devalues anything they said or will say. It's terrible writing.
>Jotaro can not be wrong about anything
>Taking a character who has no concrete evidence toward his claim's word as law and claiming it's inconsistent that something beyond his knowledge happens
He's simply wrong. It seems some stands can bring people back to life.
It's still terrible writing. Seeing as how he himself brought someone back, it's even worse.
Well you said yourself that he claimed no stand could bring someone back to life. He used vampire blood to revive Joseph. There isn't any inconsistency in his claim, even if he's wrong as fuck.
no need to defend perfection
>Decent and good writting.
Pick one
I refuse.
I am picking both.
Yeah I agree. That shit is almost like magic or special powers or something.
>he doesn't bite za dasto