Why is she such a hypocrite?
>Lets return to traditional gender roles
>What? Oh not me, I'm going to ride the cocl carousel until Mr. Right comes along :^)
Lauren Whoren
She looks like she's 35 KEK
>Why is she such a hypocrite?
Jews love shekels
They'll pretend everything to get some
Quit watching e-whores
watch Ryan Faulk with The Alternative Hypothesis
>Why is she such a hypocrite
Because she money hungry. Just another e celeb thot no better that a cam whore
She will be doing an episode of BLACKED soon , just wait.
Meme flags and shilling against rightwingers nice
because shes a kike who is just milking right wing betas for sheckles
"woooohooo the NAATZEESS wanted to kill everyone like a warhammer fanfiction :((((( "
why would anyone take the political opinions of a woman seriously?
Lauren Rose is superior waifu
what ppl actually listens what this whore says?
She's far too genetically refined to get married like some shit-tier cunt. Like all alpha women, she won't be satisfied until she gets raped and impregnated by force by the male she deems the most alpha after she has completed her e-celeb world tour.
try again
who's this cake-faced roastie?
why is pol filled with celebrity gossip?
you fags been eating soy?
Isn't it embarrassing that "Conservatives" went from listening and following the beliefs of scholars, military tacticians and inspiring leaders to listening and following Lauren Southern. Hate this Kike so much
You do know that OP is a leftist soyboy who shitpost s this every day, right?
She's 4'11''
Why does she look so old?
because many white women age like milk. canadian white women age like bag milk.
shill your bullshit somewhere else, faggots
where is your brother?
mass reply faggots should be automatically banned
you are cancer
Who cares?
She is hot, has red pilled many people about refugees
Meanwhile OP eats cheetos in his moms basement top kek
Also she's Jewish
>Why is she such a hypocrite?
She has a cunt.
>world of warcraft pinned to task bar
>steam currently downloading more time wasting software
>google search fucking bookmarked
>"random links" folder
>some gay anime youtube avatar
>pays attention to lauren southern
jesus christ go away
it's fucking funny that the shills have a whole group of people only dedicated to lauren southern
my god, lauran hate threads all day every day - what is it with you and that woman that you have to discredit her 24/7?
I don't get the impression she's riding the cock carousel.
i wish i did this when i was a kid
Fucking. Roasted.
Just because you have no self respect and are ready to marry the first woman who shows you attention so you can breed and support your Jew masters, doesn't mean we are all as stupid as you.
Of course the Jews support the white family unit now after they seized power... The white family unit is the one who will pay for all their socialists schemes.
Sage and /thread
Ezra Levant makes Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, and others famous.
Alex Jones makes Mike Cernovich, Laura Loomer, and others famous.
Mike Enoch makes Richard Spencer, Nathan Damigo, and others famous.
Notice each of these three groups are separated by ideology slants. For example, Loomer is Zionist and so is Cernovich, and both come from Alex Jones. Likewise, Spencer an Damigo are both "Alt-Right" and come from Mike Enoch, just as Lauren Southern and Faith Goldy are both Zionist bimbo thots and come from Ezra. Do you see it yet? These ecelebs are using actual Intelligence officers as stepping stones to internet fame, with which they promote the same exact ideology only slanted for their particular audience. An example:
>Laura Loomer/Mike Cernovich promote Zionism
>Lauren Southern/Faith Goldy promote soft Zionism (sympathy for Jews and Israel)
Richard Spencer/Nathan Damigo promote reluctant Zionism (I just want the Jews out of muh country!"
So while their patter may change, the message does not.
If you'd really like to hurt them begin attacking their handlers:
>Alex Jones
>Ezra Levant
>Mike Enoch
Render their strategy and main talking-points useless and they will not have means to manufacture more ecelebs to replace the ones we here destroy.
she's a kike, false opposition
"Blonde in the belly of the beast" She's a newly minted white nationalist, but is aging like milk. She plans on retiring in a year to have kids, wise move.
>eceleb thread
>standard shit Sup Forumslacks getting horny from this shit internet roastie, top fucking kek, shits
And never too soon.
pretty good comments under the video, exposing the hypocrisy
>also inb4 finncuck
>Why is she such a hypocrite?
Because she's a kike (her grandfather). Weird how she dated an Indian guy and then a black guy a few years ago too. And she still says that doesn't care what race her husband/bf is. Go be a cuck somewhere else, faggot.
Transgender is a mental illness
I still think T wouldn't touch a filthy slut with lower IQ than him.
Oy vey
She isn't even asking for money in her videos, the Patreon link is only in the video description, if you aren't looking for it, you will not even see it. Most people never read video descriptions, so only people, who are actively looking for this option donate to her.
Why the hell she doesnt have an upper lip, that looks so weird
>people give this whore money
I imagine them to look like this
more like Chromepera. Vivaldi is the real Opera.
the real question here is, where is our beloved finn?
Meanwhile, /best girl/ Faith Goldy is wearing an engagement ring in her latest video.
>based black men can come so long as they (((assimilate))) and whites stay somewhat of the majority, my goyimz!
>assimilating in her vagina
she is ready for ahmed's dick
They never assimilate, so what she is tellnig is to don't let them in.
She is in a long term relationship with a white guy. Don't project your own degeneracy.
just another thot
nice mental gymnastics there
>Jewish is a race
imaging the amount of mental gymnastics one has to go through to either ignore or justify her relationship with this shitskin
I don't watch her, why are you still watching her?
low energy anti-eceleb hate thread
even at this OP fails
Just give me one example, where non-whites assimilated into a white country. It is impossible, and she doesn't advocate for migration without assimilation.
Isn't that her sister
23andMe would show Jewish DNA.
Full video: youtube.com
imagine being this much of a beta orbiter
I am just here for her autistic fans.
people here are also saying she is traditional or right wing, so I can imagine that they try to justify this too.
Anything incorrect in my argument?
she's at least 28. People claiming she is 22 are delusional. No 22 y.o looks that blown out. Since she is lying about age she is probably lying about her motives and backstory too
Shill thread, can't have a single day without you faggots. I'll go and like all of her videos now just because of you.
So I get b& for posting a khazar milkers thread but Moapheus makes dozens of threads about Lauren Southern without problem
Do your fucking job mods
OP is about to get doxxed. There's only a couple hundred people in the world who use Opera, just gotta narrow the rest of the information down
because she is old. The only reason we have to believe she is young is her claim to be young and believing the self-proclaimed age of a woman is beta status
the askari in german colonies
the blacks in rhodesia
the samoans under german and later american rule
He said on a livechat that she turned him down
I just want her to do porn. Honestly the though of her forcing me to eat her asshole while she texts her black bull is enough to make me cum.
you sad pathetic little faggot. Kill yourself so your family can rid themselves of the shame of knowing you.
>No 22 y.o looks that blown out.
yes, some do, unprotected sex with multiple partners and excessive partying.
She's a fucking whore. If she was an ACTUAL traditional woman she would brust through my door and dragged me to church to marry me right now.
Look at those countries now, are they acting like civilized people? Where is Rhodesia now? They never assimilated. It is impossible to assimilate for non-whites in a white country. Assimilation would mean, that you can't tell the difference between natives and immigrants.
Even integration doesn't work, why would they ever assimilate?
nah you have not met many women apparently. No 22 y.o in the history of man has looked that old. Simple answer is she is lying about age
Jesus christ do you ever take a break? The mods need to ban you for your own good
She won't marry someone with an irrelevant flag
Can you refute my argument?