Which one is the most evil?
Which one is the most evil?
probably freiza, everyone else had agenda's or some real purpose (although madara's was all for himself).
Akainu truly believes what he does is good. Madara also genuinely believed his plan was for the best, but it was really about shoving it in the Senju's faces. Madara and Aizen never cared about anyone but themselves. Aizen rebelled against the Soul King purely because he couldn't stand being underneath anyone else, and the instant someone more powerful than Frieza appeared he dedicated himself to killing them at any cost. It's a funny coincidence you paired the left and right like this.
Akainu is legit not evil, at all
also a fag
Aikanu and Madara arent evil, is just that their definitions of "Good" are different.
Id go for Frieza in this one.
>mass murdering civilians for studying history isn't evil
you edgy mongoloids
yuuri katsuki is evil and a hetfag
Frieza by default
Probably Frieza but maybe Aizen
Who knows though since we'll never find out what Aizen's motivations for replacing the Soul King were, or what he actually intended to do, because Kubo never explained the Soul King or made any attempt to do so.
only freezer is evil there
Freeza literally wasn't any more evil than any of the other ones.
>Mandara wanted to make his clan great again
>Aizen wanted to overthrow a corrupt system
>Akainu wanted to bring justice to criminals
>Frieza just want to fuck with people
Madara, he planned to lock the world in hanging from trees comas till they fucking died. Literally ending all of humanity to achieve "peace".
It isnt you fucking newfag
That's the price of world peace.
Frieza was mostly a business man, conquer planets to sell or slave, Madara wanted world peace in a twisted way, Akainu actually believes he is the justice of the world, meanwhile Aizen wanted to kill god just because he can't stand having someone above him and constantly fucked with everyone just because, i mean the Momo deal was just unnecesary
>not subjective
>the current year
Also fuck off with your shounenshit
>Frieza was mostly a business man
That would blow you and your planet up for shit's and giggles.
>Also fuck off with your shounenshit
>On a anime image board.
Sup Forums is over there.
>Sup Forums
You make for a lovely example of shounenfags.
>You make for a lovely example of shounenfags.
He only wanted to do that 3 times, one by precaution, the second time he was supremely pissed and the last time was just a blind revenge, so it wasn't for shit and giggles per se
Frieza does it because he's an evil jerk and a rotten child bullying the galaxy with his power. He never show any sign of even possible redemption. I'm sorry but this is no contest.
Aizen is the most evil. Unlike everyone else you suggested. He thinks and is smart
wanted to create a illusion world where everyone lives his dream life, I would support him over any of the heroes
May be a brute, but he does what he does for the sake of order and justice, if you are not a criminal he will probably seems like a good guy to you
never had clear reasons for his desire to kill the Soul King because Kubo is the worst writer of all four, may be working for a reater good, may be just a power fantasy, we don't know, seriously, fuck Kubo for never giving a explation
The only genuinely evil of them, a space conqueror who enjoyed killing and suffering, would kill anyone he wanted to just because he wanted to
>He thinks and is smart
I don't think you know what evil means
>but he does what he does for the sake of order and justice
Is that why he stabbed Momo twice and cut down Harribel?
The guy just wanted to be a God. He doesn't care for anything or anyone.
That's my explanation for Akainu, not Aizen
Learn to read you faggot clown
My bad.
It's ok user, we all make mistakes
The others just want peace but go about it the wrong way
Fuck off Grail-kun
>The others just want peace
Aizen wanted to sit on the top. He literally states this at the end of the SS arc.
He also believed that the soul king was a monster and needed to be deposed. Why? We'll never know.
If we are talking about which one is pure evil. No one really is. They all had their reasons for doing what they did and none of their reasons were because they liked killing people. Madara thought he was doing a favor for the world by giving them their dream reality, Akainu is simply following the absolute justice he was taught in the marines, Aizen wanted to change who the soul king was for a still unexplained reason (thanks Kubo), and Freiza.... I haven't watched Dragon Ball since I'm currently burnt out on watching insanely long series. If anyone wants to chime in on his motives, go ahead.
If I had to pick one of the three though. Akainu probably. He isn't just giving out justice, he's giving out his own form of justice and will kill anyone who disagrees with him. Even if they're part of the marines.
What the fuck? The dude literally fights against evil fucking pirates.
All of them did nothing wrong.
Freiza was legit evil as others had already stated. He wanted to literally own the universe and went for the Dragon Balls to become immortal to be able to do that easier and for much much longer.
Love the solution it gave for how to fix Lancer.
aizen im sure it would be something really evil
He doesn't just fight pirates, he kills anyone who disagrees with him. Even if they're part of the marines.
Frieza killed more people than Hitler. He, the Future Androids, and Saiyan Saga Vegeta are in a tier of their own.
>When I come back to this planet, you're all going to suffer. And when you beg me for mercy, I'll stare into your eyes as I crush the life out of you!
Small time.
>manage to nearly erase Communism from history
>some faggots keep poking at it and want to know
Absolutely not.
Is like you dont know what evil is.
The guy is literally doing his job.
The others are just hippies with super powers doing awful things for their own goals.
I mean are we going by motive, scope or power?
Because motive i guess it is up to interpretation on what you consider "more evil"
If we go by scope or power Freeza wipes the floor with all of them. Able to blow up planets on a whim and conquers half the galaxy.
Definitely Frieza, killed billions and was a galactic tyrant.
In Madara's mind, he thought he was doing the right thing.
Frieza is just a giant asshole who kills people and takes over planets for money.
Where the fuck is Raoh, where the fuck is DIO?
Get the fuck outta here nigga.
None of them are Triple O beings.
So no one
Doing it once automatically puts Freeza far higher on the evil totem pole than the other three combined. Genociding an entire planet of people, multiple times at that, is so far beyond the scope of evil for Aizen, Madara and Akainu it is't even funny.
>All these Madara apologists when White Zetsu explicitly said that Madara is just throwing a hissy-fit.
Though yeah, Frieza is still the worst just by sheer scale of the atrocities he commits in the name of business.