Maasaki Yuasa constantly releases pretentious trash which rehashes trite themes. Many such cases. SAD!

Maasaki Yuasa constantly releases pretentious trash which rehashes trite themes. Many such cases. SAD!

Why can't plebs get into The Tatami Galaxy?

Art style is kinda fucky, there's a lot of repetition, and in general it's not that good until all the pieces of the puzzle start clicking together in the last episode, then it goes from mediocre to mindbogglingly amazing over the course of 21 minutes.

>mindbogglingly amazing
It's just rehashing the same theme Welcome to the NHK did better.

Okay, someone clearly didn't watch it.
Last I checked welcome to the NHK didn't have anything relating to parallel realities, it was just generic neet pandering.

But Tatami Galaxi is big hit in Japan and it's based on novel. More like retards are too retarded for TG.

Back to twitter the place you belong

I'm not a guy who would bash Yuasa irresponsibly, but a generic neet pandering would be feel good shit, not NHK.

The only thing I felt was prentious was the witch and how he goes over the story of how he met the girl every time.
I guess it pays off in the end but I still felt it was 2 minutes wasted per episode.

It was more like "oh woe is me, it is so hard being a neet perhaps a rich loli will help me deal with my porn obsession and pedophilia" pandering, you know, so neets feel like their life of never contributing anything to society is full of hardship, and how only Tatsuhiko Takimoto understands the "plight" of a neet.

>legend of the galactic heroes
>tatami galaxy + ping pong

What are some other anime that can't be enjoyed by plebs?

>being a shut-in is stupid
It's the same theme. Deal with it.

You're retarded, the mc of tatami galaxy is a shut in in exactly one episode, otherwise the story is driven by whatever club he joins.
Would a shut-in join a club?
Fuck no, hence why the one episode he IS a shut-in is the "no club" episode.

>many such cases. SAD!

back to Sup Forums it goes

What the hell are you talking about?

A Sup Forums crossboarder too dumb to understand Yuasa's work. Sounds about right. Kill urself my man.

To be fair, the message is told through showing the viewer all of the different crazy outcomes that could happen if he did join a club.

And then we see a sort of "prime" timeline where he didn't join a club and sees for himself all of the possibilities he missed out on.

I agree, but if there's any sort of character trait regardless of timelines it's that the mc is a hardworking guy who's always on the hunt for pussy, not a "shut-in."
When he becomes a shut-in it's so far against his personality that time-space breaks down and he has an existentialist crisis.

pretty much I thought the show had great charcters and while due to the repition it got slow at times it never felt overly dull as it explored difffrent angles of it all

but onc ethe ending rolls through and the ed plays and the colours come together it really shines

listen it's not often the manic pixie dream girl is actually manic and is an actual character, furthermore did you miss the parts where satou recovers once his food is cut off and the same exact thing with the class reps brother, you do realize that the point is there lives aren't full of actual hardship and encountering real hardship motivates them to work

They can't read fast enough.

>Many such cases, SAD!

>you do realize that the point is there lives aren't full of actual hardship and encountering real hardship motivates them to work
I know, but that's also the shittiest arc, and one of the last.

So what the hell is up with that new movie he's making? It's like a Tatami Galaxy spinoff or something? But it uses the same characters?

*They can't read

Yet another pretentious rehash from Yuasa. Like Rosie O'Donnell, a total loser!

Does anybody actually care about pic related? Never seen it mentioned here before.

I like it, but that's just me.

What's that new movie about anyway? Looks just like a retelling of TG or something
I mean, I'm still excited, but I just want some clarification

>yuasa shitposting
This meme is still alive?

>Yuasa is good
This meme is still alive?

>meme big fat fucking memes
This meme still alive?

I liked the first half. Second half got a bit too weird for me. Enjoyable overall but probably my second least favorite Yuasa.

Reposting from another thread:

Firstly 夜は短し歩けよ乙女 is NOT a prequel to Tatami Galaxy. In Tatami Galaxy the MC fucks around with Ozu and doesn't really do anything for most of the part. In this the MC is much more proactive in getting the girl and doesn't just wait for her to fall into his lap like Watashi kind of did.

Secondly the reason why they seem so similar is because both novels are written by Tomihiko Morimi. All of his books, without exception, take place in Kyoto because he has a huge Kyoto boner the same way Watari Wataru has a Chiba boner. Also a lot of his books have the main character in university as those were probably the defining years of his life. Off the top of my head 太陽の塔 (Tower of the Sun), Tatami Galaxy and this.

Finally this anime is not going to be pretentious in the slightest. All of Morimi's works strike a balance between fantasy and reality. In Tower of the Sun, it's 30:70 fantasy to reality. It's a very raw work which doesn't have a very well defined plot (which makes sense because it's was his first book) but the rants and thoughts by the main character are extremely poignant. Obviously a lot of people don't like having Morimi's opinions shoved down their throat, which leads us to 夜は短し歩けよ乙女. It's by far Morimi's most accessible novel because it takes out all the moping and depression and ramps up the fantasy and humour (there's a part where the MC learns to fly by "not having his feet firmly planted on the ground"). Even on the Japanese internet most of them consider it to be his best novel by virtue of its humourous nature without any overbearing themes or real-world issues that his other works might have had.

So we can expect the anime to have:

1. A lot of humour
2. More fantasy
3. The supreme Morimi waifu
4. More accessibility to plebs

Also "The Night is Brief, Go Forth Young Woman" sounds fucking retarded, anyone with a knack for poetry want to take a crack at it?

>(there's a part where the MC learns to fly by "not having his feet firmly planted on the ground").

Morimi is a Hitchhiker's fan? Not surprised.

>Finally this anime is not going to be pretentious in the slightest.
>it's by Yuasa

It's an adaptation shitlord

Yeah I only read the first book but come to think of it the humour and writing style is very similar

Tremendous shitposting.

>this anime is not going to be pretentious in the slightest.

this coming from a madokaposter

I like it 8/10 lad

Ping pong is so much better though

>an anime by the director of the ridiculously pretentious Ping Pong, Tatami Galaxy, Kaiba, etc.
>not going to be pretentious in the slightest

I'm excited to see this show and Uchouten Kazoku 2. I like both Yuasa and Morimi but I don't like why the characters looks the almost the same with Tatami Galaxy.

It's good until Ooba is revealed as the villain, then Yuasa stops caring about the plot and characters and just make up the wackiest and craziest stuff he can.

how does it feel to have shit taste bitch

>Uchouten Kazoku
Also pretentious.

From which cancerous place this retarded way of finishing post comes?

>Endless Eight for hipsters

The president-elect's twitter account

>implying you are not a pleb
>implying people with opinions different than yours are
>implying you are better than people with opinions different than yours
>pretentious: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.
This post is pretentious, like Yuasa - bigly!

lmao you're literally retarded

I love Nakamura's art, fuck.

Angry that Ping Pong got schlonged by Love Live in sales - pathetic!


>Over in a Twitch, Do It Bitch

Showa Genroku
Some bunch of other shit which have no cute girls and tits

I enjoyed it, but I can understand why it's not as popular as some of his other stuff.

Damn how do you guys remember anime for so long after you've watched it? I can barely remember things I've watched or read before. The other day I rewatched Code Geass and I could barely recognize anything.

It's just this one guy shitposting, right? He always uses Sup Forums memes, keeps using "pretentious" against Yuasa and random smug girl reaction images.
I've lurked in seven threads over the duration of the past two days and this autist always seems to be here.

And his posting style is fairly consistent.

> Should I care about avatarfaggot, or should I tell him to fuck off to a real forum and create an internet personality there?

You seem to be unable to make a serious decision, let me help you…

Where the fuck this this shit come from anyway? It sounds so stupid.

You should do some sudoku puzzles or something to keep your brain active grandpa

But both of those anime have cute girls and tits you gay faglord

trump twitter

I happen to be a sudoku addict senpai :^)

love kemonozume
can easily make anyone watch it with one webm

You're right. Honestly I had it on my backlog until I saw a gif of that.

Drumpftards btfo lmao

>rewatching tatami galaxy
>that fucking Johnny episode

>Faggot that haven´t seen Tatami
Faggot that haven´t seen NHK

Why the fuck do people try to discuss something they have no fucking clue about? Fucking watch both if you want to compare them both.

There is literally nothing wrong with a media form being pretentious.

I read Tatami Galaxy first, so when I tried to read 夜は短し歩けよ乙女 directly after that I didn't really like it. Morimi seems to have the same "problem" a lot of authors have in that he doesn't really change his style too much.

I tried to watch it. Too weird for me.

It's not a problem. People who like it, and there are a lot who do, will keep buying his books as long as he keeps his stories fresh. It's called building a fanbase.

That said, I would never read Tatami Galaxy because the adaptation is already fantastic in its own right.

I get that having a distinct style is a good thing, but it can also drag you down (thinking of Shinkai here). That's why I put "problem" in quotes.

That being said, now that it's been a while since I read TG I'm probably going to read Yoru wa... soon. Morimi does have a very nice writing style after all.

Shinkai's themes are annoying because they're childish and idiotic to mature audiences but they work by grabbing fans who are overly emotional and nostalgic too. Again, different strokes for different folks. That said I'm still going to watch keit-ai tomorrow in cinemas just to see what the hype is about.