name just one thing christianity did for society that was good
Name just one thing christianity did for society that was good
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got a jew killed?
Nothing, it's jew subversion
>inb4 Jews hate christianity
If you post that you're a jew, jew "hatred" is actually a trick to attack whites. Its all jewish, ALL of it.
Reddit is for faggots and you turned Sup Forums into faggotland complete with gay porn threads.
>name just one thing a system of moral values did for society that was good
>pic related is the consequence of nihilism and materialism
You're too young to be here.
fucking this
its just like how communists "hate" capitalists despite both being jewish
Irish monks that kept translating literature all over Europe, keeping the knowledge of Greece alive.
Name one thing that atheism has done for society that was good
Set the barre for moral standards...
Why do you think they are now being dismantled?
so the power... of gen z
>jew "hatred" is actually a trick to attack whites
>if you kill your enemies, they win!
Amerimutt logic
The knowledge of Greece was kept alive in Greece. The Romans did not fall until the 15th century.
Ar least it killed every white religion
Finance scholars for centuries, allowing sciences to develop ?
Christianity got rid of human sacrifices and other degenerate barbaric practices of paganism.
Only Protestants are good.
Catholicism leads to stagnation.
>majority Christian (but growing muslim population)
Jews use Christianity to destroy whites, and say they like christianity to get more accepted, while in 'secret' they hate it. This is a bluff, they actually use it as a ploy to more cleverly kill all whites. It's pretty obvious when you think about it.
kys newfags, no whites are christian
babyfed by Sup Forums. What have we done.
father modern science
>inb4 pogroms
Not be Jewish.
Christianity is FOR "society"
its for sinners to come to God in Jesus Christ.. in the world ,not of the world. My "Kingdom is not of this world"
If society benefits from Christianity it needs to thank God. but to play your lame game Christianity has been the civilizing impulse in human history developing just civil societies based on principles preserved by the Church given by God.
Architecture FTW
And replaced it with even more degenerate racial self hatred.
Make delusional people more apparent
>2 posts by this ID
WLP is too kind in that video- Christianity never did a single good thing for Europe. It was all Jewish tricks, everything they did was a two-faced act of subversion to kill us,
White people fathered modern science, not Christianity. If Christianity fathered modern science, ancient Greece and Rome would be intellectual wastelands, and African, Hispanic, and Asian Christians would be scientific powerhouses.
they stopped vikangz from committing piracy everywhere
remove kebab
>1 post by this ID
Cancucks are also Jewish Christians.
>Many Christians understand our duty to love Israel and God's chosen people. Jesus was a Jew. J/s
You literally just posted a Christian being a cuck.
Retarded Christcucks can't read white european languages, only desert scratchings.
It became redundant.
Has a burger you should know about how magna carta influence your govermental system and the magna carta was heavily infuence by the bible.
This it gave europeans a common banner to fight for.
It's like you guys forget what kikes really are just to attack Christians. Being Jewish is either religious or ethnic, choose.
RCC financed scientists for centuries.
That allowed sciences to survive and thrive.
It funded all the good schools and universities with the money they had.
Because the jews subverted American evangelical Christianity only a few decades ago. You're painting 2000 years of Christian history with the actions of a few cucks today.
>and thou shalt sage the threads that waste your time
>and thou shalt bump the threads of worthy posters
>these are my commandments, and if ye hold them, you shall shitpost at the right hand of the father
Christianity gave every human value, which helped propel Europeans to a trustworthy society, where an offense against your brother was an offense against God. This trust allowed Europeans to develop the healthy social bonds that supported the development of culture, great architecture and intellectual advancements. Low social trust stops societies from developing beyond African, levels of barbarity.
Christianity is the religious sect of the Jewish race, it's a double bluff to make white people think that they are attacking jews by being a Christcuck, when in reality it's making it so that be it a christian zionist or a "white" nationalist the Jews win. I hate both Christians and Jews, and anyone who doesn't is anti white. the power...of gen z
So Jesus is a rebel-prophet calling out Jewish BS, but Jews support Jesus, so they wrote the Talmud after him to vilify goyim and cement Jewish supremacy that Jesus rejected, and have been LARPing Revelations NWO not because they don't believe he's the Messiah, or that John's prophecy of his return is legitimate, but because it would be fun to dominate his followers as it was prophesized? If Jesus isn't really the son of God he at least wins a medal for supremely trolling Jews.
Created the paradigm that led to Western Civilization being the shining beacon of hope to all mankind.
Christianity is the only reason there is even a right wing in America at all, or that there's a positive white birth rate. Agnostics/atheists always vote left and have few if any children. You're cutting of the nose to spite the face.
Also I'm 26, kys anti-white.
>people didnt have babies before christianity
Because atheist countries are pure and not degenerate liberals who love immgrants and multiculturalism.
Fuck off look the state of the west since it became less christian.
You are an intellectual midget, and its only through God's Grace that your thoughts survive your low IQ. Please don't post your cerebral bowl movement in this thread you moron.
Yeah so lets just go back in time 2000 years.
Christianity is not FOR society
its for sinners to come to God in Jesus Christ.. in the world ,not of the world. My "Kingdom is not of this world"
If society benefits from Christianity it needs to thank God. but to play your lame game Christianity has been the civilizing impulse in human history developing just civil societies based on principles preserved by the Church given by God.
You mean it became more JEWISH.
This never happened until Christianity took over Europe.
They weren't atheists and christians had more, you one of the neo pagan larpers or just a bitter based gay boy
brought you heathens salvation
Ziochristians are a minority I don't see the point of you mentioning them. People calling out Christians for being cucked has really no point either since all of the west is cucked anyways. Christianity before the world went to shit was fine, but when it doesn't favor your world view you say "NO ITS THE CHRISTIANS FAULT" you guys are just doing (((them))) a solid by attacking the majority christian whites by proxy.
We wouldn't know the name of Aristotle if it wasn't for Christianity.
Here's some fuckers similar to OP who don't know who built their civilization.
>thinking this is something normal or prevalent in an age prior to athiest degeneracy and cultural marxism
>jews did good things, see?
>yes, lets accept that the jews are perfect and destroy our race
I see right through your pilpul, kike.
I'm no longer Christian but I can say with absolute certainly the world would objectively be a better place if everyone everyone was.
they all think it's because of MUH CHRISTIANS even though most of them understand the truth, they understand & know about cultural marxism and what (((they))) did to us. But all of a sudden they make this autistic exception for Christians where it's all their fault for some reason.
Stop lying, jew. If you actually saw the lies of Kiktianity, you'd tell everyone.
Do you hear how retarded you sound, if your society has no moral backbone another will replace with one will replace it.
Christianity encourages people to have kids and live moral productive lives atheism doesn't, because they believe in nothing it's why they don't have kids, live hedonistic life styles and always vote left.
> Defended the west against islam and arabs
> Preserved the knowledge from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire
> Christian orders discovered new lands and helped colonize them
> Stopped cousins from impregnating each other and reducing the offspring's IQ
> The Middle Ages, which was a time of virtue, values, and innovation in all fields of knowledge
Literal brainlets. Christianity is the best tool we have against the jews because it pits Gentiles Vs. Jews. That's what we want. Christianity is a gentile religion and the only way to beat the jews. Because in christianity JEWS ARE THE BAD GUYS
Matrix wouldn't been a thing if did christianity existed.
Neo is cyberspace christ
>created European science
>was at the center of European science
>created the first universities
>brought the Renaissance
>directly led to European dominance over the world
>inb4 church oppressed scientists hurr durr Galileo
No. Galileo was a shithead who constantly attacked the Pope, and even after the Pope told him to stop. At the end, the Pope even had mercy on Galileo and placed him under house arrest instead of killing him.
The Church was very interested in the heliocentric model and encouraged Copernicus to publish his theory. Many within the Church supported the heliocentric model, and it was only until Galileo decided to be a shithead that they banned it.
They didn't even charge Galileo of heresy for his heliocentric views, but they charged him with being suspect of heresy for his views on the Church.
Galileo was the first neckbeard atheist in medieval Europe.
The Church created the academic world of the medieval ages. The Church let an elite class of people who had to be literate and educated to flourish.
Yep, a lot of "scientists" that got BTFO by the church were indicted for holding heretical views unrelated to their scientific views.
What lies?
I don't believe in God anymore but the ten commandments / teachings of Jesus making you live a healthier life was no lie.
People at church are the most purest and genuinly kind people I have ever met.
Rejecting Judaism/Christianity doesn't mean accepting atheism, Nigel
Name just one thing stupid frogposters did for Sup Forums that was good.
Stupid frogposters are literally killing this site.
>Galileo was the first neckbeard atheist in medieval Europe.
And just like any neckbeard, he thought he was smarter than everyone else while actually being a retard.
>In Astronomia nova (1609), Johannes Kepler had used an elliptical orbit to explain the motion of Mars. In Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae he developed a heliocentric model of the solar system in which all the planets have elliptical orbits. This provided significantly increased accuracy in predicting the position of the planets. Kepler's ideas were not immediately accepted. Galileo for example completely ignored Kepler's work.
kek, failed 9s
THIS IS IT i disavow pepe
>off by one
nice get
how bout dat
dumb frogposter
If you read some of galileo's writings, it's easy to see that he's a genius.
Very smart guy.... and saying so is no slight to kepler
can't say he's wrong
No more pepes and no more frogs. Bomb France.
Autistic ice girl meme is that her lucky number is nine
>off by one
Founded western civilization, you fucking kike
no sweetie that was greece and rome
lol was about to ask if the eyepatch doesnt block her vision
lamo :D
Pretty much proves that anyone can program an application that calculates when to post so they get numbers
Sad really
checked for killing Sup Forums
if it weren't for christianity you morbidly obese burgerfag wouldn't even be alive