ITT: Wasted potential

ITT: Wasted potential

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How is this wasted potential? I mean it's not perfect, but still pretty good

Boueibu Season 2

I still don't know if it is a master piece or if it is pretentious trash. the line is too thin to decide

You're telling me you enjoyed the string of 10 filler episodes that took place between the beginning and the final 3 episodes?


Pic related. Would've been infinitely better had they not rushed the plot, made it a 25 ep. cour, had better planning (almost every episode has unfinished lines in it, as in incomplete backgrounds or animations, it's really bad), and had actually spent time on the skating animation, and had removed a few completely unneeded characters (China, Gook, Minami, and JJ).

Not to say it's the worst anime ever, far from it. It's just left a lot to be desired.

Also if the main character could stop no homoing his actions that'd be fucking fantastic because you cannot no homo a fucking engagement ring. You can't. Jesus christ.

>anything by Seo

any pachinko machine based off an manga series with great animation.
japan needs to stop fucking with my emotions


Mayoiga, I really wanted to like it.

"Wasted potential" implies something had any potential in the first place.

You're telling me you didn't like the game show or the cabin fever episode?

You kidding. It had the characters but terrible focus and world building

>It had the characters

>it had the characters


Yeah, I agree. It started out so strong.

You know, out of all the episodes the cabin fever ep was the one i remember most clearly

I literally had to skip that episode it was so painful to watch.

>Wannabe GiS

Keep trying to convince yourself Sup Forumsnon


Well why was it painful?

Yeh im sure popular anime are the bane of your existence, making you a blind contrarian

Well I liked it at least. I see the goofy experimental episodes from the middle of the series are getting shit, but those were honestly my favorite parts.


This show couldn't decide if it wanted to be Ghost in the Shell or Kino's Journey. I like both of those things, but this was just a little disappointing.

Pino's Journey

I had to rewatch the Game Show episode because I did not realize at first it was a exposition episode.



>cabin fever episode
best episode of the series desu, was super comfy and gave off major A:tLA vibes
I would pay to have a whole series of Vince, R-el and Pino travelling through the wasteland.

but these were both great

This so much, the backstory of that world and the spider tanks fighting in the city looked cool as fuck while the rest of the show was a constant horror of AMAZING GRACE

At least Soramirez Do Everything made it somewhat bearable to watch

Re-l was an excellent portrayal of a realistic woman for anime - despite her origins revealing her to hardly be human - complete with hormonal episodes, poor judgment at times, having beta orbiters, and last but not least actually showing her elaborate hairstyle and makeup takes a pretty long time to put together.

The first 5 or so episodes were pretty good.

IF you want to know what True filler is, watch fucking mospeada, sailor moon and the cooking channel.

that show was fantastic. Top ten, love it. fuck off.

It alternates between both. It kinda reminded me of when I first played EYE and didn't understand what the fuck away going on with the story, but at the same time did.

Also Re-L is an underrated waifu.

I forgot to add that the show loved to get suck up its own ass with the whole Descartes shit.

I liked it too. It's not a very cheerful series but it's fun to rewatch once a year.

Not really, SnW is god-tier

This. I wasn't even all that offended by the cucking thing, I just felt like it took a massive downhill slope from the episode where he gets put in a coma. Maybe I was to into the childhood part and got dissapointed when it left there, but it really felt like the magic of the show disappeared after that bit.

This one was so hit and miss that I can't even form an opinion on it.
So many things done well and so many things done horribly wrong. But it was definitely worth watching.


People will probably call it bait, but it's actually the sad truth.

Does anything even come close in recent memory?

was really let down by the ending but that's my only complaint

That show was a fucking disaster.


Sad thing is you can't even completely dismiss it as a piece of shit. Pretty much everything apart from the god awful writing is fantastic

Second half was awful

>muh reddit:zero had potential
You know where you need to go back to.

All I remember is some heavy handed something-is-going-on and then the girl is dumped out into shitville, and an ep later i dropped it

The worst offender in my memory.

you wont believe how stupid it gets in the end

I didnt mind watching the show but it was beyond pretentious

This one sadly. Early episodes raised the bar too high it seems.

if he pulls the biggest ass pull i'd actually be more happy than if he didn't

Why do you think it's failed potential?

Yeah I agree. Kino + delivering letters of the dead to love ones is a great concept and the first two episodes plus the game developer episodes were great. But goddamn does it go to shit by focusing too much of the main character for no reason. Like Kino, it could have simply given hints of her backstory and personality through interactions but it seems more like the author had a really good idea for a setting but didn't have the talent or skill to make a proper story.

no shit was garbage since ep 3 or 4