If you could change any 3 things in history, what would you change?
>kill wilson before he creates the fed
>warn hitler about russia
>save kennedy
If you could change any 3 things in history, what would you change?
>Convince Alexander the great to stop conquering shit and develop his empire after Issus
>Kill Wilhelm II. He was an idiot.
>Murder Mohammed in his crib
Get on that train where all of them where slaughterer them all cut them up to send a message to the rest
>kill wilson before he creates the fed
Would have been created anyway
>warn hitler about russia
Russia controlled German Oil in the Balkind, it was inevitable
>save kennedy
For what?
1) Have Mohammed killed (Islam never comes into existence)
2) Warn Lincoln (African deportation)
3) Warn Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand (avoid WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, and consequently avoid WWII and the Cold War)
Avoid World War 1
Warn everyone about the dangers of liberalism and women
Kidnap Helen of Troy and fuck her without mercy
>Buy Bitcoins
Help sebastian win alcacer-quibir
Warn people of the 1755 earthquake
kill kennedy sooner
>Stop Lincoln assassination
>Stop French Revolution
>Kill Marx in the crib
>Tell Hitler to gas the Jews for real
>Have Russia win the civil war in 1920
>Help the Arabs destroy Israel
>kill wilson before he creates the fed
It would have happened anyway, any non-3rd world country has an independent central bank
>warn hitler about russia
lol, Hitler and Stalin were allies before 1941, it wasn't just to "buy time" pic related
>save kennedy
He was a traitor
Killing Marx wouldn't do anything, another kike would've just taken his place
warn ummar inb al khattab about abu lu'lu''a al majoosi
warn al husayn about the betrayal of the shias
kill hitler so the jews cant find an excuse to invade palestine
What's wrong with Germany taking advantage of Russia?
>end nigger importation to the Americas before it started
>kill Abraham before he "creates a covenant with god"
>prohibit all interbreeding between Aryans and non-Aryans in India and the Middle East, allowing the latter to die off
Buy Light Coin would of had millions more now instead of next year
>Mozambique Marx
>Tell Hitler to let the Italians die on their own in Africa and the Balkans so that he can send Rommel together with the 6th Army against the Soviets
>Make sure the US never takes in slaves
>Prevent the breakup of the Commonwealth
>Convince Patton to side with the Nazis against the Kikes/Soviets
>Tell Eisenhower to destroy the Frankfurt school
All hail the Eternal Anglo.
>kill Marx in his childhood
>With a sniper riffle kill every fucking portujew that tried to land in Brazil in 1500
>kill Moses the first jew?
But Marx i more important.
>Kidnap Helen of Troy and fuck her without mercy
>October revolution fails, Russia is a constitutional monarchy
>in WW2 we negotiate peace and Hitler can handle it because we're not communists
>end up carving up china with the japs after WW2
Oh, nothing.
Its just that in the process of that Central & Eastern Europe gets cut up in "spheres of influence" and as a result the Soviet Union invades the Baltics in 1940, killing and deporting hundreds of thousands of people and then repeating that after WW2 because many of us fought along side Germans during 1941-1945 to revenge what happened in 1940.
And after that keeping us under the heel of communism for 50 years.
The Soviet-Nazi pact is the genesis of all of that.
>send the africans back to africa, or don't import them at all
>convince hitler to stay in germany
>work with the nazis and put all of the jews in the world into israel, thus ending the (((diaspora))) forever.
>kill Kain
>kill Abraham
>kill Moses
>Tell the Italians to die
Hitler refused to cooperate with Italy. He never told Mussolini about any of his plans, and the war came as a surprise. The invasion of Greece made no difference, as Gudarian stated that the Germans were waiting for Russia to unfreeze.
>Kill Mohammed before he could organise his cult
>See how everything goes from there
No need for three.
>If the usury laws were enforced, and all parasites killed... i'd say we would be pretty well off. No world wars, no slavery, no debt, no warmongering for profits.
There is only one problem really.
Stalin would've taken it whether or not Hitler accepted. He already had plans for invading Eastern Europe. After all, Molotov made the demands.
Well, maybe if Hitler hadn't moved on Poland (jointly with Stalin), Britain and the West would have declared war on the USSR, and allied with Germany.
We all would be living in a different world now.
>let Patton push to Moscow
>broker peace with Japan and let them take Asia
>Not establish Israel
the Zionist movement existed 50 years before World War II. The Balfour Declaration was signed in 1918. The Jews were planning a state in Palestine long before H went after them
burn down the first masonic lodge and kill all of its members. That is all
>Killing Mohammed
>Not Abraham
The absolute STATE of Sup Forums
>killing Abraham
>not the man himself
so what ?
Muhammedans are more of a dire threat to Europe than Jews
forgot this
>Nuke every Souzas, Cubas, Golçalves in early days of kingdom with no survivors
>Make sure the the nuke turned that piece of shit a fallout place for 3000 years
Everybody knows that Portugal workship for the jews
they are just the knights of Sir Slomo and suck his cock
this difference is the countries they successfully conquered were backwater shitholes. Europe has historically been good at repelling Muslim invaders
>cut out socrates' tongue at age 30
>drown plato's parents in a tub of cum in front of him in youth
>cut off aristotle's arms at age 8
for the lulz
Eastern Roman Empire was a backwater shithole ?
Not to take things in this direction, but the US was going to create a central bank regardless of who won the White House. That debate had been ongoing for decades and centered around two axis, centralized vs. decentralized and private versus public. The politics and historical debate over the Fed has been very well-documented and in my opinion it's a terrible shame that it still continues to harbor such conspiratorial mistrust by the uninformed. Anyway...
> Save Lincoln. Southerner here and Reconstruction should have hued more toward "Malice toward none and charity for all."
>Urge Hitler to be a vanguard of western civilization, not just a butthurt nationalist...and warn about the USSR. Without the butthurt nationalism we could have had a true concert of Europe and European-ish peoples and saved Western Civilization.
>Warn Johnson about Vietnam. Without it our nation's entire civic culture is saved.
You forget (((who))) controlled Britain and America. No matter what Hitler did, war with the West and East were inevitable.
Without Socrates we don't get Plato and without Plato we don't get Aristotle. Simply kill Socrates at the Battle of Delium where he was a soldier.
finish off the jew in antiquity
>1. Take all kinds of blueprints of important inventions with me and invent world changing stuff every year. And get Nobel Prizes all the time. Become filthy rich and famous. Greatest man that ever lived. Have 15 kids and same number of mansions.
>2. Fund the creation of independent Kingdom of Croatia after AH dissolution, no Serbs, or Bosniaks, or other bullshit. Curb Yugoslavian and Illyrian movements. I will be the king. Eugenics, only tall, strong, healthy and intelligent may have kids and I will make sure they have plenty.
>3. Save that one if something goes terribly wrong
>1. Take all kinds of blueprints of important inventions with me and invent world changing stuff every year. And get Nobel Prizes all the time. Become filthy rich and famous. Greatest man that ever lived.
>2. Use my money, fame and influence to influence the British Empire (basically I nee to befriend higher ups and won't be a problem since I am the most famous guy on the planet) to help me eradicate everything south of modern Riydah on the Arabian peninsula with my secret new chemical weapons and proclaim it a new place for Croats. Build colonies there, dig for oil, become obsessed with creating forests there with desalinized water after creation of nuclear energy (nuclear power plants that give drinkable water as a byproduct like that one in the Ukraine)
>3. Save that one if something goes terribly wrong
>1. stop FranzFerdinand assassination
>if that fails to stop WW1 - 2. kill Hitler to prevent WW2
>if that fails to stop WW2 - fuck it, I tried. Take all kinds of blueprints of important inventions with me and invent world changing stuff every year. And get Nobel Prizes all the time. Become filthy rich and famous. Greatest man that ever lived. Try to create my own nation, probably by moving to Montenegro/Suriname/Guayana and buying elections, proclaim myself a king and slowly expel (or outright sterilize and expel if black) all locals and move in selected Croats.
Jewish shill detected
>Both JFK and RFK were rabid anti-communist
>Both were interns for Joseph McCarthy and both were the last to renounce him.
>JFK called in sick for his censure and removal
>RFK attended McCarthy's funeral JFK sent flowers and words of comfort.
>Was a John Bircher
> Stop my father cheating on my mother
> Warn my granfather about a dangeous road He could take on cycle
> Help my brother before He totally became schizo
You retarded mong. Without Jews pushing their cultural degredation, the West would handle Islam no problem.
>Strangle Marx in crib
>Save Kennedy
>End Rothschild dynasty
>Make sure Henry A. Wallace stays VP in 1944, thus he will be president in 1945
>Save JFK
>Make sure Al Gore wins in 2000
wew another shooting in burgerland, big fucking news.
Reminder that Kennedy was objectively the best president to walk this earth, and anyone saying otherwise is a divisive shill
Fuck off and die you sellout retards, no amount of Jew gold will save you from the Holy reckoning that will come, in this life or the next
The eternal leaf.
Tell the Byzantines to get their shit together
Tell the pope to get his shit together
Tell Wilhelm to get his shit together
>Kill adam and eve
get rekt nocoiner
but in reality,
>do whatever it takes to keep the US on the gold standard
>convince my grandfather to take up his friend's offer and become co-founder of his little garbage truck company called Waste Management
>buy btc even earlier
Wilson is an absolute cuck.
-Save Lincoln so he can expel the niggers.
-Kill Hitler so nationalism can stay in the mainstream.
-Keep Club Penguin online.
this desu
>save Nikola Tesla and kill Einstein, JP Morgan, and Edison if necessary
>convince or force the names in the bible who refused to completely destroy an enemy force to destroy them completely
>personally wipe out the Phoenicians, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Canaanites entirely.
LBJ just pushed JFK policies
and LBJ was the worst president of the 20th century... ok maybe HW Bush
>Keep Club Penguin online
>BR? BR??