What do Poles in Britain think of UKIP and Brexit
What do Poles in Britain think of UKIP and Brexit
They hate UKIP and Brexit, which is once again proof that despite their pretensions of being 'le based conservative christians', their ultimate priority is getting gibs for themselves and not preserving European culture. And some, I presume, are good people.
Hate it because we want to deport most foreigners and that includes them, also less gibs and exploitation of our system so they dislike that also.
They're worried about being thrown out of the country, which is not an unreasonable fear. Once we leave and they get to stay, they'll change their tune. Euro-skepticism is rife in Poland.
Because we want to preserve are own culture the eu doesn't and you faggots get all the gibs while we pay.
They don't you mong you can stay if you from the eu
They don't care, they're just there to steal the (((Anglo))) jobs. Polocks are the Mexicans of Europe.
How did you read either of those posts as coming from Poles? They are clearly Britfags talking about Poles, not actually Poles.
This. Poles are always going to work against British interests under the current system.
So it seems like Poles associate more with the brown immigrants than white Brits? That's really sad.