
Why is King Crimson so fucking angry?

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Best color schemes


because deep down he doesn't really understand how he works either

Doppio is a lewd boy

He already knew what was going to happen to his master in a few hours but doesn't want to tell Diavolo because he's an ass.


It's not that simple

Soft & Wet meets Super Game Boy?

If stands are connected to a person does that mean say, if Pucci caught a cold, Whitesnake would sneeze and be ill too?

>the effects of being shot are deleted in the person
>but the effects of being shot are preserved in the bullet

Stop pretending this makes sense. It doesn't make any fucking sense.


ghosts cant get sick

(the - is time, A and B are character moving toward each other)
It now looks like this

And Epitath basically lets him see 8 seconds into the future.
He can't interact with shit while skipping time, but Araki forgot™ and he stole Trish from the elevator, killed that one guy, etc.

It doesn't need to make sense, it's an ability that warps time
abilities that warp time dont exist

I still prefer the older design for the Catweed, but this is acceptable.


>He can't interact with shit while skipping time, but Araki forgot™

It could have something to do with being a stand user or not being a stand user.

>tfw there hasn't been a Jojo parody of Airman ga Taosenai.
>Even though it's fits perfectly with the series

You can make a bunch of shitty memes but can't make one that actually matters

>Araki forgot™ and he stole Trish from the elevator,
>muh Araki forgot
The scene where he steals Trish from the elevator is the first time Diavolo displays his power. Just accept that it was meant to be that way.

It's in the Jojo Medley if that counts. @3:16

Here user

Yeah. I think it is less a "araki forgot" moment and more of a "oh shit this is overpowered as fuck I need to put some limitations" one

I am such a fucking idiot for just realizing this now
>Joubin is a fusion of the kid Kaato killed and Joubin
She passed the curse off to him by using the Rokakaka. That's why he has the scars. That's why the robot he was playing with had two faces. So now we're gonna take someone who's already 2 people and Equivalent Exchange them again with Dolomite

Medley mind

>yfw the spoilers cranked JJL's mystery is cranked all the way to 11

Because you touch yourself



More like all the way up to 200

That reminds me though it might be old news for some people here. Anyone see the Jojo Disney villain song mashup?



What else could the full chapter give us?
(Other than the full translation. Of course)

The theory that Kaato used the fruit to save Joubin from the curse has been about straight after but I feel fusion was never mentioned as a part of it. Considering Kaato has weird eyes too. Hmmm.

>guy who is actually 2 people instead of one
>angry looking stand
>works for a mafia of sorts by helping the rockmen with their illicit fruit business
>guy who he fuses with is named after an Italian mountain range

>Considering Kaato has weird eyes too

>What else could the full chapter give us?

>Gio will be the Hayato of part 8

>MFW I realized this weekend is Jump Festa?

Any hope of JoJo news?

We already got it a while ago.

Friendly reminder that Yasuho's stand will be necessary to reach the branch, which means she's gonna die

It already happen and we had several stuff
New phone game
Re-realsed of Part 7
New chapter and ultra jump jojo cover
and a fuck load of merchandize

It's not his fault if Diavolo dresses him like a fucking whore

How would the stands of the MCs and villains feel about their users if they were sentient?

No, you moron. The effects of getting shot are deleted in Diavolo because Diavolo is the only one who can move in erased time. Nothing can affect him nor can he affect anything unless he's fated to do so.

Clutching at straws but seems Araki tends to draw one of them much lighter than the other and it's always her left eye.

Killer Queen is such a weird stand. It can either be moe as fuck or absolutely terrifying



No new LN?

>The World likes DIO because he's strong
>Killer Queen doesn't really care one way or the other
>[Unintelligible Screaming]
>Whitesnake can already do that because he is sentient
>D4C is patriotic as fuck
Something to that effect

Yeah that's what I thought straight afterwards.

I think we'll still get something else this weekend JoJo wise. If Part 4 didn't have one more episode I would think we'd get a Part 5 teaser so I think we may get our first teaser for the part 4 movie.

I love this shit.

Could be important. Could just be a consequence of the scans. Hard to tell either way

next thing you know he'll talk to himself/his other half

I thought it we already established that all the main villain stands hate their users

I've been working on another version, but was busy editing other things.


For The World it was said it was malevolent were it not for Dio's personality taming it but for the others.

>Killer Queen probably want to ask why Kira is exploding people when KQ just wants a quiet cat life.
>King Crimson is pissed he has two faces and hates that his user is schizophrenic.
>Whitesnake would probably argue with Pucci.
>D4C would probably be just normal and just follow Valentine's orders.

>meanwhile, while King Crimson screams, Epitaph growls and snarls
>this is its attempt at comunication

cast off thee name, knave

Constantly confused



This picture is inaccurate the man should be ripped in half with blood everywhere.

>GER punches Epitaph right off of King Crimson's head

>Killer Queen hangs out with King Crimson again

>King Crimson lost its only friend which parallels Diavolo with Doppio.

Giorno a shit

>Za Warudo is quiet and observant, as well as incredibly respectful towards his user
>Killer Queen obsessively loves Kira and wants him happy at all costs
>King Crimson is an unintelligibly barking psychopath that probably doesn't even acknowledge Diavolo's existance at times and simply acts without hesitation
>Whitesnake questions Pucci and sometimes doesn't follow orders to a tee
>D4C is very supportive and acts almost like a trustworthy best friend or second in command

I feel like Araki is a rock human / aztec god. Compare pics of him 30 years ago and today, there is no difference.

>D4C is very supportive and acts almost like a trustworthy best friend or second in command
Call me crazy, but while I was reading SBR it seemed like D4C almost had a personality of its own. Considering its what gives the Valentines their memories when it transfers to them, despite the fact it's completely silent.

It's the whole cat thing I suppose.

Fun to draw as well

Guys, is this a Jojo reference?

Makes sense. Cats are known for either being cute or scary.

>not vampire

Funny Valentine's memories might be transferred to D4C first and when D4C finds an alternate Valentine he transfers it to the alternate Valentine.

No, it's another reason to gas the Jews


vampires have good memory. Except DIO, who forgot he had all those crazy powers in part 3.

That's what I thought too. It makes the most sense how each Valentine is identical to the last despite them coming from alternate universes. I guess it carries the Corpse Heart with it too.

Looks like a part 8 character so yea I think it's a cosplay.

DIO was retarded. He got fooled by a magnet trick that made zero sense.

To me D4C seems the most robot like of all main villain stands. It has that lack of personality that exudes from the others and it acts on the will of a single Valentine, scouring dimensions for alts to help achieve it's primary directive. Feels almost like a behind the scenes puppet master.

DIO is a shit character when you stop to think about it. His motivations are shit.


Reminder that Morioh will be reduced to rubble after the final fight causes a giant earth quake, killing pretty much everybody except Joshu and Kyo since their son will be the Part 9 jojo

>Yasuho dies
>Gappy goes insane
>releases his inner Kira
>learns how to create exploding bubbles
>best part ever

He actually was pretty careful and kept his distance with Jotaro and Jospeh, compared that to Kira which at any given moment he will start rambling of how he won and his abilityies are invincible only to get his ass kicked rather quickly, to then say he should stop getting overconfident only to do it again

I'm oddly fond of those fanart with KQ behaving exactly like a cat.
>you will never hear KQ purring

>Final battle against Speedomite
>Soft and Wet goes fucking apeshit
>SHA skulls start popping up all over its body
>shits out a million exploding bubbles
>Morioh is leveled

KQ is either 200% adorable of 200% PURE HORROR

Dio's level of arrogance was on the level of wanting to look down on literally everyone and everything. He wouldn't settle for just gaining a share of the Joestar fortune and stepping higher in life from there. He wanted it all to himself as well as to see Jonathan suffer horribly. He had a good plan going to murder Jorge until it all fucked up. Then he became a vampire and went on an insane powertrip. Getting his shit kicked in and sitting in a coffin for a century let him cool the fuck down and walk out a more composed, charismatic and ambitious person. Later parts show how much he changed in character with how much more philisophical and contemplative he became but that final battle with the Crusaders brought out his insane arrogance that defines him and led to his demise. That's the way I like to look at it at least.

>except Joshu and Kyo since their son will be the Part 9 jojo

How many stands are there that have been sentient?

Does Star platinum count?

Most jojo parts have their last page being a landscape shot, like the ocean with a plane or a boat, imagine the last page we see of 8 is Morioh just in ruins and the "JJBA Part 8 JoJolion: End"

yes. He stopped the bullet without Jotaro's command.

Needs more despair. Like fused-Joubin taking control of her and making her attack Josuke which forces him to kill her.

It all returns to nothing.

Didn't it scream SHIBO that one time it punched a bunch of Harvests?

And apparently BtD sounds exactly like Kira.