If whites are superior, why is China taking over the world?
Checkmate, racists
If whites are superior, why is China taking over the world?
Checkmate, racists
China is an Israel puppet.
Perspective is key, also western politicians are traitors, one day we will rise and bloody our foes
more and cheaper products, just like your population
would be quite interesting to see how the Jews would react to this
There economy collapses periodically as it has throughout history, almost by clock. They're overdue for the next one and everyone there is already preparing for it.
The problem arises when the rest of the world is inevitably dragged into the chaos.
>why is China taking over the world?
because they have qt girls
Chinese working population peaked out.
I think China will have a difficult time in 2020s.
If they didn't change the political system, they will collapse around 2030.
It's not
The same way the Americans did, and the British did before them.
You make the stuff that people can't live without, and get it to them. A powerful military is just to protect your ability to do both.
That's literally how you form an empire.
because there's a billion of them and they've stolen all our technology
Because whites would rather have infighting than banding together.
Cheap labour, lax enforcement of environmental standards retard
now fuck off
Asians are white.
china is tapering off because of people demanding worker rights and more benefits. 65 of china still needs to be brought to the first world. See image, china gdp has stalled.
China can't even invade Vietnam, good luck with world domination. Once you're blockaded by Japan / US, your economy collapses. I don't think the west could easily invade China, but China can't invade shit except outer Manchuria
Communism will win
When I was a kid I used to say if I ran China I would load people onto boats and send them off in random directions. China STILL hasnt embraced this strategy so I have zero fears of their incompetent leaders.
Bacteria spread without limits,... so do Chinese...
How are bacteria
They will end up like Venezuela, North Korea or the Soviet Union
also, they have a somewhat free market economy
because their entire economy depends on selling the garbage they manufacture to white countries
They are doing that. Canada is full of chinese. And they are doing that to many other countries.
It already is trash... at least the people (mainland China excl. HK, Macau and the National Republic of China) are.
Mao was successful with his cultural revolution! There is no culture left in these animals
>There is no culture left in these animals
now their women are open to the law of Rome, it is our duty to give them a new soul.
>taking over the world
>Since when have these have souls?
don't know, but something must have been erased with the culture revolution.
China's ppp GDP is 1st, its nominal GDP is 2nd.
Surprising given they have almost no sanctions on them and they are so large.
Shut up Pajeet India is the biggest pile of trash of all countries. You Indians are even more robotic and subhuman than the chinks