Why is Yayaka so great? She saved the whole episode!
Flip Flappers
Sorry, I'm not going to start liking her no matter how many new accessories she gets.
I want Mimi to fuck and demean me.
i want salt to fuck and demean me
Why is he still such a beta cuck?
Yayaka a shit.
Can we just sit back and appreciate how fucking amazing a Papika and Yayaka teamup is?
>beta cuck
>fucked mimi and fucks sayuri on a daily basis
his ingredient aside from salt is pure alpha
>couldn't even kill his daughter-wife
I mean like, seriously, I've killed like half my kids and I don't even consider myself THAT masculine
>why can't we ever just have normal sex Mimi?
Now that the KKK have been wrecked I hope someone can find a nice home for Yayaka.
Cocomimi's face is one that needs to be deeply kissed
I'd adopt her.
I'd adopt her so hard.
She'll save her wife and her wife's girlfriend.
These last couple of eps really dropped the ball. It was much better without plot. I think several anons called it in early threads.
Why doesn't Coco love Yayato?
>sinful yaoi
>not pure yuri
Did everything right.
>Oh Cocona I didn't know you were masturbating, do you want me to help you?
They will Gattai and Henshin together
I still don't know what Pure Illusion is.
>Papi, tell us how you met Cocona mama!
>Well kids, I helped to deliver your mother. Slapper her butt and all. It was love at first sight.
Donald trump
>Nyunyu bare midriff
>Past revelations
>Endgame Yayaka
>That fucking special ending
Best episode so far. Now you are imagining how the show could have turned with proper writing since day 1. Maybe it could have been a mega hit and have a S2 later like Kabaneri.
Flip Floppers more like it am I rite????
Yayaka deserves Cocona so much more.
Do you remember the in-show program Tim Allen's character starred in on Home Improvement? It's kinda like that.
>Now you are imagining how the show could have turned with proper writing since day 1.
I don't think that is how it would work.
Those last episodes have such a huge impact because the first episodes foreshadowed lots of it.
>these flowers are as pretty as you
>sure bro.
Yayaka deserves better than a yuri dork.
Eg. the whole story was finished before they started animating. IMO the change of writer just means change in style or feeling of the story, not overall structure.
Did they also play Smash Bros?
God-tier hairstyle.
>he still doesn't understand
>Cockona :DDD
A shame he seemed an honest man
Where are the Punished Yayaka edits I need.
And all the fears he held so dear
I think it's more reasonable to assume than as you say they intentionally changed the writer up because they thought the guy doing it now would be better at drama.
>better at drama
This is the truth. Look at the dude's portfolio. He's not known for subtlety.
Yeah. I think so too.
salt is my dad
I... I wrote a song for Cocona.
You are my Cocona
My only Cocona
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Cocona away
I hope she'll like it.
Cocona, can I fuck you?
VERY nice
i called dibs on his saltshaker first
Mimi already took her away
To the deepest pit of pure illusion.
These threads aren't fun any more and I think it's because it's full of yuridykes.
Praise Kek.
I wanna flip her flap and go into her pure illusion
Wow someone's salty.
It's me.
how was cockona born, didn't see mimi pregnant in the flashback
back to Sup Forums for you
It's been like that for a long time.
she came out of mimi's flip flaps
Holy shit.
Mimi isn't Cocona's mom. Mimi is Cocona's Jungian shadow-self, a psychological construct that represents everything that you hate about yourself, and therefore repress in waking life. If rejected, it'll pull a persona on you and totally fuck up your life, and turn you into an emotional wreck, making you destroy, throw away, or reject things that are important to you. By hating your shadow, you end up hating yourself.
However, if you understand and harness the power of your shadow, and accept it as a part of you, you gain access to that aspect of your life, and become more capable than you would otherwise have been.
It's probable that a lot of Mimi's consciousness got embedded in Cocona's shadow, but the overall construct still stands. Mimi just took refuge there when her body was destroyed.
She was pregnant when she run away. They were away for year.
Who the fuck was baby
>we have this new machine that lets people travel to your magical mind-world
>we have absolutely no idea what the consequences are
>who should we test it on first...
>I know, how about the guy in charge!
>And let's keep him in charge even after he obviously went completely insane.
Deepfag strikes again.
The baby was pure illusion. IT was an acknowledgement of potentiality, a caterpillar of promise for a new day.
"The shadow may appear in dreams and visions in various forms, and typically appears as a person of the same sex as that of the dreamer".
You may be onto something, user.
This, fucking retarded
What is sex with Mimi like?
That sort of attitude is why you can never be a bona fide Mad Scientist!
>By hating your shadow, you end up hating yourself.
not usually, you usually just get murdered by it.
>accept it as a part of you, you gain access to that aspect of your life
also no, you get a sweet demon ghost you can summon whenever that fights for you
It's possible it affected everyone-- Hidaka knew that it was about interpersonal relationships, and he has the advantage of more experience. But the earlier scientists seemed to have the idea that one person = one PI.
Pure jitter
What are the chances that the entire shiw is set in Pure Ilussion and Coconas inner psyche is fighting for control? Mimi is the Shadow. Papika and Yayaka are her id and supergo finally coming together to fix cocona
That's in Persona, user. I'm talking about real serious themes, real psychology. Jungian real psychology.
A bait for yuridykes to respond to. You kids are fine and cool and all, and we've had a lot of fun together and all the rest, but I think you're way too thirsty to show how lesbiotic you are and need to take it slow and act more normal.
>Casually joins the team after KKK gets BTFO
Holy shit what if Sayuri and Hidaka are living shards of Papikana?
What does this expression convey?
This post was surprisingly accurate given it was made before we knew anything about Mimi really.
Samefag, stop trying to get attention
effected. damn.
What did she mean by this?
Ending will be a girl waking up after a coma.
For a moment I thought that pic was maria the virgin witch.
Well the team has a hidaka. Who wouldn't want to join them?
This little shit is never going to accomplish anything
I liked that shot a lot.
Not exactly sure but there is analogy with ep 6 deep pi iro switch with iro
Whoops meant for
She's the other half of direct drive
Like dreaming in an Escher painting, you're never sure if you're the one doing the fucking or getting fucked and if you actually did fuck or it's but a pure illusion, which prompts you to ask yourself if you have ever witnessed a love so pure, that it made you wonder if you ever really loved at all.
Like tentacle rape
She could be the macguffin that saves the day. Or ruins everything.
well shes just eye candy for pedo fags
Also, something else to add in.
You say that Mimi isn't Cocona's mom - but what if she is? Except for this Mimi, the one we're currently seeing, which is actually her Jungian shadow. Maybe the real Mimi is "somewhere else" or just no longer attainable anymore.
Or you could say that, just as Papika became young again (possible rebirth?), "Mimi" had underwent the same ordeal and was born as Cocona; except, that theory immediately gets ruled out I suppose since it was shown in the flashbacks that Mimi was pregnant and had Cocona before she well, disappeared.
she's going to kill yayaka
>Yayaka... what took you so long?
>Kept you waiting huh?
Damn right.
she likes big guns huh
why is papika so young if in the flashbacks she's a bangable adult
I think a piece of Mimi might have gotten lodged in Cocona-- and not just in her thigh. They're kind of fused in some kind of weird not totally comfortable way.
Dykes aren't bangable.