Why are those characters so popular on Sup Forums when compared to the rest of the internet?
Why are those characters so popular on Sup Forums when compared to the rest of the internet?
Sup Forums can relate to concentrated inability to maintain a proper human relationship.
Homu a cute!
Sup Forums likes to edgy
Because Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of bitter losers.
they all did nothing wrong
It's 2016, Swim-chan is the new mascot of dindu.
but Griffith was social as fuck
Squealer was morally correct
Homura did nothing wrong
I don't know anything about the third guy because I don't read shounenshit, even if Beserk is seinen technically, it's still shounenshit, except the short-haired girl is hot. I haven't even tried reading it desu.
but to reiterate homu and squealer are good people. I mean squealer was doing a bad thing, but it was 100% justifiable, and Homura did literally NOTHING wrong.Fuck kyuubey
Eat a dick
because dindu
But he's right.
fragile snowflakes who manage to make their self-serving power fantasies actually happen
>He's right
He doesnt know who fucking squealer is. And no homura is not good. She's a selfish cunt.
>who fucking squealer is
I meant to say who fucking griffith is. Takes really shitty and warped kind of powerlevel for that to happen.
What is wrong with being selfish?
>Why are those characters so popular on Sup Forums when compared to the rest of the internet?
Homura's popular everywhere except Tumblr.
I thought tumblr loved dykes
Tumblr likes Sayaka.
they're just mad that the justice warrior got and stayed btfo
I don't believe you.
A website full of selfish lesbians would obviously relate with a character who is a selfish lesbian.
That's exactly what they're mad about. Most people would just find a different franchise if they hated the MC. But here we are.
>really shitty and warped kind of powerlevel
I'll take that as a compliment.
They hate her so much they don't even realize the irony in this statement.
I wasn't aware Griffith wasn't popular.
It's a shit posting thread, user.
Tumblr is just as split as the rest of the internet about the dindunuffin/didsumthin argument.
They did nothing wrong.
the amount of gay art that comes from there says otherwise.
>And no homura is not good. She's a selfish cunt.
Can someone explain why people hold this opinion? Did we all not watch the same movie?
>Homu doesn't like Madoka's wish. Rebellion reveals she fucking loaths it
>what sets her off was a misunderstanding
>"I've finally... got you!"
>It's very clear that her pure intentions gave away to psychotic obsession
She is selfish, but not in the way user is suggesting.
Madoka's sacrifice of her existence is a selfless sacrifice because she gets nothing from it. This is a Jesus type sacrifice. Madoka's only personal gain was that she can finally see what Homura did for her, but that was an unintended consequence.
Homura's sacrifice is selfish because she's doing everything based on a desire. Think of it like a parent sacrificing for a child. This is not selfless because the parent ultimately benefits from it. Further Homura is basically saying 'even if you hate me, I'm doing this for your own good.' It's essentially the 'do something wrong' speech from the series. Homura took on Madoka's sacrifice and freed her from her burden, but she did so for personal reasons (ai yo).
That said, Homura a best and Madoka needs to understand it was shitty to leave her behind.
Maybe Madoka shouldn't have shat on Homura's wish.
Thanks, I think this is pretty sensible in all honesty.
I guess I'm just slightly frustrated when people condemn Homura as a "selfish cunt" when clearly she comes from a very selfless place, even though her mental state ultimately deteriorated and led her to make a selfish decision.
Madoka's wish was brilliant. It was the best outcome for the shitty situation Homura's wish brought on.
Plus, Homura was going to hang out with Madoka in heaven for all eternity anyways. It's not exactly what she wanted, but it's pretty fucking close.
Exactly. Homura was nearly sin free up until her decision in Rebellion.
They all did everything wrong just like everyone on Sup Forums.
Freedom fighters.
Yeah we all saw the series and how brilliant a wish it was and then we saw Rebellion where we saw the consequence of her leaving her ribbons and the memroy of her with Homura. Concept movie says Madoka was indeed lonely, even if she did accept everything, so there's obviously room to improve on the situation if possible.
>concept movie
you forgot the part where homura is clearly manipulating her