How is the American Revolution taught in Europe? Specifically England, France, and Spain
>north American British colonies were taken over by insurgent gorilla terrorists
>The King of England decided he had bigger problems and so left the north American colonies to fend for themselves.
We don't give a shit.
Respect your father, young nation !
They either know nothing about it or they are still butthurt about it and teach that King George dindu nuffin
>>Sup Forums
Any redpills if the French Revolution never happened? Even the Founders were against it. Was King Louis XVI as bad as he's made to be or was he really a jackass like I learned in World History?
Garibaldi was supposed to come to fight with the yankee but he preferred helping in South american revolutions, that's about it for us italians
I don't think about you at all.
The french helped you. It happened. Next lesson.
Something about that you didn't want to drink your tea
Then we returned to talking about the Glory of Prussia
Louis wasnt "evil" or belligerent like George III was, he was just really really retarded and incompetent. Jeffersonian types supported the French at first and saw it as an extension of their revolutionary war, but soon saw it as the bloodbath is was
They dont teach us about irrelevant shit here
Basically this
you want to know the truth?
I took history all the way to A level and I don't think they ever mentioned it once let alone actually tried to teach it.
We had 2 pages about it in our history book and talked about it for like 20 mins at most. However, I chose The American Revolutionary War as my subject for my English A Level because it interested me.
They even talk more about Fordism - mass production than American Revolution (zero).
>How is the American Revolution taught in Europe?
I never learned anything about the US in school except that you guys literally saved Europe two times in the World Wars and that some Germans can be glad to be occupied by the allies and not the USSR....
>thanks German education
XYZ faggot
Henry Ford > Founding fathers desu famalam
Nothing, it's completely unimportant
Christ, at least they double down on teaching you fags engineering right?
>that some Germans can be glad to be occupied by the allies and not the USSR....
this is objectively true though
It's not taught at all in the UK.
You have to take History at GCSE (high school) to even learn about the cold war
what do they teach you in history?
I mean I know British history is pretty long but still, do they just gloss over all your colonial times?
I find it hard to believe depression era americans were that much less rapey to the germans than the rooskies were.
Well the regular school does not teach you engineering obviously, but our University system is one of the best in the world I would say (I'm a post doc in physics and know a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff). We don't have to do extra credits in liberal arts, we only learn the subject we chose... with a crushing difficulty level. Since basically anyone can start Uni here thanks to government gibs, people will have to be sorted out. In my first semester we were around 450 physicists, at the end of the third semester we were 150 left, the rest quit due to the difficulty level. This is done on purpose to eradicate the weak.
>this is objectively true though
You should learn to bait better.
I did the following (In Secondary School):
Slave Trade
Early Colonialism (North America)
Napoleonic Wars
Industrial Revolution/Victorian Era
Inter-war period
Cold War
They werent, and even if they were, the post war years of the cold war, West Germany was much better than the shithole that was East Germany. Also, stop being a cuck and debasing America so that europoors will think youre cool. Its pathetic and in the same vain of numales saying how much they hate men to feminist
>You should learn to bait better.
>that quote
things that never happened
You're more like our father's weird brother
This. And he knew about (((them)))
>it interested me.
why is that?
I took GCSE history, still wasnt taught
>do they just gloss over all your colonial times?
kind of. problem is our history course is split into 3 chunks. medieval, early modern (1400 - 1750ish) and then modern (1750-present day)
For early modern we usually get the tudors and for modern we get the industrial revolution and the world wars
>tfw America's founding myth and the basis of their entire culture isn't even a footnote in British history
How does it feel to be eternally cucked?
I'm interested in history and I liked that Mel Gibson movie.
>Europoor education
IIRC my high school social studies courses were:
>World Cultures (actually not a pointless as it would be in European propaganda "schools". we memorized maps and learned about the cultures and religions of the people who lived there)
>European History (from medieval to modern times, went kinda fast but we hit everything important)
>American History (all of it)
>American Government
I'm assuming that Colonization is taught as a subject of shame in the UK and France.
But that makes me wonder how the UK's treatment of the american colonies is taught versus how their treatment of the Indian colonization is taught.
I'd guess that there's not a lot of sympathy for what the English did to us, but loads of sympathy for what they did to all the brown people.
>you guys literally saved Europe two times in the World Wars
>0.00000002 EUR has been deposited into your teachers' accounts
dude there's no fucking way we were worse than the ruskies.
just look at Japan, it's pretty much 100% culturally intact even though we nuked them and turned them into a military base.
If America was the only ally to occupy Germany post-ww2 and you never got bolshevized, your country would be in a lot better place right now.
Well in Germany, teachers are state workers called "Beamter" and they have do to what the state says, otherwise their anus will be opened. They are basically agents of indoctrination. They have to teach this even if they might know better.
It's not about "who was better at occupying". It's about being told to be glad that we were occupied in the first place. The German education goes so far as to saying "considering the Nazis, the USSR, Japan and the Allies, being occupied by the US is the best case scenario". It's completely cucked.
>a blueprint of how to successfully overthrow a foreign power, leading to a government that empowered the individual
of course they don't teach this. they wouldn't teach it in the US either if they could get away with it.
that they p much only won because of von steuben and the french navy.
well, it's probably for the best. you rascals would probably try a third time around if you didn't get nazi-shamed.
>BTFO the bongs so badly that they literally erase that part from their history and literally pretend one of their colonies breaking off, forming their own state, and then that state surpassing them in world dominance doesnt matter
Basically in the only class we had about it: "yay liberty. Fuck colonial powers. Liberty to the oppressed"
Garibaldi was far later than the revolution, he was offered command of the Union Army during the Civil War but turned it down because they wouldn't commit to abolition
>it's probably for the best
It probably is Shlomo Shekelgoldblattstein.
same, the only time it was mentioned was that it was a huge mistake for France as they wasted a lot of money and resources and it didn't manage to weaken Britain. The war, along with several factors, led to the first French Revolution
We don't learn about it. The history of the First Empire in general isn't really taught, although I think it should be. Blew my mind when I learnt that America was a former territory.
Blew your mind? You didn't think anything about how they speak English?
Louis XVI wasn't born for that kind of job.
He was just a regular King, a transition one. But then the Jews said he was evil and the retarded mob chopped he's head turning France into an anarchy that lasted 50 years and ended up with a cucked republic fucked in the ass by Hans twice and by Ahmed and James now.
*his head
In Portugal we start with the Paleolithic and end with the Cold War, more specifically the fall of Salazar's regime in 1974.
It goes more or less like this:
>Paleolithic, Hunter-Gatherers
>Egypt, Greece, Rome
>Fall of Rome, Dark Ages
>Moors, Reconquista, Independence
>Renaissance, Age of Discovery
>Industrial Revolution, fall of the Ancient Regime, Liberal Revolutions
>End of colonialism in the Americas
>End of the Monarchy, The Republic
>Cold War
>Colonial Wars
>End of Estado Novo
I didn't take history in high school so I don't know what they're taught, probably focus on recent stuff like the EU
We are taught about it in High school in the Unit that covers the Glorious Revolution,Oliver Cromwell,French Revolution and the American revolution.
Basically that the English forced the Americans to sell them Raw Materials and Goods,and than force them to buy actually done products at a much higher price,leading the Americans to ask for lower tariffs and representation at the parliament i think.The King agreed to reduce tariffs on everything expect tea,and the Americans did not want to take anymore shit,so they threw all the tea away at Boston.Than it covers the Deceleration of Independence,some battles and that the Frog Kang jumped into the war because he was pissed of at Anglos who jacked some of his colonies in a previous war where the French where winning on ground,but not the colonial war.
The last part covers the American constitution and some of the founding Fathers.
>go to war against the world
What do we do to you that was so bad?
That's funny, because here it's taught that part of the reason we were able to beat the British in conventional battles because you were too busy fighting the French elsewhere. I don't see how your colonies taking the opportunity to successfully stab you in the back while you're occupied in a death struggle elsewhere as "not weakened".
> we were occupied
> were
the programming worked
Burgers at the 13 colonies became hysteric because they had to pay a little extra money, chimped out at Boston, dressed up as Indians and threw expensive tea to the ocean (ow the edge), started a civil war that was supported by the french who just had to stir shit up on every continent. They won the war through Guerrilla tactics, Washington became the 1st president blah blah blah muh constitution blah blah blah democracy blah blah blah new ideas
>you rascals would probably try a third time around
what is flag related
It wasn't just the trade imbalance, but also that the King decided to jack up taxes on American colonists to pay for their war against France, when the colonist really had nothing to do with France and the colonies operated fine by themselves. That's where the "taxation without representation" bit comes from.
I'm fully aware that the bases are still there and that drone strikes in the middle east is only possible thanks to the Rammstein base (things the average German never heard about). It is more interesting to see what is going on with the EU army and if we all GTFO of NATO.
I think he means it in the sense that despite losing our largest colony, we were still able to become the world's superpower in the later years, France didn't. Even though it was pretty shit at the time, we ultimately recovered and surpassed everyone.
Europe has like, a long history and shit. I can't see them having the time to cover much american history beyond "it happened".
How much do we cover US involvement in south america in the states? A few questions on the tests worth?
"When was the panama canal built"
"what is the Monroe doctrine"
and thats about it
It was an extension of the wars between France, Spain, and England. It is important to them because it was founded in Enlightenment philosophy that resulted in the longest lasting government in the world today.
Here in France, we don't talk about it
The time period is pretty full (revolution, Napoleon) so there isn't much space for it. But our history education is retarded anyway
I know that there is more to it,but i explained how it was taught in Serbia.Obviously you guys went way more deep into it and also covered the emotional aspects of your people at the time.
You'd know more about your colonies, but wasn't India more important?
>Hasn't read the Declaration of Independence the post
France thought that by liberating the United States she would gain a strong ally and Britain would gain a new enemy. In reality the Relationships didn't change much as England was still trading with the United States instead of getting killed by them
> You fucked with our tea
> We were too autistic to send our soldiers to one place
> We went fuck it
> World's most convenient fuck up was created
>Here in France
>looks at flag
> Here in France
> is German
The USA were very good producers of commodities which Britain would bump up the price and force its colonies to buy while India was pretty much the same thing but with a bigger population of slaves and the other European powers weren't around every corner trying to fuck us up (for the most part)
A great man.
Are you guys still buttmad about 1898?
I spent the weekend in Stuttgart, going back on Monday
I forgot to cover this shameful flag with a memeflag
Racist capitalist slave owners opposing Britain’s attempt to end the slave trade and taxes that went to the common good
You have to baguette, uh, go back.
>French don't talk about the American revolution
But they're both practically entwined historically.
Thats surprising. In the US its taught as the fall of the First British Empire. But it did free britain into forming the second Empire by refocusing on Asia and Africa.
Don’t ever trust Mel Gibson for historical accuracy. His movies are bullshit
>Britain and France declare war on you
Good job brother. Reminder everything west of the rhine is ours.
O well, just another colony full of subhuman waste that didn't work out because they were too retarded. Never mnd, Tea-time !
We don't even call it First and Second British empire here that's more of a French thing
We quickly say something about Lafayette crossdressing to be able to get accros the Atlantic, but not much else
That's sad, because it's a very interesting period. But we absolutely must spend one entire month about the holocaust I guess
It's not, never heard anything about it during school
I only know about it because it's one of the three historical events Americans can't shut up about online
In your dreams maybe.
Chill, this is the best thread Sup Forumss had in a while
Bait is bait but the crown was bankrupt and the French got their revenge by helping capture the best military generals the empire had.
they spend 2 semesters teaching it just like here user
then the next 2 are on the civil war
ofc that's what they do
Two fases:
>Muh liberalism
>Totally forgoten 10 years latter with the french revolution