What does Sup Forums think of MAL?

What does Sup Forums think of MAL?

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Good for making a list. Ignore literally every other aspect.



Stop this meme


Not true, it's also good for scoffing at the shit tastes of normies

All I know is there are no upvotes on their forum posts so that puts them miles ahead of most modern discussion sites. Never really used it though.

Wait really? I've never even had an account there? Why do we hate MALfags again then?

Have you forgotten Gaia and the likes of it or has upvotes becoming such a norm in the current internet community that you've grown to adjust by lowering your standards?

Just check out MAL's top 10 anime. That should tell you everything.

Not that Sup Forums's top ten is any better

survival and recency bias really goof ranking sites

A combination of the fact that I'm too much of a newfag to even remember gaia and the second thing you just mentioned. I spent about a month or two lurking reddit and then I came here about 2.5 years ago and haven't gone back since. The only two websites I really understand are Youtube and Reddit, which are both so unbelievably trash that almost anything seems better than them. The only places on the internet worse than those two I just mentioned are facebook, Sup Forums, and twitter, not that there is much of a difference between the three anyways. Surely gaia can't be that bad.

What does fpbp mean?

I've seen a more potent cancer here on Sup Forums.

Faggot porn boy pussy

Not fucking anime

A lot of normies are on there and they have different taste in anime than us. Also there may be a lot of stupid autist here but at least we can straight up be complete assholes to the dumbfucks. On mal it is not really considered okay to insult someone. Keep in mind that mal is used by tumblrinas and reddit neckbeards.

That being said I myself have a mal mainly to and I have witnessed people most definitely from Sup Forums and /h/ (I can just tell from the shitposting) on the discussion forums trolling all the pretentious reddit and tumblr tear forums
like this one myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1575565&show=100#post120

Is this term really so used that someone needed to shorten it

first post best post

The only top ten that matters is my top ten

No. Just mobile phone posters dealing with the inefficiency of the method they post.

>it's literally an entire thread dedicated to discussing the ethics of homosexuality, unironically, as if this shitty conversation has not happened between retards who have no authority over and over again anyway

Alright MAL is cancer, you've convinced me. But really:

/r9k/ shit is just as cancerous, come on now user

It tends to be first result on google when looking for info about animes and relevant info about em.
Its functions could use some work when it comes to sorting lists of animes/voice actors.

Like the opposite of Sup Forums but equally as shitty a community. While Sup Forums seems to just kind of hate all anime albeit somewhat justifiably considering what we're getting MAL seems to be totally okay with any old piece of shit. They really set the absolute bargain bin standard for quality that anime seems to just kind follow in the 2010's and it's probably a good chunk of the reason for why anime fandom is so rock stupid now along with Crunchyroll

Check out all this fucking rhetoric holy shit

It finds a way.

I use it to find out which studios make which hentais

>What does Sup Forums think of MAL?
If you don't already know, you don't deserve to be here.

So much this.

I sometimes use it for quick info about anime (studio, producers, voice actors, etc). I don't use any other features of the site.

>Sup Forums hates all anime
>Sup Forums hates all videogames
>/fit/ doesnt even lift

I have never ventured out of these 3 boards. does every fucking board hate its topic?

>Sup Forums hates all anime
Seems more like you should venture outside of shit threads first. There's plenty of people enjoying stuff in the show's threads. It's this type of anime general threads where all the ANIME IS DYING people start crawling out.

Kill yourself.

>I have never ventured out of these 3 boards

Yeah, I can clearly tell. You also don't venture far from Jojo threads.

Can't speak for Sup Forums, but it doesn't look like you venture the other 2 boards either. You sound exactly like those people who only browsed the boards a little and then pretend to know all about it.

The website is fine. It's the community and their ratings that sucks. Translating that 10 is very good, 9 is good, 8 is not bad, 7 is fine and 6-1 are unwatchable.

It's a great website to find new shows and organize what you have seen. I like it a lot.

You're seeing literal children having the same pointless debates you had when you were 13.
I mean, that's the reason I never frequent the MAL forums, but it's good to have some self-awareness.

>literal 13 year olds

Huh, I never though of it that way. Yeah I guess kids need a place to be dumb then, that's fine. As long as we make sure they stay there.

Good post, also essential Seiyuu database for beginners with anime, that way you don't need to be a retard asking source all the time, you just naturally find it yourself.

Nu-Sup Forums everyone

>show's threads

Where are they? All i see are deleted threads whenever people try to talk about anime.

Why, so you can shit them up too? If you still can't find them despite the catalog, it's no wonder, really.

Sage and report garbage threads.

announcing reports is a bannable offence...

just letting you know so you don't make this mistake again

>lack of capitalisation
>not recognising sage and report
Lurk for 3 years before posting newfag.

Aside from the database, the only worthwhile thing about MAL is the news section.

Use it for tracking and finding what subs people like best

>The website is fine. It's the community and their ratings that sucks.
I wish more people understood that there's a difference between a site and its userbase. Seems most people treat them as synonymous.

We've already shifted from Neo-Sup Forums to Nu-Sup Forums? What a cancerous times.