Maho is cute!

Maho is cute!


Other urls found in this thread:

>Be Mayuri
>got cucked in one timeline because a red hair girl
>go to the timeline when the red hair girl is death
>got cucked by another nerd
Being Mayuri is the true suffering

>Be Mayuri
>Get cucked because of redhead
>Go to alternate time where redhead is kill
>Still cucked by redhead
It takes skill, both to be cucked beyond the grave and to cuck beyond the grave.
Maho knows a similar pain.


I really fucking liked Maho. Her development with Okabe was really sweet.

Leskinen is cute!



Nothing beats love paired with suffering.



what do you think he read? Cool Cat Press?

>that but

I was hoping that SG0 would end with showing them meeting in the Steins Gate world line or at least some brief mention of her, but I guess not.

It's pretty depressing knowing that all that development they had together essentially never happened in the true end.


Nah, leaving out SG world line from S;G0 is a good decision, let the OVA shows them.

This thread couldn't start in a better way.

And yeah, I thought no female character in S;G (or maybe character as a whole) would beb able to survive the comparison with Kurisu. How wrong wasI. Although I can see how why a lot of people are going to disagree with me.
She alone could have made S;G0 for me (even in the case where everything else was pure trash) , I was SURE I'd like her but to this level? God no.

And god that bad end was depressing.

I want more scenes of Maho and Kurisu awkwardly deepening their friendship.

Just starting the bad ending right now

I got a bit spoiled but I still believe in the Dr, they can't make such a bro and have him be the baddie right?


Finally got over the incident of almost running over a young girl then proceeds to do it again a few years later. Couldn't help but laugh.

How many times can you run people over in a Japanese truck before your licence is revoked?

As he said in the time line without Amadeus, maybe their meeting was already fated to happen by the timeline
In the SG, Leskinen and her'll probably still go in december to show amadeus, maybe even Kurisu goes and she presents them to each other



Do you want to know?


>That Kurisu
Yeah, I really understand why Okabe did what he did

He didn't run any one over. The Japanese truck went rogue. As a truck tamer he really should have been better prepared to stop it if it went on a rampage. It makes you wonder why the Japanese still use such a feral, blood thirsty animal to transport goods but then you realise their people have been domesticating trucks for centuries.

>out of all the lines this became the joke
I had a hearty giggle at
「not just his hands were big...」
I can't believe it hasn't been done up like this yet:

This really fucks with me too. The fact that she hasn't been seen in the s;g line is just hilariously sad given everything that has happned in zero.
>only ever fated to go on adventures when your filling in for your best friend's spot on the team
Maho is suffering.

It's not even that she's figuratively filling her spot, she's literally got "Kurisu" for a codename. Poor Maho...

When will we get an official date on the anime adaptation?

We only got to see canonically the SG line for like one hour of august 2010, there's still hope for an ova of Maho's bizzarre adventures with Okarin and Kurisu in it
Maybe we'd get to see the ATF with Kurisu alive and well, maybe that's why she was at the lab at that part of the game



That would be a nice continuation.
Has there ever been timelines shown outside of the 2000 atractor field? That is to say where someone actually stop the bug from happening. They show Suzuha fuck it up from time to time which has me wondering where that would go if not the (alpha/beta/S;G) fork

Well, we got to see a timeline full of commies though
Shinoyama was based.

I pray for this.
By the way given what most scenes in alternate timeline look like, i guess the anime will either be heavilycensored or will be disturbing for quite a lot of people, that's not exactly what people "not good with gore" will expect after the first SG anime.

there's one at 3,000000+ (delta), the fan service game hiyoku renri no darling and hyde of the dark dimension at 200000+ (gamma), though suzuha is present at both but delta is pretty peaceful, and suzuha doesn't screw up the world line (to an extent).

there's quite a bit of gore in Occultic;Nine, I think if they can air C;C without too much censoring 0 will be fine

>That month in the soviet timeline
>Everytime shits goes down in the present
>Okabe constant flashbacks
It'll be fun.
Anyway, the order which they're going to use for the anime will probably be Promised Rinnacimiento, then go back to the past and conect 0rin getting the D-Rine and not shutting down the phone, and then get Vega and Altair and finally, Milky way crossing?

She's a hell of a girl and the only person he's ever felt so strongly about. It's not too much of a stretch.

Which Drama CD is relevant to 0 plot and which is good SoL Sup Forums?

I hope so, and I hope it doesn't affect the number of viewers too much either since SG1 pretty much reached "mainstream" level by now. Thing is, you can't really remove it without reducing the story's impact a lot in zero, so I hope the more "explicit" nature of the show will not affect its popularity.

That's what I was thinking about yeah although it' not the only example, just the one that popped in my mind first. And god this was intense, and the ost helped a lot, I noticed the music a lot more in 0 than in S;G1 except for the most obvious themes in 1.

That drama cd that talks about Suzu's and Mayuri's time travel so Mayuri could slap the shit out of Okabe
And for SoL, the ovas and Darling
Also, that manga about Alpha Kurisu before erasing the D-Mail is pretty sweet but it lacks complete translation

the drama cd focusing on the tuturu-slap was glorious, I didn't expect them to release this at all.

Too bad there isn't a Darling-like game but with Maho.

>I noticed the music a lot more in 0 than in S;G1 except for the most obvious themes in 1.
Yeah mate, that dope track that echoes every time Hoouyn Kyouma awakens it's pretty good, and the Steiner 0 version it's a hit
>That Kyouma awakening in the roof when shit is about to start
I get goosebumps just thinking about it

That manga is based off another drama CD that is translated though.

Kurisu is perfection

I want to lick Maho's butthole

You forgot your trip, Kyouma-san
Or is it Salieri's Neighbour?

Why was him such a good antagonist?
Was it the facade of the mischievous kid? The engrish? Being a suave motherfucker? The cinism?
Also, when he talked about that european conflict, did he refer to his origins or something?
And was he actually a good guy in the rinacimiento route? Reyes stayed bad in both though

Messenger left my speechless almost every time it was used. In the trailers/ads I was like "well, it's nice but that's it" but when it was played with the good events, the magic happens.

his engrish actually sounded somewhat believable compared to anything else in the series
in rinascimento Kagari is still Yuki so no


Dr. Leskinen, I'm DARPA

Because his design screams antagonist 101 but he still managed to fool you somehow. That takes skill.


Bullshit, rinascimento Yuki=/=Vega and altair Yuki
We even saw the two together

wait fuck, I got the routes confused, sorry

because it's cute

In a scale from Rukako to Moeka, how big were Reyes' tits?

I'm waiting for the animeonlies reaction when they got to this scene

>he just starts cackling after Suzu socks him in the face

Hououin Kyouma a best

>Suzu socks him awakening Kyouma
>Tuturu slaps him into Steins Gate
He's a M

I thought Reyes double crossed him in Rinacimiento. He also didn't know about Okabe's Reading Steiner so he didn't do anything notable.

Supposedly there's another drama CD released during the Zero release, involving Maho and Daru iirc.

That explains why he likes Kurisu so much.

>He's a M
Aren't most tsunderes M?
Wonder how'd that go along with Kurisu

>It's pretty depressing knowing that all that development they had together essentially never happened in the true end.

Well, the same can be said with Okabe's entire relationship with the girls in the original S;G.

Except fate basically force feeds that to him in s;g. It's not the same perse but it's an interation of a similar senario. Maho is just forgotten by time so long as Kurisu is alive.

>Roof of the Radi-kan
>That starts playing
>Suddenly, a "FUAHAHAHAHAHA"


Reyes isn't cute like Leskinen.

Yeah, I think it's possible if they give Zero 2 cours.

A lot of infodump in Pandora's Box can be skipped anyway.

All of this. He's so much of a cool kid that a lot of people just don't want to believe it and go into denial no matter how obvious it is. And it works. Pretty well. Because if you're in denal and refuse to believe something despite knowing that it is true no ammount of evidence will matter.

They should. I'd think that they'd be pretty scared of fucking the adaptation up and killing S;G's reputation. I really hope that S;G wasn't a fluke in that regard so that S;G0 can shine too.

Maho always haves that complicated expretion on her face
Wonder if she and Kurisu ever had talked about what was going on in the alpha timeline

d...delete this

I think a lot of people would still be disappointed with S;G 0 though.

>Expect cute AI Kurisu to banter with
>Gets literally who with the same face as Kurisu but has shittier VA and 0 personality

>Promised Rinascimeno over
>We're taken back to december 15 2010
>Okabe about to turn of his cellphone
>Notification from RINE
>"What's... this??"
Please White Fox make it happen

>hey maho, guess which physical laws my latest experiment just broke
G-great, you were always good with that stuff too
>hey maho I think I've got a crush on my cool scientist friend, he's sort of a faggot but also he can perceive non-linear time
Why would I care. B-by the way amadeus misses you. When are coming home?
>anyway maho, I hope that- um- AI project you're working on works out
You too

Maho would kill herself out of sheer dishonour and jealousy.

Fuck them, Kagari is cute and did nothing wrong
Though, I kind of feel her character was unfinished, they never explained her looking like Kurisu

she doesn't really need a explanation, some people just look like each other


I have to admit I found it kind of cruel that if you talk to her you get sent straight to Gehenna. Even in the routes where you barely if ever talk to her, she gets deleted.

That's not really something that needs an explanation.

>hey maho, guess which physical laws my latest experiment just broke

Really, the safest thing to do for the world would probably be to say to Kurisu to stay in the kitchen, without any misogyny involved for once.

Although she'd probably turn even that into a causality-breaking weapon somehow.

>Implying coincidences exist and everything isn't just fate and the choice of the steins gate
She's literally Oppai Kurisu.

Did you expect her to be Kurisu's cloning experiment by the illuminati or something?

>suddenly ED2 by Phantasm

wait for the future drama CD, OVA, or anything like that, that'll take care of this.

I thought she was Kurisu and Okabe's daughter and that Mayuri got cucked out of existance.

Then I remembered that Kurisu was dead in that timeline and I was just dumb

Yes, and I know I'm not the only one.

Kurisu has a nicer chest to be honest.

Okabe made a time machine like Suzuha's to bring a alternate timeline-Kurisu here just to bang her. That's just how much he wanted to.

>Although she'd probably turn even that into a causality-breaking weapon somehow.
And that's how the Upa cooking ova happened, though Mayuri is even more dangerous in that aspect
I thought of this and that she came from the alpha timeline somehow

I doubt it was ever planned to be explained in Epigraph trilogy anyway.
Zero just went along with it.


>implying fate exists
>implying okabe isn't the Immanent Omega

Daru's harrassment to Suzuha is really creepy to be honest.

He suddenly went full force in Zero.