The Jews were attacked and expelled from countries in the Middle Ages because they were always the Other and always a...

The Jews were attacked and expelled from countries in the Middle Ages because they were always the Other and always a minority.
Because they were not subject to the authority of the Christian Church, there were always some priests that were hostile to them. Because Christians did not see them in church, there were always churchgoers that were suspicious of them.
This led to a climate in which lies like the Blood Libel could arise and become popular. Here's one brief history of the Blood Libel, by Erna Paris in her book The End of Days.

The passage from John referred to is John 8:44.
John was the last of the four Gospels to be written, and is by far the most explicitly anti-Jewish. The first three (Matthew, Mark and Luke) identify the bad guys as the Romans and the Pharisees (and sometimes the Sadducees are included). John identifies the bad guys as the Romans and the Jews.
This is because the first three gospels were written when Christians still considered themselves a sect of the Jewish religion. John was written when Christians no longer thought of themselves as Jews.

They were expelled from Egypt because they were thieves and trouble makers. That was before Christ. They even wrote in the bible they plundered Egyptians wealth before they hit the road.

The Blood Libel developed slowly over time until it reached its final form: the idea that Jews killed Christian children to mix their blood with unleavened bread. Associated libels included the idea that Jews wanted to re-enact the murder of Jesus and that they wanted to desecrate Christian communion wafers.
As Paris points out, these libels make sense only from a Christian point of view, because they are based on Christian assumptions. They make no sense from a Jewish point of view.

Blood libel is the original fake news.

>They make no sense from a Jewish point of view
Except Jews hate Christians, it's totally in their character

And then they have the chutzpah to frame it as all the fault of the Egyptians and make a holiday about the oy vey.


Nowadays, Christianity is not the central organizing ideology of most people in Europe and the Europeanized world. So people see the Blood Libel as what it is: a ridiculous lie about a suspected and excluded group of people.
Nowadays, people believe in other ideas more strongly, like:
"Everyone has the potential to be successful and make as much money as they want."
"Everyone is free to believe whatever they want to believe."
But the Jews are still a minority in most countries, and they are still The Other. So anti-Jewish groups have come up with some more corresponding libels, like:
"The Jews control the financial system, to block you from being as successful and make as much money as you want."
"The Jews pump out propaganda to influence your opinion away from my opinion, which is the Only Right Opinion."
It's the same old thing in a different guise. Whenever times are tough for some people (and there are always going to be some people who think times are tough for them), they will be susceptible to thinking that The Other is the source of their problems and to believing in libels against The Other.

Why make generalizations? Some Jews hate Christians, some Christians hate Jews. Some Christians and Jews don't hate each other and in fact are friends with each other.
Some Jews are bad people, some are good people. Some Christians are bad people, some are good people. That's because they're all humans.

Interesting. You seem to be making up something out of thin air, because there are no contemporary accounts of the Jews at that time other than what is in the Bible.
The only mentions of the Jews in Egyptian and Mesopotamian writings start much later, when the kingdom of Israel had already been established.

Hadrian tried to exterminate the Jews and that was pre-christian Roman empire.

There was no one the Jews hated as much as Hadrian until Hitler

There were many attempts to exterminate the Jews and the Jewish religion, from Antiochus Epiphanes up to the present time. Considering that they were almost always a minority and/or politically and militarily weak almost everywhere and at all times, it's absoutely amazing that they survived.
My theory is that their survival is based on the fact that they had the (in the ancient world) novelty of a standard religious scripture that was memorized and copied word-for-word faithfully for centuries. That acted as a powerful unifying force. It was also a scripture that could not be denied wholesale by Christians and Muslims, because they incorporated it or stories about it into their own holy texts.

>The Jews control the financial system

This is not libel, it is a fucking fact. Look up the Rothschilds.

How does the fact that the Rothschild family is ethnically Jewish affect your life?


>Controlling most of the world in the interests of world Jewery
>oy vey why do you blame Jews?

1. There are a small number of families that control a huge amount of the wealth of the world.
2. They tend to pass on their money to their children, and try to influence laws in order to retain their wealth.
3. Some of them are Jewish.
Why is (3) more important to you than (1) and (2)? Why is (3) important at all?

Because the ones that use that control in the interests of world Jewery are the ones that tend to have the most impact on my life, most of which is negative. And invariably they act like I should be greatful for how much better it is this way, like you're doing.

How do they have more of an impact on your life than the non-Jewish ones?

They were kicked out of many societies long before the middle ages, they have been hated since the birth of the world. No smoke without fire.

Go away. I've spent so many hours going in to detail on that. Not worth rehashing now. You're autistic, the conversation will not have any merit for either of us, and I need to get some lifts done.

Have fun burning in hell for all eternity.

What the fuck does this have to do with the established fact that Jews in corporate media push race mixing in order to create their talumudic golem agenda and establishing a global power where the rule a world of mutts with no loyalty or genetic ability to stop them?

Pushing for global communism, hedonism, the destruction of the family and all things sacred and traditional. These things have NEVER changed from their agenda.

Maybe YOU haven't read their fucking books because you're a good goy but the Talmud and Israeli jews will spell it out loud and clear for you goy.


As I pointed out above, in the Middle Ages the lies that were told about them were different. Then, the libel was about damaging Christians and Christianity. Now, the libel is about damaging damaging people's financial interests and influencing public opinion.
What is the same is that they are Jews and were and are a minority in most places.
What is different is what insecure people care about.

> don't follow the ball, goy
> where's the ball, goy?

Some Jews have said anti-Gentile things in the past, including in the Talmud. Some Jews have said anti-Gentile things recently too.
There are good people and bad people in all races and religions. Why do you ascribe the views of some anti-Gentile Jews to all Jews?

You need to understand what Jewishness is and what it means. All I see here is that they were a minority and this is the reason for their woes, it's barely even an analysis.

Your post is devoid of logic, probably because you're a fluoride drinking nigger.
Only a few Islamic radicalist throw fags from roofs, the rest are moderates who watch in silent approval. The only way to cure cancer is to remove it ALL. Then no more moderates can breed radicals at ANY ratio.

This is dishonest and untrue. The blood libel stuff is esoteric religion and the kakistocracy. There are Catholics (whatever you name it) who do this too, but do not lie. Many of those child sacrifice and blood letting have ample evidence and it's pointless to deny it.


No, esoteric religion exists and elites rape murder and cannibalize people often. Fuck yourself you ignorant lying shill.