Rare amerimutt thread

Rare amerimutt thread



These fucking threads are so dumb. Sage and hide these threads



there's literally nothing wrong with being black

Sorry Icefag, we wont take this anymore :)

>t. mix raced mongrel


Yeah, what is your problem with being a mongrel? at least we are not musslimes or jews....we identify ourselves as euro descendants....good luck calling for help when you need strength in numbers because there are more "mongrel" guardians of the west, than the actual euro "westerners" .


1 white = over 9000 mongrels
go live in brazil, that's where you belong

Why 52%?

The percentage of non-Hispanic white people in the U.S. population has reached an all-time low: 63%. That is 197.7 million white people out of 313.9 million Americans. In 2000, whites were 69% of the population. In 1980, they made up 80%.Jun 13, 2013.




Niederbro, I love you guys, why do you do this to me?

My filter list gets bigger every time you guys make one of these threads. Keep going.

I've been away from Sup Forums for a little while, what the fuck are these things?
