People bitching about this a ton Sup Forums

People bitching about this a ton Sup Forums

#whitepriviledge #staywoke

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe they should go back to fucking Africa then?

>fingering is rape
Liberals are retarded

Her sexuality was intact, he only gave her an inch

Time for archive

She wasnt sold to anyone. She literally chose to sell her body to a client without informing them she was underage and then killed the guy brutally for fun. Fake gay and sage

Good if blacks don't like it here they should return to their precious African homeland, No horrible whites there to oppress them. Goodbye.

Archived it for you

>being born with a full standard deviation higher than POC in Intelligence just for being white
#whitepriviledge #staywoke #blm

Based Norway

The man didn't know her age, there was no evidence of a struggle, she robbed him then shot him. Sounds like murder to me


Little do they know how many problems this would solve

Thank you, Nordbro.


Property doesn't have rights
There are hundreds of years of slave law to back that up

Brock Turner never raped that bitch. He's wasn't even convicted of rape. He fingered some upperclassmen behind a dumpster. She should've been charged for taking advantage of Turner as he was drinking while underage.

Americans are so classy when having sex.
Lmao there's a reason your laughed at.

>Fingering someone is sex
That's why your aging population is being replaced, you're not doing the sex right.

He has money, she does not. There is no white privilege only green.

>Bong talking class

Except Brock Turner didn't rape anyone. He was given Two Minutes Hate for being a WHITE MALE.

I guess absolutely none of the people liking and sharing this have actually read the case files?

That guy got falsely accused. He should get masses of dollars of compensation.

That bitch however is a coldbluuded murderer.

This meme only proves, that men hane no rights in this society and that female rights MUST be removed. It shows the whole evilness of females and why women must be property of society.

The story shows :

2 false accusers,
One man.imprisoned innocently, the other killed.

Time to act up.
Time to remove all female (((rights))).
Time for men to unite!

>fingering a passed out drunken slut is rape and sexual assault of the lowest order