kill capitalism
Kill capitalism
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Capitalism isn't the problem. Insurance is. Shifting the burden of payment from the the consumer to an insurer insulates the consumer from a primary capital expenditure and leads to a lack of "shopping around." It's the same reason breast augmentation (not covered by insurance) is waaaaay cheaper than breast reconstruction (covered by insurance) even though they're the same surgery. Currently doing my thesis on the phenomenon.
In communist countries this would never have happened!!
(Because there would be no insulin)
>posted from my iphone
if he didn't have to pay the obamacare healthcare tax penalty on his tax return, he would've had enough money to pay for his insulin.
>could have got the insulin for free with prescription assistance
His fault for not taking the effort to apply.
Rly 50$?
could he not just go panhandle for a afternoon?
or ask his boss for a advance?
As opposed to dying because there is a waiting list for insulin?
>when you're poor, you can get it for free right from the manufacturers
He's dead because he's stupid.
>Capitalism isn't the problem. Insurance is.
wow. just wow.
Was he type 1 or type 2 diabetic? depending on which he was is the difference between me giving a shit or not.
Why not just get a job? I see so many of these whiny commies complain about not having money to buy stuff but don't even have a job.
Even if you're resume is dog shit (muh gender studies) at least get a job at mcdonalds ffs.
Commies, really aren't people though and do deserve helicopter rides.
That's not just a meme that's a fact of life
Middle name: raeshawn.
Proof that problems eventually sort themselves out.
Probably should have gotten a job at some point in the last 27 years.
Agreed but here anyone to the left of god emperor Trump is a commie. The authoritarianism doesn't jive with their meme ideology, objective reality doesn't matter, just as long as (((business interests))) get what they want
and you didn't have a parent with enough connections in the party to secure a steady supply so instead you had to wait in line for 2 days to get not enough of what you needed.
>"All white people need to die"
>white person dies
>"wtf this is so awful I can't believe this happened"
being a lib is the worst decision anyone can make
he's identifying a long identified problem in insurance markets related to moral hazard, it's not like he's wrong. When you don't face some function of the market rate you don't shop, producers have no incentive to compete on price at the individual level. Compare elective surgeries like lasik and cosmetic surgeries to insured ones.
>Shane: Hi. I'm a diabetic and can't afford my insulin.
>Emergency Room Mongloid Receptionist: Okay. Take a seat and we'll get you some.
This is how it works. Nobody in the United States who has access to the internet and ability to start a "Go Fund My Bullshit" campaign has the ability to get into a car and get to a hospital for help.
This story is utter crap. The author should be shot.
He died in the wrong way. He was supposed to be a slave financially for the niggers so they can get their gibs.
>in to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built.
Bu..bu..but ...ObamaCare.....
>implying you'd even have a diabetes prone diet in a communist wonderland
>everyone should get shit for free
There are lots of people on insulin treatments and virtually all of them manage to figure out how to pay for it
>The author should be shot.
with insulin.
>to get into a car and get to a hospital for help
unless you pass out and never wake up
This reeks of bullshit! As a white man who has funded the injustices of the world for the past half millennia, Isay enough. No more empathy. No more egalitarianism. No more of my stuff.
you would be rationing your food instead of insulin
fool, read some books
That explains all the drugged out meth/coke/oxy/opiate positive mongoloids that come in with DKA that I have to fucking admit in the middle of the night. Must be capitalism's fault.
>no joke
>no punchline or flow
>no sense of humorous irony
the left cant meme
Capitalism isn’t to make sure everyone gets healthcare. It’s to make sure the important people do.
If you’re a high school dropout without a decent education and no skills that assist the human race, you’re expendable.
Not everyone can get great healthcare. If we hand it out for free, the doctor’s offices are clouded by niggers and the engineers have to wait in line behind the shit-shovelers. Neither of them get quality care and both have to wait weeks.
why post such a shitty /leftypol? meme then
>be me
>live with parents
>recently quit OTR trucking, a job I did in the last 4 years
>saved $183k in those 4 years (including from side gigs I did during 3 month trucking inactivity every year)
>now working in Uncle's BBQ pit eatery, living a semi-retired life at 26
I swear, y'all lack foresight and discipline.
Communism isn't the problem. The farms are.
This. There's no excuses now, liberals.
>fat nigger died
Capitalism doing its job
>tfw haven't had insurance in years
>my body is falling apart
>will likely die soon as well
>But thank god, Obamacare charged me tons of money I'll never pay back for not having signed up for their bullshit cause I couldn't afford it.
What they're neglecting to mention is how much the GoFundMe was asking for initially. I bet it was over $1,000.
Anybody got a link to the actual story? I've seen this all over the place, but I haven't seen anything that actually tells me the cause of death.
200k isn't shit, user. You're 26 and don't have a family. Good on you for getting a head start but don't kid yourself into thinking that's anything but what it is.
>he died because of gofundme
>he died because his internet panhandling wasn't good enough of a scam
>ever heard of a job?
>ever heard of healthcare for the poor run by state?
So he sold all his belongings for insulin right? Bullshit.
"Kill" communists
I use quotes because they aren't human nor alive
It's plenty as long as the markets keep rising and he's invested all of it plus works part-time. 20k return every year plus another 30k in income is plenty if he's single. And if he reinvests the return he'll be in great shape to have a family in 5-7 years
Damn it! I could have helped!
If only my taxes were lower and the Government didn't insist on maintaining a monopoly over caring about poor people!
Government enforced rights / pazents ate literally communism.
But yeah : no chance the retarded commie race will ever understand it ... or anything.
Best solutuin would be to simply shoot all commies, desu.
I'm set to inherit property/funds from my parents and grandparents on both sides. My living costs are EXTREMELY cheap (including that more than half of my family's meat source is hunted). I feel for anyone that has massive debt. It's absolutely alien to me. I guess that's what happens when I'm brainlet, who declined to go to college X-----D (:3) fuggg
I already have two ;^)
I'm set to inherit property/funds from my parents and grandparents on both sides. My living costs are EXTREMELY cheap (including that more than half of my family's meat source is hunted). I feel for anyone that has massive debt. It's absolutely alien to me. I guess that's what happens when I'm brainlet, who declined to go to college X-----D (:3) fuggg
I already have two ;^)
Semi-retired. I'm in the works of being part owner of my Uncle's various businesses with cousin.
highly regulated system, literally socialist, fails.
Capitalism is the REASON THOSE SHOTS CAN EVEN BE PURCHASED in the first place, you fucking moron.
Show me the non-capitalist land that has free fucking advanced medicine for anyone?
Yeah, it doesn't motherfucking exist you retard, because we're living in the 2000's, not the year 2600.
You idiot children have been sitting down watching sci fi movies and shows for so long, doing fuck all with your lives, you've forgotten that THINGS take EFFORT to CREATE.
And if you think for one single, solitary planck-second that removing capitalism in this day and age is going to do anything other than plunge the world back into a regressive feudal shit-topia of inefficient misery, you're truly.
A danger to yourself and others, and you should consider just killing yourself and sparing everyone your sheer idiocy.
Big pharma and private hospitals are the reason medical expenses are so high.
They can charge insurance companies whatever the fuck they want.
This is why the US will never have socialized health care.
No, the people who are communists are the ones preaching for the downfall of capitalist America and spreading extreme socialist ideas. Regular liberals aren't. Don't be an extremist and you won't be labeled as such.
>has NHS
>campaigns as a free market retard
Cuba, China,
>waaaaay cheaper
>five different a's
how cheaper is that in percenatages
There are all kinds of programs to reduce the price of medical care for poor people. This guy should have taken advantage of them, instead he was a twitch tier millennial that made a gofundme and hid inside his white walled apartment. This is a case where he did it to himself.
where's the joke
NHS is a joke, it's a machine of misery.
All NHS staff are so overworked, it's just barely above a communist work camp.
Because the government promises the world, but the world costs money, which they don't have enough of, in total spite of the fact we're taxed to fuck and back here, so what do they do?
They demand that the NHS staff make up for the lack of funding by essentially becoming slaves.
>free service is a joke goyim!
You are absolutely batshit insane if you think Cuba and China have healthcare that comes even close to the shittiest capitalistic country in the west.
In china, you are a flesh-drone and you exist to do nothing other than be a functioning cell in the state superorganism.
And cuba is china's propped-up pet, being kept on a financial iron lung whilst the (now dead) despot Fidel lives in the lap of luxury whilst his people suffer.
You're a sick cunt if you think these hellholes are anything but.
Who says memeflags are useless?
> diabeetus in his 26
Fucking how?
>implying you'd even have a diabetes prone diet in a communist wonderland
> implying you will have a diet
Checks out
>regressive feudal shit-topia of inefficient misery
I want this phrase tattooed on my right hand so that I'll never forget and be around it at all times. Thank you.
>who declined to go to college X-----D (:3) fuggg
go back to where you came from gay boy
seems like it's working as intended. why not end gibs?
Probably type two, the kind you're born with.
Type 1 bro
the nibba could have litteraly called 911 and get sent to the emergency room to get his insulin. Fuck commies ignorant.
Implying your system would do better oreven have insulin - saged
Things that don't happen in...pretty much every other first world country
>Giving people insulin = communism
For all we know he died of a heroin overdose. What was the cause of death?
In a free land, nobody is required to pay for your needs. I don't understand why people think that this person was entitled to anything other than his fate.
It's not free you lefty retard, it's a service dragged out of my earnings whether I like it or not.
Doesn't matter how fucking healthy I am.
Doesn't matter if I exercise daily, eat healthily, avoid drugs and excessive drinking and keep myself mentally fit, I STILL have to pay for the treatment of the rest of the country that couldn't give a fuck about doing that for themselves.
I could easily spend the next 20 years of my life without seeing a hospital and I'll still have every movement of my money taxed; money I earn; taxed, money I spend; taxed, own a TV; taxed, own a house; council taxed, I drive a car; taxed, I put fuel in the car; taxed on top of the other tax.
You can't take a shit in this country without the government wanting half of it.
And it's crap like the NHS that's the cause.
You fucking retard, it's anything BUT free.
It's a paid subscription I CAN'T UNSUBSCRIBE FROM.
Implying there would be enough food to establish a diet
>Thinking 183K is anything
It's a good start for your age but you need to do that for another 20 years before you even think about retiring.
Exactly. Why wasn't he able to stay on his parents' insurance? Why is the age 26? If his parents wanted to keep him on insurance until he was 36, it is of no business to anyone.
However, that is beside the fact that insurance raises the cost for everything.
Holy shiy, this is hilarious, this fag needed a fucking online tip jar to afford medication because he was too old to be on his parents' insurance! What's the matter libcucks, Mexicans got your part-time job? Do his parents just not give two shits about him they couldn't lend him $50 for insulin? Holy shit, this is too funny
If he's on insulin, it means - at one point - he has had a doctor. If he's had a doctor, did you know that you can walk up to your doctor right now and go "listen man I can't make my insulin costs right now." and he will literally give you some.
How do I know this? I've done it.
Go live on Bodmin moor or something
How many times can you do it?
>fat guy lives with parents till 27
>dies because of (((capitalism)))
If you're an adult and you can't into 50 bucks, you deserve to die face down in the gutter.
Capitalism with a twist: it's rigged and the money supply is broken
Insulin is retarded expensive. Before insurance my mom's is over $1200 a month. For a while it was costing over $100/month out of pocket but fortunately she got a better supplement so not it's only $30 a month. I feel legit bad for anyone that needs this shit and doesn't have insurance to pay for it.
The Constitution doesn't entitle you to be diabetic. Nor should it. It's a shame that some people are born weak. Doesn't mean it's my burden to bear.
>Insulin is retarded expensive.
Also I think you meant to say, "Insulin is retardedly expensive."
Damn, it's a leaf eat leaf world now
Some asshole is begging for insulin (walmart sells a super cheap version of Humulin) and they are bent at Capitalism?
Exactly HOW is begging the problem of Capitalism?