/Kraut/pol - Traitor edition

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
SPD in full damage control mode LARPing as opposition.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
Presicuck Steinmeier inviting usual suspects for anudda 4 year big coalition of doom.
Greens are now ranting about FDP as was predicted.

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag
streamable.com/bv0n4 (english subtitles!)

>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled


>English: poz'd (((press)))

>AfD speeches in Bundestag

>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

Other urls found in this thread:


Changed the news a bit, no one wants to read old news.
Non-Germans! Watch this translated speech: streamable.com/bv0n4

Is this the thread where I can talk about milkies?

Sure, know that she is a traitor however. Alice Weidel is our new lesbian leader.

Get this traitorous bitch out of here before i... hnnnnnnggggg. Too late.

It's almost as if women become batshit crazy when they are pregnant. Should AfD allow her to come back when she wants to?

We should just anschluss you at this point desu

Keine Ahnung uezs, aber ich bampe den Faden nochmal mit einem smuggen Doggo.

Great speech. I really fucking loathe the EU, UN and any superstate.

What are the odds of new elections istead of big coalition?

Please do.
Wie geil ist das denn?

Best part was when he talks about raising birth rates and the old parties go crazy about it.
25% imo. Depends on SPD base member vote in a few weeks. SPD and CDU elite kikes are shilling hard for big coalition, SPD youth is against it.


Kuhkrawattenmäßig hammer obergeil.

Ich kann immer noch nicht darüber hinwegkommen, dass mein dummes Gehirn aus "Kuh Krawatte" "Pinguin Pyjama" gemacht hat. Is echt war.

Ich hab hier gefragt nach dem Jamaica-Aus, ob jemand das Bild hat wo Lindner den Pinguin Pyjama an hat und alle so loool waat. War dann doch ne Kuh Krawatte.

Maybe after the traditional christmas terror attack.

Ich erinnere mich daran, der Hivemind wusste ja, was du meintest. Ich bin der, der dem lurkenden Baldkanzler riet, doch eine Pepekrawatte zu tragen. :^)

Kraut pols are so empty and dry compared to aus pol. So depressing.

Thank you, energy country needs Farage.
It warms my heart to see that Germany has one.
I really hope you Germans do all you can to help the situation.
The time is here to be pro active and not remain passive.

Germans seem to go on pretty fine without the government anyway. Why do you need it in the first place? What difference does it make you got riots and mass rapes every now and then nonetheless.

We just don't compare to Aussie shitposting kings.
Well said. All AfD speeches in the (((Bundestag))) were incrdibly high energy so far and the viewcounts on YT reflect that. None of the old parties come even close. There currently is a small IOTBW campaign goig on, plus the shenanigans of the Identitäre Bewegung. A recent docu about them, while bein incredibly bluepilled, showed how violent Antifa is in comparation and probably redpilled a few normies. Things are looking quite good imo.

Well Merkel is still chancellor... if they need to, the old government can still act. It's just good manners that keep them from doing so.

(((Bento))) telling us what is Nazi speech:
>Zum Beispiel das Wort "Volk".
The test doesn't work on archive sadly:

what do you mean by "odds"?
The left hopes to get enough votes for a "r2g" (SPD+die linke+grüne) coalition. especially the youth organisations oft these parties.
mürkl is afraid of loosing power, she will do anything to avoid re-elections. she want to stay in power with either the SPD in big coalision, or "die grünen" in a minor coalition, allowed by spd in opposition. SPD is a big gamer now, they try to make the rules for a big coalition, knowing that mürkl is getting out of chances.

So viele Volksfahrräder.

nazi words according to them
>Drittes Reich
words or phrases that can be problematic:
>Jedem das Seine

bento is das geilste. die Redaktion residiert im Erdgeschoss des Spiegel buildings, easy target. das wär mir ein volxfest wenn da mal jesuischarlie mässig gefeiert werden würde.

Reading their bullshit articles magazine is a guilty pleasure of me. Can't handle more than one at a time however.

Have you guys seen the reporter being attacked by peaceful black people in Brüssel yet? youtube.com/watch?v=iYv9K7sC3LA

literally the opposite of the word courteous
special treatment
>Drittes Reich
Okay, I see that. It's a biblical term for paradise and us still using it for Nazi-Germany is weird.
>Jedem das Seine
I grew up with that expression and for me that's actually tolerant and liberal. Wanna eat sausage with Nutella? To each his own (Jedem das Seine)
Loyal, true. Of course this triggers the left.
Will power, strength of will. Yup, they hate strength and virtues.

Also checked.

>Erdgeschoss des Spiegel buildings
Im Ernst? Der Bodensatz vom Bodensatz sozusagen.

Wenn sogar (((Der Spiegel))) meint, du solltest mal besser in den Keller gehen... solltest du echt mal dein Leben überdenken, oder sowas.

Long article on Telepolis just came out:
>Deutschland - überrollt, überfremdet, überfordert?!?
Haven't read it yet, but their forum is pretty based, might be interesting.

what would hitler think if he saw Afd are being led by a dyke

Thanks for the translations. Their reasoning is that those words were used by nazis in a positive way, can't have that.
We had a debate about "Jedem das seine" in Germany last year, public opinion is 50/50.

If he knew the current state of Germany, he'd probably think of her as a "necessary evil".

Bento ist das deutsche Buzzfeed.

diese journedukativen kulturmarximierer brauchen den Geruch der gosse um ihrer authentizitätssimulation den Anschein von Relevanz verleihen zu können.

Nacht Schnuckies, möge die SPD morgen kollabieren.

She wanted to kick out Höcke, so no.

>Best part was when he talks about raising birth rates and the old parties go crazy about it.
Our politicians are a bunch of good goys.

Wow, Can someone give context about it plz, I can't be bothered learning german and going to ggole translate. Is this just an isolated thing where some retarded journalists are making crap or is this what the german people actually think about these words. In that case what a shit place to live. That's just pathetic.

It's the German version of Buzzfeed, they wrote an in which they told you wich words are not okay to use because they relate to the Nazis.

Ist morgen irgendwas los?

True to both.

Naja viel länger kann's ja nicht mehr dauern. :^)



>a fucking cuck haven

Krauts, are people angry at FDP backing out of the coalition? Could it lead to lost votes in the next possible election?

würde bedeuten nächstes Jahr muss die CSU in Bayern mit afd koalieren um regieren zu können. ... so much stimmenschwund.

The media (which is either run by Commies of the 68er school, e.g. massively anti-German or right out of Jew York) is - FDP/Green/Merkel would have ensured massive influence for the Greens and the media like those because they destroy everything they touch.
Not sure about the general population, most of the people I know vote AfD anyway.

Jusos are also rebelling. JU also is not happy but they're mostly cucks and passdeutsche so who cares.

left media tries to blame FDP, but it don't work. i think FDP will stay at 10%, but more and more people gets polarized by this political Circus and will vote for change.

>You'll get to see anarchy and full destruction of society or a hardlining Right-wing party rule before Sweden does.

Feels good, bro.

its not what the german ppl think its what the establishment WANTS the german ppl to think .

not really. FDP stood their ground on their program while the CDU fully embraced pretty much anything the greens wanted wich is pretty much full blown commie / sjw shit so if anything the FDP is strenghtened by not caving in and supporting a stance that their voters support.

This is a great Progression. polarized youth organisations will end the boomer politrix establishment. funeral of volxparteien.

Germany your election is a farce. it's an illusion. Soros always gets what he wants. SPD probably outsmarted CDU by saying they go into coalition knowing very well Jamaica will never happen. They know CDU/CSU will come begging them on their knees to make big coalition happen again. German voters have once again been fooled by the jews. Next time stop voting for FDP and SPD altogether and vote more AfD... there must be consequences for once actions. Don't be fooled again German anons.

>go into coalition
you mean opposition, right?
wouldn't be so sure yet about this coalition happening, the youth organisations of both parties are rebelling against the party leaders

>"what if we were moderate and electable, gradually moving the country toward our long-term goals, instead of seeming like a rabid fringe and becoming an absolute joke like some NPD 2.0?"
Was there some piece in there that I missed? Please tell me if there was.
Because I never quite got why we were all supposed to hate Petry so much and so suddenly.

Preaching to the choir man. The average German voter doesn't speak fluent English, and even if he does, he is likely to get his news from tax-funded TV, or worse.


People here vote FDP?
If they feel betrayed at this point, i'd say: "serves them right, they trusted the jew."

>"Für Merkel geht es darum, ob es für sie nach dem Scheitern der Jamaika-Sondierungen tatsächlich noch einen Einstieg in eine vierte Regierungszeit ohne Neuwahl geben kann."


Sofort zuruck nach Greichenland, du Schweinbauer.


Are you drunk, retarded or just 100% american beef?